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Rhino Heath Robinson Style


My last harvest was a pathetic .346 gram per watt due to an mostly empty grow room. Lets see if I can get to 1 gpw with this White Rhino and the 9 random wall plants I have to fill in the space. I am a few weeks into flower already. 1gpw is 96oz which I consider unachievable honestly. Heath runs on a flop flop cycle for lights, I do not. He achives a yeild boost doing this. I do not have a flip box or extra lights to do this so I do not expect his yeilds on a gpw basis. I am only trying to match him on a oz per plant basis. (my rhino vs his cheisel or other tree grow)

Here are my notes from trying to copy Heath.

Cord Roots- Water level in hydro dwc can not ever drop. Dropping causes cord roots that do not absorb nutrients like regular roots therfore lowering yeild.

Dissolved Oxygen- Air bubbles do not create do, technically. Its the high surface area that creates the do. Knowing this opens up other methods of introducing DO

Light- Plants do not like intense light even weed. Its better to get the same light over more of the plant than try to super light-up the top. (we are in a vertical forum so I know you guys already know this)

Air flow- Exchange the total volume of air every 30 seconds UNLESS that will cause the grow room temps to drop below acceptable levels.

Nutes- There is no reason to feed strong solutions of nutes Heath has a nice chart that shows why, basically plants have a range they are happy in and they are just as happy in a "weaker" solution than one that is on the edge of burning.

White Rhino the day I got it as a clone.

White Rhino today:

Its in a 5 gal bucket hooked up to a 31 gal rubbermaid with 25 gal nutes recycled through a pump so the water never drops in the 5 gal.

It was vegged for 10 weeks

Lighting 2 1000w 1 600w


Mistakes I have made so far:

I have cord roots, due to what causes cord roots I have also killed a decent amount of good roots from drying out. This will hurt yeild

My room is still not full, I just moved so I need to get settled in again.

The 9 small plants were not fed any nutrients for the last 2 or 3 weeks. They did not stretch and thier growth is not going to be what they should have been. Long story short the room is in a rental and has fresh carpet, I had to make sure no nutes would leak and stain the carpet.

I do not have fresh air intake. My room is sealed, vented to the attic in a house with no roof vents- to be fixed soon. Room overheats on warm days but I live in a cold climate so They are rare for this time of year.


Good info mate..Great choice of strain too..
Do you use a dissolved oxygen meter to monitor the levels in the rez ?

Id love to try this style but trimming so much bud would be a nightmare for me,So i refrane myself lol

Wishing you much sticky success !!
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I still use air stones and don't measure DO. Heath uses water pumps to make waterfalls to make his DO. Air stones harbor bacteria and slime. I don't like relying on pumps, now I am as the 5 gal doesnt hold much water for a plant the size of my rhino. Next harvest I'm using a 31 gal rubbermaid as the grow bucket also. Like heath who uses something different but in essence it will be the same save for the fact that I try to make it so my plants can last a week after a pump dying even the air pump. Which is why heaths waterfall is nice, a 2nd way of DO as a backup.

I grew this "same" clone a few years ago when I was still in dirt. It was my best harvest in dirt. Its a 10 week strain though thats why I dropped it years ago. Luckly my friend kept it going and since I want to go for straight weight I chose to get it back. Unfortunately it had powdery mildew when I got it. I grew some new tips on it, took off every leaf besides the new tips and wiped it with rubbing alcohol so it might have powdery mildew. This is my test if I can remove it without chemicals. One hell of a large test but I am confident i'll be fine. I do not belive pm is systematic just hard to kill in infected tissue so I removed all infected tissue and existing non infected tissue after supressing the outward signs. Not one sign of pm since I did this and the plant is obviously massive so I think its gone.


White Rhino isn't my first choice, i'm waiting on some black rose cross seeds. Its called Bizzare. I hope heath gave them permission to use his gentics as I know some people have used it without permission. BUT I want a black rose so bad that if it has to be unofficial then so be it and I hope heath doesnt get offended.


Welcome Pip..... I like your aspirations and goals to attain.....Gotta start somewhere and chasin Heath`s numbers are definitely admirable.....but....

Don`t beat yourself up so much about your previous shortcomings Bro.......Dialage comes from "runs under yer belt" and the more yas learn , the more yas earn........in knowledge, experience , as well as return on investment.....now...

Cord roots are a survival mechanism by the plants growing in water culture to retain nutrient uptake to a certain degree so the "air gap" in between the bottom roots in juice and the upper roots anchored in medium in the upper containers....and yes.....

Cord roots most definitely fuck with nutrient uptake /transfer and costs bigtime for bottom line yield production by end of cycle.... guaranteed.....and again.....

Large pond pumps with bypasses that blast back down into the rez for max O2 mixing in main rez`s was where I copied Heath`s designs for many yrs , but there`s many ways ta skin a mule and it`s all about what works for you where you are.....so....

Heath taught me about air exchange twice per minute ,and in all my yrs of following his setups I never saw a/c units nor dehueys in any room he ever ran , but......

Where I live , it would be suicide and certain crop death without total environmental control start to finish , so again.....Yas gotta make shit work for you where you are geographically as well as strict environmental control......

70% relative humidity till end of stretch , and as low as possible till end of cycle is your friend ....Never letting lights on and lights off temps vary more than 10 degrees is vital as well.....

All about doin this shit and fine tuning it run after run.....bet on it....Good luck and holler if I can help......



I have yielded better than the .346 before its just that last harvest my room wasnt close to full. I need to set my goal high to make up for last harvest. I know for a fact I underfed last time (6-9 lucas) because I did not have "automatic" water refilling so I had to worry about ppm's going sky high as the water dropped. Now I don't have that problem. Last harvest was yellow by week 5, I will not have that issue this time. I "only" got 13oz off this plant because of that. I was expecting over a pound but it was fluffier than galaxy god bud has ever been for me. Just think if I had 6-8 of these. Not having a real veg room and trying to stay under 12 plants total sucks.

I read somewhere that the best way to know when to harvest is when the plant in flower stops drinking large amounts of water. Has anyone else heard of this? I just read it last week so I havent tried it yet but so far pistil color and resin cloudyness havent been reliable from strain to strain. This water idea sounds universal.

My local climate is comparable to heath's, Michigan and the U.K. hot summers cold winters 4 seasons so i'm good until may for temps besides "indian summer" days.


last weeks pic

last weeks pic

She broke the 2 biggest branches but I tied them back and they had a little still hanging on so they didn't even look sad or anything. I tied a few more while I was at it. I havent tied them to the celing yet though.



I had to pull the side plants early as they had nanners.

On the positive side I got a pound and a half off the rhino, gpw is not great but yield per plant is great so I just need to run 4 of those soon.

All in all I would call it a success also not a single trace of powdery mildew and no fungicide used on a plant that I got as a clone with pm on it.


Well-known member
Looks like some nice trees to me! Congrats on the harvest.

Pulling down my Rhino circles around the 1st of the year.

One question.. are you still running 6/9? 6/9 is a modified version of Lucas 8/16 which has been tailored for use in coco. Since your DWC/water-culture why not just run full strength 8/16. Always worked flawless for me when I was running straight hydro.

Looks great none the less..


Is there a such thing as too much light? I have 3 600w bulbs and a 1000w surrounding a plant at the appropriate bulb to plant distances but I some how feel that the 2800w this plant has as much brighter then when I had 2600w around the last one and they are the same size plants same kind but the light is from 4 bulbs instead of 3

Technically I'm around 56w sqft but I kind feel that's irrelevant.



Never mind my ac isn't big enough anyway so I turned up the ballasts and put them on a dual 6 hour cycle so I basically have a flip flop of 1800w (2000 and 1600)


I veg for at least 8 and up to 12 weeks. That rhino was 10 or 11 I don't remember exactly.

The longer the better as long as you have the wattage to back it up if your doing trees. My goal is 4 of those plants with 5 1000w bulbs.

Where I live plant count matters so the veg time to me is worth it. You need to take your personal situation into account to see if such a long veg is worth you time.


Some more notes:

Do not let plant stem too close to bottom of net pot when transplanting, I forgot about that and got stem rot on 3 plants with over 5 weeks veg.

If growing in the same 5 gallon buckets with lids do not transplant clones until at least 5 inches of roots form and make sure to pull the roots through the pot so at least 3 inches of roots are in the water. Trust me it makes a huge difference on root growth, plants don't like to switch mediums and seem to "hesitate" unless they aren't given the choice then they are very happy very quickly. I've ripped dirt out of a plants root system and converted it to Dwc, by placing the damaged roots deep into the water the plant was growing by the next day.

So sorry for the 0 for 1 people like this post. I did that accidentally I'm on a phone and it lags bad. I was just trying to switch pages.

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