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Rheumatoid Arthritis and MMJ


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
don't forget your local community hospital they have programs for people that do not have insurance. I use a program called MAP (Medical Assistance program)I have RA and a feew other problems. I do not pay to see any doc and all ER visits are free. I do get a discount for medications but some are very expensive. My pain meds are 180$ every 90 days without this discount it would be 400+. Have them give you mom her rec it will be free you wont have to pay for a pot doc

Mr. Mountain

My neighbor took more than the recommended amount of alieve for hurting knees for over a year and it killed him !!!! Don't know the details but I was told too much alieve for too long was the root cause. He wasn't even 30 years old yet. The beauty of cannabis is its lack of bad side effects.

I was given my RA diagnoses when I was very young, before starting treatment I could barely get in and out of a car.

I hobbled like an old man, I had problems walking and could no longer play sports. I was a mess because of the pain.

A reckless "Dr." put me on massive doses of NSAID's which soon caused serious damage to my digestive system.

Not to mention my liver.

Now I have RA and a whole host of GI problems. I also have the distinct honor :mad: of being "scoped" twice a year. Then they biopsy every erosion, ulcer etc...

I am actually LUCKY... I had so many problems during the first years of the NSAID treatment that I ended up seeing A "Real" Doc at UofM hospital in Ann Arbor. I was seen by the head of the RA department and taken off of that insane treatment.

Now I always get a second opinion.

I found Cannabis, and I have never looked back. Nothing works for both my RA and GI problems like cannabis, nothing.

Mr. Mountain


The only reason for taking the Advil or Ty was to Try and get away from the 800mg of Naproxen the Doctors where giving me ... Naproxen was a killer on the stomach made me feel even worse.. I still have stomach pains to this day but now that found Nurse Jane mary iv been loving life again no moe pills if I have pains I just take a sanp out thd phx and if I got time I'll pack a Vap .... cookie and oils take a long time to kick in and sometime the high its two much so I'll usally save those forr latenite...

So if your State is one of the 13 and you have some form of Arthritis I highly recommend looking into a MMP

Mediri88...... All Indica one gigantic Sativa \Ssh