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RG's Grow


New member
sexy looking grow. i just started some white rhinos, nothing exotic, but im looking forward to it. ill stick by and continue to watch :)


hey venkmosa - good to see ya again. Dropping the screen was an idea that I had to get 2 more inches of bud height when I was growing in the Rubbermaids. It helped to squish out the plant more on the sceen when it was being trained. I think now, I'd just set the screen up to 6" and train away.

Hi joesalamon - pull up a chair and stay a while....


its good to be seen, red :D. i see what you mean, there's no need to start it high and drop it, just start training to the screen lower and earlier. KISS - motto of my life lol. i guess i am getting a teeny bit more complicated this time around with organics, but i think it'll be worth it. i just can't find the darn EWC at any stores around here yet, i'll probably have to just wait a month (or drive an hour or so) to get them


We're pretty limited here in the Great White North for grow supplies. There's just Miracle Grow and Shultz stuff at Crappy Tire and Home Despot etc... Maybe you can get your EWC and various bat and rat shit at your local Nursery. It's going to be a couple of months before they open up here.

Here's an update fella's.....

My Thai-Lights is ready for 12/12. There are 4 growth shoots that have hit the screen and I'm tucking them under. This is very important to a successful scrog. You have to keep the shoots under the screen. You can see that my Epsom Salt foliar feeding has fixed the Mg problem. All the new growth is green or green stripes on the really red stems. Anytime the plant grows a leaf or stem with a deficiency, it's there forever. Plant's don't heal themselves.

My LUI is behind a bit and not ready for 12/12 yet. None of the growth tips have hit the screen and the lower stuff is pretty much shaded by the heavy Indica leaves. If I flipped now, there will be some stretch, but it's best to wait another couple of days.

My little Thai-Lights is doing the best of the bunch, no def's no tip burn and the node spacing is tight tight.


Cool, this kind of answers questions I was having about my screen placement (it's only been on for a few days). I guess I'm doing it right.

shameless self promotion warning:


Red_Greenery said:

I was waiting for the plants to need watering before repotting into 8" pots and putting on the screen. I topped my plants the other day to get it ready for scrogging. I prefer topping to LST because it makes a nice symmetrical plant and kills the main growth shoot so all the cola's are all the same size.

The screen is made from a single coathanger spread out square with legs made from coathangers. It takes 3 to make up a screen. I duct tape it onto the pot securely so the plant can be lifted up by the screen. This was handy when scrogging in the rubbermaid tubs. I got the plastic coated wire at Home Depot. It was really cheap around $5 for 100 feet.

My growbox is pretty tight now with the 8" pots but there was still room to squeeze in the little TL. Actually I have room for 3 x 8" pots without screens and 2 x 10" pots.

Anyway I thought I'd find my SCROG tutorial from the old Rubbermaid days to jog my old memory...

these pics are awesome... killer scrog job


Thanks for dropping by Rudie and MrSrog. Your plants look really good!

I'm home sick today and just watered my plants. I noticed that the growth shoots on the LUI were covered by two big honking indica leaves at the top of the plant so I cut them off to expose 4 growth shoots underneath. The rule with plants is anything that gets more light that something else will grow faster so I'm giving the growth shoots an advantage.

I tuck all the fan leaves under the growth shoots and will use twist ties to hold the shoots in place under the screen. I also prune carefully to remove fan leaves that block the shoots and will remove any small shoots from lower down that won't make it up to the screen. These are suckers that just sap growth energy from the plant.


you seem to take the same view on trimming as i do: do it as little as possible, but always remove anything that is blocking light or stealing nutrients from your main budsites.

your screens are about 1ft sq. right? so how many tops do you keep? if i remember correctly, the norm is 8 colas/ sq ft


I've heard that 8 buds/sqft is optimum. I've found that 9 in a 3x3 arrangment fills these screens nicely.

When I did that reveg and got a ton of buds, I think I had 36-39 buds in a 2 sqft area. They were crowded enough that there were dominant and secondary buds. I should have cleaned out the secondary buds early. The yeild was around 1/2 of what I expected.


Well-known member
Red_Greenery said:
I've heard that 8 buds/sqft is optimum. I've found that 9 in a 3x3 arrangment fills these screens nicely.

When I did that reveg and got a ton of buds, I think I had 36-39 buds in a 2 sqft area. They were crowded enough that there were dominant and secondary buds. I should have cleaned out the secondary buds early. The yeild was around 1/2 of what I expected.

"Intresting Cab Design" :smoker:

Why No Updates Red?

So you feel that if you had "Thinned" the budz......you would harvest TWICE as much?
Really or just bigger budz.....that look "Better"?

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