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RG's Grow



Hey guys, I haven't posted all week. My seedlings started having trouble right after I took the saran wrap off. They seemed to respond to more light and then I noticed that they were getting burt. I thought it was light stress so I moved them down away from the lights a bit and then figured they were getting too much ventilation.

I put the seedlings just under 2 CFL lights with no ventilation blowing on them (the old way) and they are coming around. I think with the stress damage they are close to a week behind. And I lost one too. It popped out of the soil upside down. I righted it but it didn't live.

I've had pretty good luck germinating seedlings but I have to say these breeder seeds are shitty. I've never seen seeds so small. It sure looks like the mother was pollinated late in the flowering cycle or these strains are so inbred that they can't produce viable seeds. The seedlings are really tiny and oh so fragile it's unbelievable.

I'm being careful to spritz the seedlings with a spray of water. There's lot's of moisture in the soil so they don't need watering just yet.


Hey Rudie, that seedling looks great.

Hiya Jack, looks like you did fine on your first grow! I bought my first seeds from Marc, just a starter pack for $30. This is a great hobby and I've gotten lot's of help along the way too.

Hey Trick you don't have to screw up to post pics. It's nice to see healthy plants too!

AinSophAur - I think the CFL's will grow a bit more foliage during flowering. I don't know if I'll LST or SCROG this grow. Stay tuned....


O man Sorry to hear about your mishap RG. Small ass seeds almost dont even sound right, just because you'd have to think what the hell will come out of that little thing :p

But never the less I know you'll pull off some sick ass bud no doubt :p And youll turn everything around just fine hehe.

Personally I just said fuck it with my PC grow and my little ones, From reading your last post I got the drift that mine might have gotten way to much light, 120+watts per square foot .. OOPS :p So ya, hehe O well I wont jack-hi your thread :p but the whole story is updated in my thread.. After I look through all of the ones I stop by at :p 12+ hehe

Keep growing man
Smoke On :p
Hey Red! Too bad 'bout those seeds. Where did you get them, if I might ask? That way when I go to order my BB and NL's I know who to stay away from.

Gonna be watchin'!


Hey SlowCala - I bought the Legends LUI and Dr Atomics over the counter from the local hemp shop. I'm hoping I didn't get ripped but I can certainly see why a lot of people are having problems with seedlings.

Military, yeah 100+ w/sqft is too much for tender little seedlings. I've found that they should only be close to a light to just feel a bit warm but not hot.


Yeah!, its awesome to see you keeping a grow thread again Red, your setup and thread was actually the first one I stumbled onto after googling "growing techniques" and looking for a forum or community to learn from. After reading your Rubbermaid thread, I saw how easy it was and spent all night till the crack of dawn reading threads on here for the first time. Lets see what comes, I'll be following this one closely!


Hey sleepy and swurve, pull up a chair. This grow is going pretty slow so don't be in too much of a hurry.

Here's my Thai-Lights survivor. It really turned around the last couple of days. I germed another TL and am waiting for it to pop out of the soil.

Here's my two LUI's. They are still improving are growing with yellowing on top.

I gave them a little drink yesterday cause the soil was drying out.

These guys are really struggling and I'm over a week behind right now. I've got it narrowed down to 3 things. I think the seeds were planted too close to the surface and niether the rootball or cotyledon's developed properly. They came out with the seedpods stuck. The other thing could be my soil mix is a bit heavy and the roots aren't developing. That would explain the yellow tops. Last, the seeds could be shitty.

I've got to hold off watering for a while and let the roots develop. I'm also thinking about going to a 18-6 light cycle. Now that the tops have picked up, the roots might need to catch up for a while.

The thing with seedlings is that giving fertilizer to fix problems only burns them. Most seedling problems are from lack of rootball development. If the top overtakes the roots, it doesn't take long to show deficiencies.
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very good advice, red. seedlings really show the trinity plants need, Air - Water - Earth. that applies to roots too heh

sorry about your bad seeds, been hearing a lot about that lately. funny thing is, many people starting bagseed end up with vigorous great plants, but even experienced growers have been having issues with breeder seeds.


yeknomssa said:
very good advice, red. seedlings really show the trinity plants need, Air - Water - Earth. that applies to roots too heh

sorry about your bad seeds, been hearing a lot about that lately. funny thing is, many people starting bagseed end up with vigorous great plants, but even experienced growers have been having issues with breeder seeds.

Weeds a plant, and I think a natural process of seedlings growing out and being pollinated only helps to improve genetics and ensures hardy natural selection. The issue with breeding in an indoor, closed environment, is that perhaps after multiple closed breeding processes and using unseeded(cloned) mothers, the breeders seeds are losing their ability to propagate naturally and produce healthy, viable seeds?


I am having a similar experience with breeder seeds.
Not as bad though.
But I do notice them growing a lot slower than my 4 year old 3rd generation outdoor seeds which are quite vigorous. By 3rd gen. I mean two years in a row a male slipped through and I got seeds. Nature seems to know what it's doing.

I hope it works out for you Red.


This is kinda making me scared to get "high quality" seeds from a breeder. If my grow goes well, then once I move again I was planning on getting another computer case started so I'd have a total of three in order to be able to grow a mother from seeds of known genetics... but maybe I'll just end up learning about breeding by using bag seeds. I mean hey, what's the point of dropping coin on seeds that may be old when I could plant very fresh seeds I've got already? I'm in the USA too, so getting seeds mailed to me is a pretty scary idea anyway.
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WOW, what a great thread! I will def be keeping a close eye on this one as I hope to be flipping the lights on for my first grow within 5 days.

Even better is I will be doing a fairly micro(36"H-15"D-28"W)-CFL grow so Im sure I will be learning alot in the coming weeks. I just want to thank Red for starting such an informative thread, also to apologize for all my newb questions that I will be asking in the future :redface:


My Thai-Lights turned the corner and is taking off finally.

The larger of the LUI's is coming around but the small one is still pretty yellow on top.

My TL seedling popped out yesterday and here it is after a full day under the lights. I couldn't get my camera to focus on it but it's looking good.

I've been running 18/6 to get some root development to happen for the last 2 nights. These guys are almost ready to water. The cups are still a bit heavy and I can feel the soil is still damp, especially the little LUI. I'd like to get them started on some fish ferts but watering now would stall the roots from growing.

My feeling on breeder seeds is that they are like purebred dogs. The breeders go for certain characteristics and use inbreeding so the dogs look nice but have lot's of medical problems. I think mutts make for much heather dogs.
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My Thai-Lights and LUI survivors are doing really well at last. These guys have been fed once with 1 tsp/litre of Muskie Fish ferts 5-1-1, just 2 days ago. They are just starting to develop the 3rd set of leaves.

Here's my TL seedling that's only been out of the soil for a week. It's growing more normally but still fairly slow. I think it's stretching a bit and could be a bit closer to the lights.

The LUI that had the most damage is floundering along. I've given this one the last rites so if it pulls through it will be a miracle.

I planted the TL seedling a bit deeper and it seems to be more healthy than the other seedlings. It's still not taking right off like it should so I'm thinking that these breeder seeds are still the source of the problem.


well, your first two are looking great, they should get moving pretty quickly. and that second TL seems to be the healthiest seedling you've had so far. sadly, that last LUI doesn't look too happy, but you never know, it could perk up when you're not paying attention. perhaps a drop of superthrive might help?


Hey Red.
What exactly were the nutes you used in bloom for your last grow?
I'd like to know b4 I buy a bunch of stuff I don't need.
Was it just the Flora Nova Bloom (one part solution) and some epsom salt?

Oh, also, if I do use the Flora Nova Grow/Bloom do you think I should still be adding the bone/blood/lime to the Pro-Mix? Or could I just use Pro-mix and Perlite with the Flora Nova Grow/Bloom.
I want to keep this simple and avoid all the problems I've been having.

Thanks. :headbange
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I finally broke down and bought expensive dirt and expensive fert from my hydro supply store. "No need to add ferts during veg" cool
Roots Organic soil mix from Portland
Botanicare Pure Blend Pro after I went to 12/12
tapwater is confirmed: "fine for growing orchids" according to local experts

All I mess with is the light color. And that is fun.


Here's an update guys,

This is my LUI. It's doing real fine.

This is my Thai-lights. It's doing super.

This is the little Thai-lights. No problems with this seedling at all.

I've watered just once with 1 tsp/litre of 5-1-1 almost a week ago. I've been checking the soil a couple of times a day and it's still damp just below the surface so they can go one more day.

Hey Yenkmosa - I lost my little damaged LUI seedling. It just didn't develop any roots and sorta dried up.

Hi there KBC2007 - I used the A/N Sensi Bloom by itself the last grow with really good results. On this grow I will be using Big Blood as well. I've been missing hitting the plants with a high P dose in early flowering.

I wanted to use the FloraNova Bloom and I'd say it's comparable to the A/N Sensi nutes. Both are fully formulated so you can do a complete grow with it by itself. The nutes are mostly higher quality chelates which don't build up salts in the soil so the pH is stabilized.

I had just Dolomite Lime in the soil while using the Sensi Bloom and the pH ran around 6.5 to 6.8 and would go up as the nutes were consumed. I'm thinking about not using the lime on this grow and see if they pH stays around 6.3-6.5 without it.

When I was growing with Shultz 10-15-10 and epsom salts, I was trying to add bone meal, blood meal as long term nutes to reduce the amount of the salt based fertilizer.

Hey Bonsaibud - sounds like you're all set!


Cool, cool.
Because of all my problems I just went out and bought the FloraNova line.
Flora Nova Grow, Flora Nova Bloom, Floralicious Plus, Liquid Kool Bloom.
$100 but I think it will be worth it.
I like the high quality and ease of use. Comes with a feeding chart so hopefully things will be better from now on.

Only problem is I'm using your soil mix with all the blood, bone, etc. in there.
Hope it's not too hot.
Oh well, my second grow will be much better.
Straight promix and FloraNova!

Good to see you got a couple little babies growing nice now.