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Well-known member

"I fought the law, and the law won"

Police came the other day and murdered my plants. I was and still am very upset about it. I lost precious genetics, and my smoko for the year....

I woke up around 10am on morning to the loud buzz of the chopper.... My father says to me: "Oh, they must be checking the powerlines..."

I say: "THERES NO FUCKING POWER LINES IN THE FUCKING BUSH!!" and jumped on the quadbike to harass the fuckers... (not really the smartest idea i've had, but i was angry...)

I got out to the patch and it all came home... There they were, hovering about 50m above the patch, blowing everything apart..... All this for 10 plants? THAT WERE LESS THAN 4 FEET HIGH?!

Oh, you ABSOLUTE ****S!!!!

So, I ran down the trail to the patch, and jumped about yelling and screaming: "FUCK OFF" whilst sticking my finger up and gesturing them to get lost.... (Again, a stupid idea... I should have just grabbed the few plants that were starting to bud)

As you can guess, the pricks couldn't believe their luck; The stupid little bastard that had grown these forbidden plants came out and showed himself.... So they started following me overhead.... Blowing sticks and branches down all around me... I was livid. "Give me a fucking rifle" I thought... (Another bright idea... sad thing is I probably would have taken them out. I'm a crack shot too... And what would that have achieved? Life in prison and some very bad publicity for us all...)

Anyways, I thought, "Right, if you're going to cause me all this trouble.... I may as well get my moneys worth..." Since they seemed to be following me now, after taunting them....

So I took them for a few laps around the paddock, Smiling intermittently and waving every now and then, swearing under my breath... A good 20 minutes or so.... Fuel is very expensive for aircraft/choppers....

After boring of this cat-and-mouse game, and feeling depressed and angered.... I went back up to the shed, where my family was watching on... (probably wondering what the fuck is wrong with me, but they should already know.... IM FUCKEN CRAZY!!!!)

They were still intent on hovering over me... Why? I don't know.... I signalled them to come and FUCKING LAND, so I could get at the bastards.... but they just kept hovering..... "All for TEN FUCKING PLANTS?!!" I kept yelling at them....

I thought I might go for a swim in the dam, since it was a fucking hot day, and I'd been running around abit, and they still seemed intent on hovering over me and following me about.... (maybe to see if i'd lead them to more plants?) So I started off down the hill, and they followed.... They eventually came ahead of me and I again signalled for them to land... This time they fucking did. So I started off toward these ****s and their chopper.... They were signalling me not to get too close.... so I stopped.

It was starting to hit home now that I was to be arrested.... So I obeyed and waited for them to come over.

"SIT DOWN" says the skinny old detective, complete with his little army pants and orange shirt. So I did.


"YEP!" i said. Why lie now? It'd just make it harder....

Anyhow, he said that cautioning crap and then proceeded to ask questions and such. I obliged, hoping to make the ordeal less painful....

(Which it did. After I'd calmed down, they seemed less 'ready to kick my head in' and actually told me abit about the whole raiding process.... i.e. how they have unmarked cars and personnel parked around all the surrounding roads, ready to come in when the chopper tells them to.... )

You know, as the bastard was taking down 'our conversation' (which consisted of basically; "They were my plants, I grew barely enough for my self, I don't harass you fucks, why are you harassing me?) I asked him, "Shouldn't you be recording this? You could be writing just about anything in that little book!"

And he smiled at me: "Yes i could" and continued writing....

"Oooooohhh you fuckwit....." I thought to myself...

Anyways, I walked them back to the house and got my licence so I could RID myself of this menace.... and it seemed to work. After being compliant, (still, I wasn't going to be a push-over... When that little sodomite in his navy blues piped in at one point, I put him in his place.... "I wasn't talking to you, MATE" ...pointless, but it felt good....)

After the chopper took off again, it was almost like nothing had happened.... The others had come in around the back road and taken my lovelies, which I had BLED, LITERALLY to water, on occasion... (arsehole buckets that had sharp, square-ish handles)

I didn't even see a patrol car....

On later inspection, I found my buckets thrown down deep into the bush.... ("Oh, no, please don't.... i don't like getting scratched by lantana...." pathetic, childish act. Just walked down and got them.... with a smile.... THAT's supposed to deter me?)

The thing that really pissed me off tho was the fact that they'd ripped out my salvia that was in a pot, in a shady place, near the patch.... Thats just a ****-act.

Anyhow, I'm still awaiting my court appearnce letter in the mail. I've no previous convictions except being caught with '.5 grams of cannabis leaf' in shool. (but that was years ago, and they assured me that would be erased as soon as I left school) So I should be OK.... It was only 10 plants.... and only one of them was budded up sufficiently to have been smoked..... And I told them it was mine.... For me.

Moral of the story: Hide your patch better, and don't taunt the police. Because they'll win. Every time.

But hey, I don't have to tell YOU all that, because (i hope) NO ONE IS AS STUPID AS ME!

Hope no one else got done....


Wow, Bad luck Rex!
The choppers are their main weapon these days with outdoors.
You should have done a bruce willis and launched your quadie off a jump and smashed it into the chopper.
I say a $300 fine and 12 months good behav.
Anymore than 10 may have been considered trafficing.


So sorry to hear Rex. My heart goes out to you mate. All for only 10 plants. What a bloody waste of resources.
Stay strong brother.



Well-known member
Sorry to hear they got your plants, still there's time for some late season ones.

I think in general with choppers and small plots, they just pull 'em and no-one gets arrested. That is....unless you show yourself:)


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
Bloody hell mate that sucks big time,, nothing strange what you did,, just following through with your emotions. I know how you feel Rex,, in hindsight we always would have approached it differently, we live we learn.

On a brighter note,, when this has all boiled over & you look back (to realize there's definitely a funny side) your mates are gonna give you shit for this for yrs to come.


Well-known member
You should have done a bruce willis and launched your quadie off a jump and smashed it into the chopper.

Hahaha! Fucken should have, eh....

All for only 10 plants. What a bloody waste of resources.

what a bloody waste alright.....

Sorry to hear they got your plants, still there's time for some late season ones.

I think in general with choppers and small plots, they just pull 'em and no-one gets arrested. That is....unless you show yourself:)

Yep... theres time :) As long as a heart beats in my fucking chest, I'll keep on growing!!

but yes, they wouldn't have bothered me if I didn't lose it..... They thought they were on crown land, FFS. They didn't know the area at all.... but hindsights always 20/20 eh?

Bloody hell mate that sucks big time,, nothing strange what you did,, just following through with your emotions. I know how you feel Rex,, in hindsight we always would have approached it differently, we live we learn.

On a brighter note,, when this has all boiled over & you look back (to realize there's definitely a funny side) your mates are gonna give you shit for this for yrs to come.

Hey, I was laughing about it myself, that afternoon.... And me family thought it pretty funny too.... all things given....

reminded me of that old bloke a few years back who was always complaining of a news chopper flying over his house.... Made many complaints and they still kept coming over.... So he got a bag of big ball bearings and a shanghai, and put a couple of BB's through the bottom of the chopper!!! The mad old beast! I think he was a 'nam vet.... No wonder he hated the choppers!

Don't worry about me, tho. I got back on me horse that afternoon! i'm not after sympathy either.... I was pretty silly....

That afternoon I was busy making plans for my 'Mardigrass costume'.... I want to make a big 'bud suit' of a 'plant suit' and chase hippies and police around the mardigrass, shouting: "Try and smoke ME, hippies!" and "I cultivated myself, occifers.... WHAT OF IT?!"

Obviously, I'd be a bit clever about it... Not trying to get locked up.... But if those pricks want to rock around that festival gandering at all the young pussy, with NO BADGE NUMBERS and wearing SUNGLASSES, I'ma harass the bastards.... Bugger 'em!

I'll be in that parade, you can bloody count on it!

cheers all, and stay safe!
You probably could have handled that better...and worse too I suppose?

Sux that you have lost your smoko for the season, ever thought of going indoors?

Your property will now be highlighted as a spot to check in the future so I'd be giving the location of your next plot a good think.

Best wishes for court, I hope you only get a slap on the wrist.

Jimbo :tiphat:

Donald Mallard

el duck
bummer rex , darn s hame ,,
but you certainly stood up for what you believe in thas for sure ,
if it made u feel better at the time then it was worthwhile ..

crazy waste of resources as you said ,, the public should cry out about that kinda crap ..
stay safe man ...


Between the Devil and the deep blue sea...
ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear Rex, I have been in a similar situation so i know how you feel emotions can get the better of us at times but hey if they didn't we wouldn't be human...


Well-known member
Sux that you have lost your smoko for the season, ever thought of going indoors?

Your property will now be highlighted as a spot to check in the future so I'd be giving the location of your next plot a good think.

Yes, I've thought of going indoors... Too much hassle atm.

And yes, that was my main concern.... A big green marker on the map over my place from now on. They'll make sure they check, every year.... I'll just have to grow on crown land!!

bummer rex , darn s hame ,,
but you certainly stood up for what you believe in thas for sure ,
if it made u feel better at the time then it was worthwhile ..

crazy waste of resources as you said ,, the public should cry out about that kinda crap ..
stay safe man ...

Cheers big fulla! But yes, terrible waste of resources..... IF ONLY the public WOULD cry out.... but most of the silly buggers are under the impression the police are doing a 'marvelous job'.... *sigh*

Sorry to hear Rex, I have been in a similar situation so i know how you feel emotions can get the better of us at times but hey if they didn't we wouldn't be human...

You're right.... its only human to be upset, and feel all these emotions.... But its a STRONGER human who doesn't let it overwhelm them.... (or so I believe)

Once again.... Thanks everyone for your kind words! I won't let them stop me..... thats for damned sure.... Like I've seen in many a signature; They'll have to pry the bong from my cold dead hands! AND the mattock, for that matter!!


Jesus mate !! thats a seriously large pair of testicles your packing.

I got spotted once and did my best to get the fuck away from were my plants were..sorry to hear of your loss.


New member
Hay Mate, glad you had a laugh about it because I have to admit it sounded like a pretty funny story when I was reading it :D

Hope as suggested its nothing but a fine and suspended sentence, not the end of the world; really is crazy they spend those kinds of resources over something like that.

Live and learn hey, several plots would not hurt neither :)


Doing what we do because we are who we are
rexamus616 think of it as a right of passage.. LOL think just about everyone here has been raided one twice and even 3 times if unlucky enough...

just keep a cool head mate and try not to act the part they expect... its what brings the bad name to us all.... just do what you gotta do and get back at it mate ;)

sorry cant be much more help but this is lesson you wont soon forget this i can speak from experience... keep safe........


Well-known member
Jesus mate !! thats a seriously large pair of testicles your packing.

I got spotted once and did my best to get the fuck away from were my plants were..sorry to hear of your loss.

Nah, mate.... It wasn't balls as much as anger-management issues/lack of grey matter..... heh... cheers man.

Live and learn hey, several plots would not hurt neither :)

You're right.... I was a bit lazy.... Plus this spot had great sun.... (hence why they were spotted) I just couldn't resist.... I wanted the best for my girls!

just keep a cool head mate and try not to act the part they expect... its what brings the bad name to us all.... just do what you gotta do and get back at it mate ;)

Precisely why I didn't shoot them down.... I could have bloody lobbed a firecracker/smokebomb RIGHT into the bloody chopper.... But they either would have shot me, or worse - the chopper could have crashed.... on my property..... (try explaining that away in court!)

The last thing the pot movement needs is bad publicity like that.....

Bad luck Rex, whack in some winteries mate, chin up...

Thats it, beast! Straight into the winter-crop! Already germinated a heap, and got more to go in a month or so.... :D


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