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reweighing confiscated bud after 2 years


Active member
i see none of you have ever handled old plant matter so allow me.

5 years in a bag no matter what kinds zip lock it has, the shit inside will be practically dust. even if you zip lock a bag of water in 5 years it will have dried. plastic is porous if you don't know that means it has holes in it, little microscopic holes which are huge enough for molecules of air and water to fit through. i assume assuming they didn't sell that weed a long time ago it will be a tiny fraction of its original weight when it was bagged unless it was already bone dry when you bagged it.

i predict you will receive a bag of dust and black mold if it was wet fresh cut plants in the bag, if it was well cured buds you will receive well cured dust weighing a little bit less maybe up to 25% or more less than original.


I dont really think they keep it all. It has been an issue trying to get meds back in some medicinal cases. I believe most weigh it and preserve a sample and burn the rest.

Go for the bags weighing more the 4.5g or Costa Rico.
Good Luck
Peace J


Active member
i was sure i read 5 years several times throughout this thread. oh well, 2 years, it should still be mostly dust by then.


wet bud + bag = mold. Mold + 2 years = dusty mess. Dusty mess = no prison time. My best guess

mack 10

Well-known member
i dont think its stored, usually burnt after a sample is taken, go for re weigh, or get the bag weight dropped. good karma coming your way bro....


Active member
i am interested how this ends. i doubt they let it go reguardless. i am sure it was tested,weighed, photographed. and a sample saved if not everything. i hope it has turned to dust and all the thc is gone. this would force em to store everything perfectly and take up alot of climate controlled space to get a conviction.


Some bullshit going by wet weight + bag weight + prolly stems and leaves still? Way to try to fuck a person.

It's like when leo pulls out a tree of an outdoor plant... thing weighs 30lbs freshly pulled... street value of 30 lbs... 100,000$!! Yea right.

Good luck my friend may karma be with you.



New member
Afraid that's what I was thinking too, thank you Ale. I was also interested if someone experimented with the sealed wet weight and mold and came to a conclusion, not a theory.


the OP is in prison since last thanksgiving.. think he got around 5-10 years and probation for life nearly. There is a thread on here somewhere about it.