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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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jim dankness

Active member
that carpatian is a beauty, esbe! i love that you included people hanging out and obviously enjoying the company of that lovely plant. how does she smell? that old timer in the pic seemed to like whatever he'd gotten on his hands! :D


Active member
1st pic - RSC Lebanese, somewhere in North America, filling out and getting fall colours

the grower, Morganna, writes:

what a difference 10 days makes......the smell from this plant is incredibile....like a bowl of chopped up tropical fruit with honey poured on top......deeeeeelicious....

pics 2, 3 and 4 - RSC Nepalese, wide leaflet dom pheno at 45 degrees North:

it reeks of aged cheese, broke up a tiny bud to see how it would smell.. it tickles my nostrils, it's fresher and fruitier and not as cheesy but still thick smelling.


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Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Black Forrest

Black Forrest

a proud moment for me - i actually have a real sativa dom. to post

Black Forrest - which is Vietnamese 'Black' jungle landrace x hawaiian cherry bomb.
(i think hawaiian cherry bomb is a maui wowi IBL - not 100% sure)

at 23 days flowering on a foot square modular scrog screen 250 hps organic- i'll just about get away with this with my 3' of growing height - but only just



here are the tiny clones i flowered to sex may plants. kept the male and making some f2's and crosses with it :woohoo:





Active member
Forgive the over-excitement, but I visited my outdoor patch again today, and the Highland Oaxacan Gold is already flowering, and according to my calculations, triggered around the 6th-10th September - at 53°N! Which means an end of November finish date.

That might sound late, but it should be more resistant to damp conditions than the more indica specimens, and my spot is very sheltered from cold North-East wind and rain due to the steep slope (and most plants are behind trees, and facing South-West). So I'm really, really pleased to see actual buds on this - and already slightly purple too - who woulda thunk it? :)

This is very good news mate. I almost finished a Colombian Gold up here a few years back, but a bloody cow ate 90 percent of her a couple of weeks before harvest. Went purple due to cold in early Nov, but was very resistant to the damp and cold, so fingers crossed for the Oaxacan. I will have the two Oaxacan S1s and a couple of the clones of the cut down and dry by the time your outdoor Oaxacan is dry so we can do a proper comparison. Sounds like December is gonna be a sweet time for sativas Mexicanas! lol


Active member
Highland Oaxacan Gold S1s, done 12/12 from seed, first 2-3 weeks under a 200W CFL (I forgot to take notes) then last 5 days under a 400W HPS, they looked very different to each other in leaf form earlier on, the shorter one (shorter cos it fell over and the stem grew horizontally along the soil) having broader, darker leaves.

The shorter one also has tighter node spacing, very tight for a pure sativa. These are in a 1.5 litre pot of coco, I just decided to do a quick test grow of these as I also have a cutting of the female they came from.



Active member
Goldfinger cutting, not sure how many days of 12/12, was flowered as soon as it had roots, spent first 3-4 weeks under a 200W CFL, moved under 400W HPS 5 days ago.



ak47+ original haze

ak47+ original haze

a gut was makeing a sativa based auto called the fon--i grew testers for him some autoed some dident there wear diffrent phenos hear is one among many ---they finish late in uk 51 lat 16 november this plant was chopt in half at end of september you can see the sativa at back of garden --they finished hear is a sativa grow uk well a sativa haze side of the cross lovely smoke to no mould or very little zedheads ak_oh

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