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Retaining a Lawyer



When you have a lawyer on retainer what can/can't you tell him. I know about attorney client privelege and that anything you tell your lawyer is priveleged and the attorney can't give up that information. However, I was also under the impression that you couldn't tell a lawyer that you were actually guilty of the crime or something along those lines.

Anyway i'd appreciate it if someone would clear all this up for me.

Also how do retainers work are they usually a yearly fee or once in a lifetime.



ICMag Donor
You supposedly can tell an Atorney anything you want after you retain him and the information is "privileged". Personally, I don't trust anybody. He can't testify against me, but how do I know he doesn't have a friend thats a cop. Just the way I am.

When you retain them, the money sits in an account and when you talk to him the time is deducted until it's gone. Most get at least 100 dollars an hour so it doesn't take long to eat it up.....


Active member
i just read a really good article in the law journal about how attorneys are getting canned all over, for laundering, for not checking if the money they are taking from clients is legally obtained by the client. mostly huge narco traffickers but i would see how it could sketch a lawyer out....i would say only tell them what they absolutely need to know to help you and use hypothetical s if you need info on a situation. my lawyer knows me since i was a little kid so i trust him with my life, but luckily have only needed him once. Just make sure you talk to the lawyer about him being your lawyer and not his 21 year old associate, otherwise at your bail hearing/arraignment etc your gonna get some chump who is useless. retainer just guarantees they will take your call when you call at 6am after the raid and tell him you need help.... hopefully none of you will need that but hey better safe then sorry. Can you get a refund on your retainer if you get out of the game Scott free? thats what i wonder.


i just think its easier to tell your lawyer your version of the truth rather then outright admitting guilt and asking for help. you do pay him, but its always better to convinve him that his fight is righteous.


i think a lawyer is going to focus on the charges and the case against you, not if you're guilty or not. no reason to tell your lawyer anything he doesn't ask... he'll ask what he needs to know.


Active member
^^ I disagree - I think that's really bad advice. How does your lawyer know what to ask, if he doesn't have all the facts? If it goes to trial, the DA could come up with things your lawyer is unprepared for. Also, you could have mitigating circumstances, or exonerating evidence etc. Plus there's the added worry when you know you haven't told him everything.
First of all, Vermonster is exactly right.

You can't just pay an attorney to give you advice on how to commit crimes without getting caught. In fact, if an attorney, doctor, psychologist (anybody) gleans information about a crime that is about to happen, they are responsible for reporting that to the authorities.

You pay a retainer for the same reason you pay health insurance. You wouldn't ask your health insurance company for the best way to jump out of an airplane. But it's there to clean up the mess if you don't know about a parachute.


IMO there is no need for a to put money down on a retainer.Giving him money ahead of time is kinda silly. I want a lawyer to tell me how he thinks he will beat the case, I dont want to give him $ before I am arrested. The lawyer is gonna take your case or not take your case after he hears the "Facts". A GREAT lawyer is going to tell you how it happened. Most Lawyers are at the bottom of the barrel, they will tell you that you have a strong case and that they are there to help you good ol buddy. They take your money and send you out the door knowing that either way the case goes they still got paid. It PAYS to talk to actual clients of an attorney to get their opinion. I had two lawyers once. One was the biggest POS and the other was like a GOD!! Dont hire the first lawyer you talk to.

And as far as going to trial: Not gonna happen unless you are too dumb to not take a good deal. DA does not want to lose a trial and it cost the county 10's of thousands of $ to fight a case so he is gonna offer you a deal. Cops will lie to the DA about you in order to get you a worse deal. If you do go to trial: GOOD LUCK! The last thing you want to do is PROVE your innocence because if you are in court you probably are guilty of something.

But never stop fighting. Most important rule of all though is: Dont turn over and SNITCH, they WILL ask you to do so. I fought for over 1.5 years on 6 felonies with mandatory sentences. Not a night went by that i didnt feel I had a cancer eating my soul. However I won!! I am a free man with not a charge on my record and I didn't have to snitch out some poor bastard cuz I couldnt hold my own.
I am extermely lucky and very greatful to have that off my back. I have learned more than I could imagine going through it. peace
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End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
oscar goodman mayor of las vegas nevada and EX mob lawyer told fed gov back in early 80's get F'd im not give any of gangster anthony spilatros files or any1 elses for that matter. personally i wouldnt say anything about growing.


You can not tell them you are currently breaking the law I believe. I am 99% positive that if you intend to harm someone in the future, they have to call someone. They also can not put you on the witness stand if they know you are going to lie.

I interviewed several lawyers before choosing one. It is important to be involved in your case and point out things that may be important. Most of the things you point out may be irrelevant but once in a while, the attorney will say ahh good, and use the info.

Dont tell the lawyer how to do his job though.

Retainer can be viewed different ways. Usually a retainer means you have a lawyer on stand by. Probably not needed. When hiring an attorney after getting arrested, your initial money is the retainer to retain them. Depending on the attorney, you will pay up front the whole case or be billed monthly. I have done it both ways.

Expect to pay around 250/hr for a decent criminal attorney.

David Pire

New member
Don't try to hire anything from attorney, as whatever you are trying to say or tell to the attorney is of great importance to the lawyer. This can help the lawyer to go further in the case and resolving the matter.


Well-known member
i can tell you from experience that if you lie to or mislead your lawyer, you are upping your chances of being found guilty. likewise, never volunteer ANYTHING or admit to anything under questioning from LEO. even shit that you think will make you look innocent can and will come back and bite you firmly on the ass. tell the cops nothing, tell your attorney the truth...:tiphat:

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