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Results of the 4/20 Growers and Breeders Cup 2010!

Congratulations to everyone.

Only 36 total contestants though? I figured there would be a lot more than that.

Is this just a mini cannabis cup competition for ICmagers?


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
yes it doesnt seem like many does it... not when HTCC has 41 whole entries ..although it might be worth pointing out that probably the number of judges who judged ALL samples at HTCC was in all likleyhood ZERO... but sure.. 36 isnt many is it?

lol ;)


hahaha where's all the gh 'the cups been rigged' haters :)
might have to make the trip next year

"It was Rigged! They set off that Volcano to foil anyone else from entering!"

Is that close to a haters post?

I know we like Volcano vapes but lighting off the actual thing is a tad over done yes?

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