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Results of the 4/20 Growers and Breeders Cup 2010!

I'm one jealous SOB!D

I'm one jealous SOB!D

Congratulations Everyone!:tiphat:

I wish I could've been there, but I think it's cool you all got to get to gether & do it up:jump:

Congrats again & smoke the F out!

& Get home safe!



sending good karma to everyone that took part!!

and congratulations to the ones that placed with their entries :D

Dr. D

Active member
Wow! Congrats to everyone who got a cup....i am well happy with that....pleasantly surprised and very fucking happy.
That cross was made by H3ad btw, great stuff..


congratulations to all the winners from 420 and people who entries...

good luck to all for next time!! and get good vibes to all!!:ying:

:plant grow:Keep Green!!

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Well done HGO ..... winning the sativa class is one of the hardest IMHO

Congratulations mate

:bow::bow: :woohoo::woohoo: :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:



Sativa 1st place....Ireland will be in a 'Haze' tonight! Thank you Gypsy, Op, and everyone else that organised the cup, I hope to toke it up with you all next 420! I was shocked to see my name as I didn't think my entry even landed!

Big shout out to REZDOG and OJD!

very well done :tiphat:
Sativa 1st place....Ireland will be in a 'Haze' tonight! Thank you Gypsy, Op, and everyone else that organised the cup, I hope to toke it up with you all next 420! I was shocked to see my name as I didn't think my entry even landed!

Big shout out to REZDOG and OJD!

. . DYNAMITE WIN AMIGO, delighted for you indeed, your putting Ireland on the map 'BIG STYLE' . .


Sharing Is Caring!
Happy 420 to all!!!

Congrats on the winners......i wish i could have been there fot the cup but thanks to the fucking ash cloud i did NOT!

So next year i will drive...... lol



Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Thanks for the warm words all, SSSDH really is something special. I can't wait to see Dutchgrown's pictures, I must get some pics and a good smoke report up soon.


congrats to all the winners well done guys

would like to ask londinium what the mental home is?
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Grower for Life
dont know if i make it , have to watch the little one today.

sorry , oftopic.

Back to the cupwinners.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Congrats everyone!!

Lavender is on of my fav. sooo tasty !!!

SLH mhhh if this was the ibo cut also???
Shatners' Bassoon =Chocolope= Odj Fruity skunk!!
And SSSDH again

lots of last years stuff

Hi Buddah... many thanks mate, but I don't think it's ojd's chocolope cut ;)

or at least, I would be amazed if it was.... :D

lol quite right about repeat entries though, my sativa entry was Amnesia (and mine wasnt the only one) ;)
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