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Resinryder Popping Beans. Texas Kid's Metro, Bloody Mary and Lonestar's Texas Heather


Rubbing my glands together
I'm pulling up a chair glad to see your poping some sacred beans

Stoney my friend. Glad to have you here buddy.

Maybe this thread will be like a homing beacon to Zoo and he'll grace us with his company. Know he loves him some TRC.

Was thinking about Zoo a few days ago. Would love to see him anytime.


Subbed for the show RR

Glad to have you here SourDank.

In for the show!

Glad to have you along for the ride HUGE


Rubbing my glands together
Quick update--
Had the last 2 Texas Heather's showing their tails this morning so into some Light Warrior they went.

It's looking like the last Bloody Mary seed is trying to pop a tail. I'll check it this afternoon to see if any progress has been made. Still waiting on the last 4 Metro beans. Not sure what they are going to do but so far 8 of 12 isn't bad for the really, really small beans

Also, wanted to add this. These seed are old. In order to increase the odds of them popping I did what we always had to do as Lonestar suggested. "Scuff em up good now" was his wording, lol
I took a small file along the seam of the seed from top to bottom prior to putting in the shot glasses over night. It takes a while to do and you don't want to file all the way through the seed coat, just enough to give em a helping hand.


Well-known member
Subbed RR, some products will help too like a good bath of hydrogen peroxyde for a pathogen free shell then Superthrive or B.A.C Xseeds to boost germ rate.

Hope you'll have great sucess with those seeds !



Rubbing my glands together
Subbed RR, some products will help too like a good bath of hydrogen peroxyde for a pathogen free shell then Superthrive or B.A.C Xseeds to boost germ rate.

Hope you'll have great sucess with those seeds !


Thanks for the info. Have never heard of the BAC Xseed product you mentioned. I'll have to look into it.

Fwiw I got some trc swl on ice if your feeling froggy

Big Money. Good to see ya brother. Hope alls well your way. Tell the lady I said hi. I'm always on the lookout for TRC gear.


Rubbing my glands together
4 TRC Texas Heather's making their presence known this morning-



Rubbing my glands together
Lol. Yeah I'm a sexy beast like that. Just respect my NO though.
Just found 2 of the Metro's breaking through the top layer of the soil. Woot, woot!!


Active member
Definitely following along for this one mang!
I'm sure you'll love the Texas Heather mate.
I ran some years ago, and can still remember what standouts they were. Expect some yummy tropical scents and flavours.



Rubbing my glands together
Fucking AAA TIMMY in the house. Always great to see you my brother. Gave TK a call yesterday and had a nice catch up with him Glad to have you follow along my friend. Hope all's well in your part of the world.
I had 1 female of it out of 3 when I popped them years ago. The female had the sweetest taste to it I ever had. Hope to find another one like it.
You made my day buddy.


Rubbing my glands together
Hey guys, a quick up date.
I've been doing some work on the daughters car and am hurting to bad to go take pics and shit. So here's what's happening
Texas Heathers-6 of 7 have broken though the soil Still have hopes for 1 more
Bloody Mary's-5 of 6. Looks like that's gonna be it.
Metros-8 of 12.Still have hope for 1 more.
Some are short and squat and some of the others are really stretching already. So we'll see what's what here pretty soon. I wish they all had done the damn thing but that's they way it is. I'm just happy to see that the majority have come up.
Back on the car tomorrow and then back to bidness!!


Rubbing my glands together
Ok here's the final count as of today-
Bloody Mary-5 of 6

Texas Heather-6 of 7 with one still trying to rise up, Come on baby girl!!!

Metro-9 of 12 with 1 more possible. Come on baby girl


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
Fuk mang couldn't of let me know u had a thread?????? I guess I'm not invited so I'll leave.... Rotfflmao!!!!


Rubbing my glands together
Fuk mang couldn't of let me know u had a thread?????? I guess I'm not invited so I'll leave.... Rotfflmao!!!!

Damn thought I had left the trash by the door. Lol
Seriously I forgot all about telling you when I saw ya today. My bad


Rubbing my glands together
Ok guys here's an update. Have a bit of a security concern at the moment and am moving somethings tonight. The seedlings will be a part of this move. They are going to someone I honestly do trust to take proper care of them and is also excited about what I have here. Let me get past this and I'll get back on it. Damn sure not part of the plan.
Sorry for this but gotta do what I gotta do. Not a whole lot of worries but much better safe than sorry. I'd rather be covered than not and I'm sure you fine upstanding people, that includes Unc too, lol, understand. So bear with me and I'll get back to it when I feel any threat has passed.

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