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Request for virtual field trip "Dosanko"



If I had the resources to fly to Japan and get a chill local to help me locate and observe the cannabis native to Japan known as "Dosanko".

Believe me I would be eating sushi and rice wine for breakfast the day after I had the inspiration.

I am asking for anyone in Japan with a strong body and a digital camera to take a small trip to the country side and reveal through pictures and words the nature of Japans very own Dosanko.

If you do decide to trek out and "re-discover" Dosanko for everyone here at ICMAG we would all be in your debt for the first hand knowledge of Japans heirloom cannabis variety.

Not to mention all the hot babes this will get you in your hometown!


I guess it would be a difficult thing to do for just anyone without raising the locals suspicion and pitchforks.

If I ever get wealthy watch out Japan.

You might see an overweight American with a camera and a bag full of goodies running from the local police on television one day.


I guess it would be a difficult thing to do for just anyone without raising the locals suspicion and pitchforks.

I think that is sooo much paranoia.. WTF, u cannot take some pictures of wildlife in Japan without raising suspicion??

Pardon my french, but I think that's bull... and kind of stupid..

I mean, really, wtf, you're a nature photographer, you're just taking pictures of wildlife! Come on people! Show us that frikkin dosanko!

I'm starting to think this strain is just a myth. Japanese people felt kind of left out from cannabis culture and they decided to start this myth about a supposed landrace from Hokkaido called "dosanko"... riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...........


Pretty much what I could find on google after typing "Hokkaido + taima" was this picture:

Anyone got a picture of a flowering dosanko?