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Republicans HELP support Marijuana legistlation - Yes you read that right!

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stickey fingers

i understand montana was fucked... we fight it in every legal state every day.... but are alternative was repub john mccain... o im sure he would back MMJ 100%

bottom line is we have medical mj in DEMOCRATIC states (major majority) its not supported in republican circles and never will be to vote repub over democratic for purly MMJ reason is totally insane... and thats who u vote for not voting for a democrat....

I love ron paul but i dont think ill ever see a day when a independent gets close to the top.... they usually just steal votes from one party... i dont think thats what ron is trying to do... but in the end thats what happens.

at least Jhon Mccain is a decreated vetern, unlike obama
who is a back stabing bold face LIER (Lybia), as for deocratic
MMJ states, thats BULLSHIT !!! lets see the two most canna
states in the union, co sold out to the feds !!!, and i live in cali
NOR CAL to be exact and this is no friendly canna community !!!
youre prez says mmj is not leagle any where in the US for
any reason .... and youre a fool if you believe anythig else !!!
CANNABIS is my heart and soul my life line as well as others,
VET MED PATIENTS depend on my FREE MEDS that i could
go to prison over !!! surely when i vote, mmj will not be the only
issue when i go to vote to make my discesion , yet for me
it is buy far the most important !!! my life depends on it !!!


...As long as you don't pay attention to the opposing "no", you can pretend that Obama is an ineffective dictator...
All theses racists come out of the woodwork now that they have an excuse to be political.

That's all Obama is to these people, that ni$$er that got them involved in politics. (you can tell I'm white by the fact that I editted the N word)

Ron Paul 2012? Ron Paul seems like a smart guy, which is why you likely won't see him campaigning next election, anyone who's not a racist idiot knows Obama will win in 2012.

Have you seen the pure obstructionism these "guys with balls" got, they got fucking balls, you're right about that

That is why I'm so glad to see Ron Paul's name on this obviously democratic born bill about weed prohibition, Thank you so much Mr Paul, now your whole party wont have to blindly obstruct it and keep it from even getting voted on without destroying it with "compromise" first...

They rave about "Obamacare" without recognizing the contributions of the Republican Party and Joe Lieberman to "Obamacare"

its like health care reform + republican meddling = Obamacare (less of what Obama wanted, but crappy, with a name the racists can really get behind)

A public option likely wouldn't say that brace your kid needs is "cosmetic"

headband 707

Plant whisperer
All theses racists come out of the woodwork now that they have an excuse to be political.

That's all Obama is to these people, that ni$$er that got them involved in politics. (you can tell I'm white by the fact that I editted the N word)

Ron Paul 2012? Ron Paul seems like a smart guy, which is why you likely won't see him campaigning next election, anyone who's not a racist idiot knows Obama will win in 2012.

Have you seen the pure obstructionism these "guys with balls" got, they got fucking balls, you're right about that

That is why I'm so glad to see Ron Paul's name on this obviously democratic born bill about weed prohibition, Thank you so much Mr Paul, now your whole party wont have to blindly obstruct it and keep it from even getting voted on without destroying it with "compromise" first...

They rave about "Obamacare" without recognizing the contributions of the Republican Party and Joe Lieberman to "Obamacare"

its like health care reform + republican meddling = Obamacare (less of what Obama wanted, but crappy, with a name the racists can really get behind)

A public option likely wouldn't say that brace your kid needs is "cosmetic"

I can't say I'm much into politics as I think they are all pretty slimmy pricks when you look deep.. Obama was a big disappointment with his lack of action on cannabis. He talks out of the side of his mouth like the rest of them and that just doesn't fly with me.. I can't say I understand the American's stance on healthcare but I do believe their lack of education on the subject has a lot to do with it. No, Canada's system isn't perfect but you don't lose your shirt to go to the hospital to find out what is wrong with you and that is of-course an important part of life.
The problem we have here is truly BAD doctors but they have this problem everywhere..Obviously relying on these fake Governments has always been a bad idea. peace out Headband707

Oh yeah the "N" word is just a word that has "NO Power" unless you give it power lol.. seriously lol
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