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Republicans come out against MJ bill in Cali.

Neo 420

Active member
With sad predictability, the GOP’s conservative apologists for the status quo in California have dutifully lined up against the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010, which will appear on this November’s ballot in the Golden State.
The California Republican Party wasted no time in making their opposition to marijuana legalization official, reports Joe Garofoli at SF Gate.
The degree of the CA GOP’s non-adjustment to the modern world can perhaps be gauged from the official position statement’s repeated use of the 1950s scare term “dope” when referring to marijuana.
“The last thing California needs is hundreds of thousands of more people getting high, and the costs to society that would come from widely expanded drug use,” said GOP chair Ron Nehring Wednesday.
“We know a top factor behind whether young people try drugs is cost, and legalization would certainly bring the cost of dope down, making it much more widely accessible,” Nehring said.
“We also know that if a person makes it to age 21 without trying drugs, they’re very unlikely to ever get started down the path of drug use beginning with dope and leading to much harder drugs like meth and cocaine,” Nehring said.
“Proponents of legalizing ‘and taxing’ dope are trying to mask their efforts as some kind of revenue generator for state government,” Nehring sneered. “Whatever ‘taxes’ dope smokers would pay would not come even close to covering the societal costs of hundreds of thousands of more Californians getting high, the accidents and health problems they would cause, and other societal costs,” he claimed.

“California Republicans will fight this and any other measure to expand drug use in California,” Nehring self-righteously proclaimed.
“When it comes to this kind of legislation, there’s a reason they call it ‘dope’.”
That certainly doesn’t leave any doubt where the Republicans stand when it comes to standing up for the rights of marijuana smokers in California.
The state’s Democratic Party is expected to weigh in after their executive board meets in July, reports Matt Coker at OC Weekly.


OMG. Who saw it coming???
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Space Toker

Active member
yeah surprise surprise, the conservatives are asses and well I can't say what I would want to do with them but you can guess! :D
They are not our friends that is for sure and those who think otherwise have rocks in their heads! :D
pretty sick if you ask me!!....the people of Cali voted for legal medical pot back in 96!!..we are talking almost 15 YEARS AGO!!!...and they are still saying it is helping nobody???...WTF??...the ONLY people who benefit from cannabis being a schedule 1 substance is the government..(prisons,fines etc)...and the people who are in the black market......just imagine what the money from the failed cannabis war could do for our educational system!!.....the thought of the money we used to call drug money being used for our education is more than noble!!...why continue to fight a war that you cant win...why did the government end alcohol prohibition in the early 30's???....for the very same reasons it should end cannabis prohibition in 2010!!!...ITS A PLANT FOR GOD's SAKE!!!...if it helps me, why are you so mad about that?....you take your Paxil....and Effexor.....and Vicodin.....and......and.....and.....why is it ok for the government to be drug pushers?????...in their own definition????...lets get real people!!.....VOTE YES FOR LEGALIZATION AND TAXATION IN 2010!!!!

Neo 420

Active member
Even though there are opponents of legalization and medical use on both sides of the aisle, there are more republicans that down right oppose MJ in any use than democrats. There are several people on this board that will tell you otherwise.


“The last thing California needs is hundreds of thousands of more people getting high, and the costs to society that would come from widely expanded drug use,” said GOP chair Ron Nehring Wednesday.

like making it legal would INCREASE usage?,....how about the hundreds of thousands that are ALREADY SMOKING IT ILLEGALLY?

and look at that long ass list of all the people that have died from cannabis use,.....wtf, are they TALKING ABOUT??

show me ONE.

politicians never cease to amaze me with their ignorance, and yet every election, I try and pick out the least moronic ones to vote for.

still better than living in china (imo)

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Their argument is always so fucking weak its almost comical. They keep repeating this "for the children" bullshit. If you really care about the children, why keep it illegal? Just about any teenager will tell you its far easier to score an 1/8 then it is to get a 12 pack. So what do we gain by keeping cannabis illegal? If the one reason they deem to justify its continued demonization isnt being met (i.e. teenagers getting high) then how can they continue the mantra? As far as this whole sharade about 100,000 more people intoxicated, ok, so what? You cant bring this argument to the table unless your in favor of outright criminalizing alcohol. I would rather have 4 million people on the road stoned out of their mind then 100,000 people on the road drunk. Cannabis is by far the safest "drug" in the world and we have all the knowledge and experience to support it, the GOP is clinging to old propaganda words and lies. Soon enough the world will see this two faced agenda based lying snakes for what they really are.... then the new GOP MJ mantra will be MJ TAX IS TO HIGH !!!! :jump::jump::jump:


The Republicans are in the dark ages on this issue. Unfortunately, the Democrats are no better. Even a liberal like Barbara Boxer has come out against legalization.


They are getting paper bags full of cash in bribes, to be against legalization. Vote out all incumbents.


The cat that loves cannabis
Gotta love the reps


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What's dramatic when i see statements like these is : What are all these politicians going to do/ say if it passes ?!?
I'm amazed at how stupid these peeps are...they at least should keep a way out for themselves...unless they are fully bribed and all that shit...
what i dont get is what the republicans have to lose from this bill?
or anyone for that matter.
i mean i know leo is against it because of funding and shit, but what happens to all that cash those dept's save once this bill passes? they will have the sickest cruisers ever!! lol

i am very glad this is a bill the people can vote for and not something our "representatives" will have to pass.


ICMag Donor
Are the Republicans the Yankees or Confederates? The tea drinkers or tea spillers? Slave-masters or slave-liberators? Do they still read Plato?


Cannabis is a conservative issue, despite what many of you think. I am a conservative and I can tell you that people are starting to understand the implications of lifting prohibition, and as the baby boomers age the position will change.

Try this Fellow Californians, Google Chuck DeVore and Cannabis:

Here is what you will find; a candidate that the tea party and Mark Levin endorse; supports the Hemp Production in the California. He is against the Cap and Trade Bill that will 100% make life for indoor growers hell. Read the bill, its a fucking nightmare.


DeVore is the most conservative of any of the people running in the race. He is pro-gun, Pro Hemp, against increasing spending and that's good enough for me.

Pay attention, the California GOP is changing and you can help. If you live in California, there is a primary coming up and the candidates are all over the state pitching their policy, and taking questions. Not many people are attending these meetings and it is easy to get the mic and ask questions. If enough people who understand that this is a clear issue of liberty and correcting a eighty year mistake the sooner it will be corrected.

Stop being partisan bitches and start forcing them to change policy or go home.
Cannabis is a conservative issue, despite what many of you think. I am a conservative and I can tell you that people are starting to understand the implications of lifting prohibition, and as the baby boomers age the position will change.

Try this Fellow Californians, Google Chuck DeVore and Cannabis:

Here is what you will find; a candidate that the tea party and Mark Levin endorse; supports the Hemp Production in the California. He is against the Cap and Trade Bill that will 100% make life for indoor growers hell. Read the bill, its a fucking nightmare.


DeVore is the most conservative of any of the people running in the race. He is pro-gun, Pro Hemp, against increasing spending and that's good enough for me.

Pay attention, the California GOP is changing and you can help. If you live in California, there is a primary coming up and the candidates are all over the state pitching their policy, and taking questions. Not many people are attending these meetings and it is easy to get the mic and ask questions. If enough people who understand that this is a clear issue of liberty and correcting a eighty year mistake the sooner it will be corrected.

Stop being partisan bitches and start forcing them to change policy or go home.

i admit i know little of the cap and trade deal.

could you explain how this effects our industry?