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Republic or Monarchy?


Republic or Monarchy?
That is the question on many peoples minds of late,
even more so now that the Queen is in our country.
What direction do you guys think Australia should take after
our Majesty passes and Prince Charles takes the thrown?

Myself, I'm half Scottish and British, but pure Aussie born and bred,
and I was brought up to be a strong follower of the British Monarchy.
But of late I've had nothing but discontent for Prince Charles and his
behaviour and principles and don't want him being King of my country
when my beloved Queen passes. I'd much rather Prince Edward but
that's not likely to happen, so I'm all for Australia becoming a Republic
nation with its own head of state whos only responsibility is 'us'
and not some other country/countries....



yeah i agree but doesnt the queen protect us from others invading us ??

isnt that the story or if we become republic will our guard be down ready for forriegn attacks?

you tell me cause im stumped


The Queen, Britain and the rest of the U.K. has never done anything directly for us in war,
not even when we were directly under threat of invasion from the Japanese in WWII.
Australia on the other hand has done plenty for Britain, dating back to 1899 when
we entered our first war in South Africa - The Boer War, and we've been in almost
every war they've been in since then.

If we do become a Republic, we'll still have our allies and Britain will be one of those.
Our most important ally which is America, can't afford to let other countries invade us
as we have their Satellite Dishes in our desert and they're important for Americas own
defense of their own country, as they're one of the biggest tools they have in spying
and monitoring other countries, so they can't ever let them fall into enemy hands
otherwise their intelligence capabilities will drop dramatically.

Another reason why any of our allies could not allow us to be invaded is because we have
one of the biggest supplies of Natural Resources in the world (3rd lagest i think) and any
country that gets hold of those can easily wage war against any country, and that's a big
reason why America help us fight off the Japanese in World War 2.
One of the most important resources we have is Uranium, and we have the biggest supply
of it in the world just sitting in the desert, anyone who gets a hold of it has the ability to create
an almost endless supply of Nuclear weapons and no country would be safe.

There are other reason why our allies are obliged to stick by us, such as war pacts, etc.
but I won't go in to those as they aren't really much of a guarantee.

I know some of this sounds kind of cocky, but it's all true, so...

Cya mate... :cool:
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G'day Hideyoshi... :cool:
I was thinking I had hit on such a touchy topic that I thought
nobody would voice their opinion, thanks for pitching in man.

Any specific reason(s) why you would like Oz to become a Republic?



just that I really dont see a need for an outdated monarchy being the head of our country when were self sufficient. Our culture is completely different from that of our British cousins and the governer general hasent kicked out lil'John... so why bother retaining our outdated system? I do like our flag though...
then again the Eureka stockade flag looks kinda cool...