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nice picks HDN

hey bababooey...man I hate them kinda sloppy games....our oline is horrid...here are some pic from the game last night....my buddy recorded the last INT in the end zone...

that first pic i think is right before we scored....



Color me gone
GR8, I am happy to see you didn't take a pic of another yellow card! Nice win thursday, Gore is an absolute beast. 5 int doesn't hurt either.

I happen to think Cutler is a good player but not a true leader and winner. I mean come on he leaves Denver and Orton gets the job done, now he goes to da bears and they're stinking it up, on top of this his teams were never successful in college. Make u think about the intangibles a player can't learn...


GR8, I am happy to see you didn't take a pic of another yellow card! Nice win thursday

hahaha I know huh...Naw I took it easy on the sauce....but a funny thing is that one of the guys that carded me on sunday was there on thursday...he was acting like a total dick and told me and told me that I shouldn't be drinking. I was like hey im not drunk nor am i starting any thing or starting up any shit bro....and he got pissed and said he will be watching me....what a fucker huh! owell its always either you love me or hate me but you will remember me!

cant wait tell tomorrows games even if my Niners are not playing

Big D

I think they're gonna light it up today!

Saints 48 StL 16

Who Dat?!?!


Color me gone
Lighting up some chem d right now to another wonderful sunday filled with football!

My boys got a big game today up in GB, this will be a good test for us and I think we're in good shape. We are starting to gel, miles has become romo's #1 big play guy, he has his safety blanket in witten, and we have 3 RB's that all avg over 5 yards per carry. On top of this the D as really been playing well and coming into their own.

GB can't protect their QB and really haven't been playing to their potential so I feel good about today, playing up in in GB is never easy tho...

good luck to everyones team!

heavy dank nugg

give it up for cinncy they just flat out beat the steelers up.looks like there is more work to do .........Ben looked pittifull and the o line was overwhelmed all day.We will be lucky to get a wildcard now......tough loss.


Active member

They've been ruining my Autumns for over 30 years now. But hey, I'm used to it. 1 win & 7 losses feels like a comfy sweater to me and with winter approaching comfy familiarity is nice. It's re-assuring.


Good job GB...ya'll took it to us proper this time round......fuck!
would like to see the colts beat the patriots on this one.


Color me gone
Man, just when you think you got everything together you fall right back apart and have to start from the beginning. At least Philly lost so things will stay tight within the division and now it looks like it up for grabs between dallas, new york, and philly.

I really hope this is the year Romo gets his shit together and steps it up, I won't be impressed by anything he does until it truly counts; and if doesn't happen this year I think its time to move on and look for another guy cause Romo has had plenty of chances as we all know.


Horse-toothed Jackass

They've been ruining my Autumns for over 30 years now. But hey, I'm used to it. 1 win & 7 losses feels like a comfy sweater to me and with winter approaching comfy familiarity is nice. It's re-assuring.

Ladies and gentlemen, your 2009 Cleveland Browns fans!
You know your team is bad when the Bears beat your team by 24 points and even Bears fans admit their team sucks.
But cheer up, Mayor. When the Bengals can win four games last year and now this year have swept the Ravens and the defending champion Steelers, anything is possible next year. Heck, even Derek Anderson had a good year in 2007, which watching him play right now must be frustrating.

I think with the Steelers schedule they might not lose another game, so i think they're the favorites for a wild card. I dont know where the Bengals got a defense but they are playing like every snap might be their last. Maybe the defensive line coach is injecting his players with crystal meth before the game because they are like a pack of hungry wolves out there. I still think the Steelers can beat them though, so long as Ben is on his game. He was just off today. At least he didnt throw five interceptions, like a certain someone whose name i refuse to utter today.

The Packers beat a favored Dallas team. A surprise, as the Pack hasnt been playing particularly well this season, even giving Tampa Bay its only win of the season. But anything can happen in todays NFL and Bad Romo came out today. I think you can still win a championship with him but only if he can keep Bad Romo in check during the playoffs. He's played well in 3-4 game stretches so its definitely possible.

