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reporting on a strain using Vape vs Smoke does it make a differece?

Its not advice, its an opinion as the poster requested.

And how are my personal experiences advice? and they are true.. so :noway:

I have a volcano, do you think i smoke an acrylic bong? lmao.

My OPINION is that bongs taste crap, for some reason the smoke filters on my saliva and i endup having to spit for 30 seconds... I should add that im an avid cook and have a very sensitive pallett so it probably has a bit to do with this.

If your weed has incorrect moisture you simply vaporize it during the first 50celcius of heatup until its dried out. It shouldnt lose too much of its smell/taste, so the volcano is still good there....


Worst advice i ever heard


But really, i had volcano last 2 years and sold it 6 months ago for 150 pounds.

With volcano i find u must have weed at correct moisture - otherwise its shit...
Whne mositure correct its a kick ass high

As for bong tatse like arse? Maybe ur cheap 2 $ acrilic 10 year old bong, but not my roor.
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Im generally hyperactive from a medical condition..

I struggle to vaporize less then 1.5 oz a week and i put it through twice at 205c.

Mind you thats when im doing nothing...

The problem is all you can get in my area is the same type of sativa dominant stuff. So 6 - .5g bags in a few hours is normal.

I don't understand anyone who says they go thru more bud with the vape. I've had my SSV for over 3 years now. Just a couple weeks ago i saw 5 regular smokers tap out before the 1st bowl was done. A bowl of this size could roll maybe one decent jay that would get me and another person high at best.

Statusquo> I dont think i made sense in my last post, lol. I am in agreeance with you, you can choose your high from vapour as in you could vape 190c then grind it finer and second run it at 205c and find that the second run would be more of a bodyhigh and the first run much more sativaish. I think thats what you mean? I save all my second run stuff till i run out of a couple of bags and use that as my cooling off period to let my head clear up but still keep me chilled. Id much rather just have 2 strains though lol.
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Active member
definately...fucking 100% FOR SURE it makes a difference...

i have some LOUD sour deisal right now...its got alot of frost and a stanky ass sour smell, it tastes fucking awesome in the bowl and blunt..

however the other night i had my friend load a bowl into the volcano, and it tasted just like any other thing he puts in there

i hate vapes, making me buds tastes like popcorn...id rather just damage my lungs and smoke a bong bowl..


Vaping is way better, for me personally. . . My personal favorite way is with a whip style vape, hooked up to a small water bong filled with ice. This method will make even the Vapor haters like it! The ice condenses the vapor, making it thicker and tastier than normal. . . So the vapor bong with ice gives huge, thick vapor that can and will choke you if you want to.. . Vaping is more clean feeliing all around...but even an experienced vape user can over do it. Have found that you can even get paranoid high if you take one too many hits! Yes vapor seems more heady feeling to me most of the time, but you for surely can get body buzz also. . . You use less per session for sure and do not waste much, but if I am home all day you can still use alot because it is clean and clear, so you dont pass out! My lungs thank me for my vape everyday!

Confirmed. Slowandeasy is the man, I would like to personally thank you. I have this cheap $100 vape that was boxed back up in my closet b/c I didn't like it. Its a small wooden box with a digital temp that fluctuates like mad when you start vaping. The hot air made me cough more than smoking a bong. After chronically smoking for 15 years my lungs are pretty shot and I really wanted to like vape.

After reading the quoted post above, I said to myself, "I think that vape in my closet is "whip style." It has a glass bowl that sits over the heating mechanism and the bowl has long thin tube that you put in your mouth and inhale on. It is a foot or so long. I was inspired to pull it out and try it again although I wasn't sure what the poster meant about "hooked up to a small glass bong." I also had a small glass bong I was smoking out of.

I stuck the thin rubber vape tube into the standard stem of the glass bong. The vape tube was thinner and it was loose allowing air, just like a natural carb. So I took a pen and marked the rubber vape tube where it entered the bong and then wrapped electrical tape around the marked-spot until it became a nice stopper, cutting off the air-flow. I tried it out with just a small bowl's worth of Blue Dream dream and got an amazing clear-headed high. I was excited.

I went to my head shop and bought a 2-foot glass bong wide enough to hold ice. I went to my collective and bought some fresh weed. Went home, filled the new bong with cold water, packed it with ice, heated up the vape. . . I seriously haven't been that high in maybe ten years, I started freaking out like I did when I was a teen. Was late for meeting friends at a bar, I couldn't even function when I finally made it there. Just unbelievable, it takes pot to a whole 'nother level. /bow Slowandeasy


Just an update on the vaper-bong. First time I can remember where I didn't wake and bake because still high from night before when I went to bed. Be very afraid.

Pro-tip I discovered: I take a couple of hits, then take some tiny scissors and cut up the weed still sitting in the bowl. I usually wait until I first taste the "burnt popcorn" to do this. After I cut up the weed, shake it around the bowl a bit . . . that's when I get really thick hits, make me choke. The ice helps. I'd say I'm using 1/3 to 1/2 the weed I would smoke in a bong and I'm getting at least 2-3 times higher. Maybe more.


Active member
i think with the volcano you get a purer much stronger effect than with smoking. Smoking makes you feel lazy , but i do smoke a joint or a pipe once in a while for example when i am cutting weed , just cuz of the ease.

Having said that i have been vaping for a few months now and smoked my first joint 10 days ago. I think it makes you feel more stoned /heavy but much less effect in the head.

Also to smoke with pleasure the weed has to be cured or be pretty fresh or else it makes me cough.

I also get narcotic effects from the volcano all depends on the strain and when it was picked.

i always makes my nugs smaller with my hands the first time and put the volcano on 5.5(185 degrees) then second time i grind the weed with a grinder and put the volcano on 5(178 degrees) and then i open the reservoir and stir the herb around and put the volcano on 5.5 again.

This way the weed alwyas tastes good , natural and you won't get the popcorn taste till the third or 4th bag.


smoking and vaping are essientially using the same principal, one uses a heated element that never comes into contact with the herb, it heats the ambient air, the other method physically ignights the plant and still uses heat of combustion to release the the active ingrediants. one thing thats over looked is that by physically ignighting the plant, way more heat has been added to the system and when heat increases some reactions take place, in particular ones that signifficantly alter the molecules itself and in some case can physicaly break them rendering them inert and useless. cant remember exact numbers but the temp of that cherry is pretty hot. the active compounds in pot are composed of a seris of cyclic ring system that locked that molecule into place, giving it a certain 3-D structure and it requires significant amount of energy (heat) is required to change the configuration and structure determins function so by altering the structure you alter the function and effects of the molecule (see isomerization). this is the reason for the many many effects of pot there are hundreds if not thousnads of different forms of just THC and thats only one molecule in the plant.
so to answer the posters original question there is a huge diffference between smoking and vaping try then both see which you like. i vape because i like the taste, more herbal. some people smoke because they like that taste and cant stand the taste of vaping.


Active member
Hey Sandawg,
Glad you like that method. For me, it is the best way to consume. The ice is what really helps, the cold air makes the vapor thicken up before you inhale. You can see the hit and make it as big or small as you like. It actually feels good to inhale, to me. The best way to hit it is to grind up your material, hit it like 3 or so times and I have a herb pick that has a glass ball on one end that fits in the whip perfectly...use that to grind the material and tamp it back down....repeat until cashed! You caught on quick! FWIW, I have owned or used alot of vapes...this is the way! Best taste, best buzz, least amount of material, for me...but everyone has an opinion. Glad to help, take care!!


Hey Sandawg,
Glad you like that method. For me, it is the best way to consume. The ice is what really helps, the cold air makes the vapor thicken up before you inhale. You can see the hit and make it as big or small as you like. It actually feels good to inhale, to me. The best way to hit it is to grind up your material, hit it like 3 or so times and I have a herb pick that has a glass ball on one end that fits in the whip perfectly...use that to grind the material and tamp it back down....repeat until cashed! You caught on quick! FWIW, I have owned or used alot of vapes...this is the way! Best taste, best buzz, least amount of material, for me...but everyone has an opinion. Glad to help, take care!!

I'm so proud, I had to post the pic in this thread too



There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
Vaping is most definitely different than smoking. SOme prefer one over the other, I feel there is a time a place for both... All depends on your situation and what you are tryin to accomplish. It's hard to alleviate pain without that body stone...

That popcorn taste/smell indicates that either the temperature setting is too high OR the bud was overly dried for vaping...

Mess with your temperatures a bit. Also, you want the bud ground fairly fine to give more surface area for the hot air to contact.. Stir the vape bowl in between hits (or every 2-3 hits) and you should avoid the popcorn.

Temperature control vs. starting bud moisture content is key in vaping. Even with moister bud, you'll need to slowly drop the temperature as you vape to avoid hitting that point on the edge of combustion.


Active member
Hey Sandawg,
Nice pic, glad you got it to work. Looks like you may need some new hose or maybe just the picture color. That is one thing about the bong method, your hose may get dirty faster from water and ice and just using it more often because u like it better now...so get like 20 feet and always have some on hand. I have a male part that my glass blower friend made instead of sticking the hose inside the bong. When I first tried it I would just hold it inside the existing bowl and pull it away to carb. Does the bong help your temps stabalize better? If you have the right amount of water and ice I believe it slows the hit down perfectly. That is one reason some people do not like vapes right away, it kinda takes a few times to get the feeling for it...but with the bong you can see your hit so you can regulate it better. If more people try this method, more people would vape I bet. Take care!!

BTW, get a grinder that has a "pollen catcher" for like 20 bucks...save up some kief, and put a layer on top...try it, u like it!


Hey Sandawg,
Nice pic, glad you got it to work. Looks like you may need some new hose or maybe just the picture color. That is one thing about the bong method, your hose may get dirty faster from water and ice and just using it more often because u like it better now...so get like 20 feet and always have some on hand. I have a male part that my glass blower friend made instead of sticking the hose inside the bong. When I first tried it I would just hold it inside the existing bowl and pull it away to carb. Does the bong help your temps stabalize better? If you have the right amount of water and ice I believe it slows the hit down perfectly. That is one reason some people do not like vapes right away, it kinda takes a few times to get the feeling for it...but with the bong you can see your hit so you can regulate it better. If more people try this method, more people would vape I bet. Take care!!

BTW, get a grinder that has a "pollen catcher" for like 20 bucks...save up some kief, and put a layer on top...try it, u like it!

Haha, I like the pollen catcher tip. I had my friend over to try it and he was all, "Can we vape hash?" and I didn't know either so I googled it and one of the first quotes we found was a guy who said, "hahaha I vaped hash once and felt like I was time-travelling." I had some hash and we tried it. Seemed to make the weed last longer, seemed to make the hits smoother, tasted like fabric softener, I liked it. don't know if we were projecting or not.

The bong doesn't regulate the temp any better for me, I just set it to 380, if it ain't broke, don't fix it right? I only get burnt popcorn if I keep smoking it too long without mixing it up. I think thats the color of the tubing, the tube is pretty clear and it doesn't seem to get dirty, just discolored. My bong is still perfectly clean like I havent used it. I don't how I would replace the tube if I had to, its attached to the bowl. I'd probably just buy a new vape lol.

Edit: I never looked closely at the tubing before lol, I think I'd be able to replace it (feel pretty stupid)


I wanted to post an update since I was a complete vaporizer-noob and still in the "honeymoon" phase at last post more than a month ago:

1) slowandeasy is still my idol and my lungs are forever indebted.

2) In the bong pictured in the above-post, the ice-cubes would not fall into the base, but would get trapped in the tube. The hot air from the vape would melt the ice cubes and raise the water in the bong too high. I just fill it with refrigerated water which is just fine.

3) I switched to a smaller bong (too lazy to upload pic) and it generates beautiful, compact hits.

4) I don't believe adding ice is what creates the appearance of vapor. The density of the vapor appears to be determined by the temperature of the heating element: the hotter it is, the thicker the vapor and the risk of burning the pot and getting the burnt-popcorn taste.

5) After talking with people, some believe that if you can see the vapor, it is smoke and it is harmful. I do not believe this as I have been smoking my new bong for at least a month and it looks brand-new. I pull thick-ass hits out of it, looks like smoke, ain't smoke. My lungs would tell you it ain't smoke.

6) As a noob, I had thought my cheap vape's digital temp fluctuated haphazardly. I have underestimated it. It apparently is very accurate. I guess as you pull on it, it lowers the temp of the heating element and takes a few secs for it to heat back up.

7) It may be just my cheap vape, but the longer I hit it, the hotter it gets. It will get 30-50 degrees hotter than the temp I set it at if I hit it continuously. At the same time, my weed is getting drier, requiring a lower temp at which to vape. I learned I need to lower the temp over time.

8) People have theories about what temp is correct. Too low and you only vape the aroma, too high and you get all the bad stuff. This leads to my next point.

9) It seems my vape takes a few hits to really warm up and extract the THC. When I first put the bowl over the heating element, the element is hot enough, but the air inside the bowl isn't. I need to take a few hits to get the bowl filled with hot enough air. If I start out with weed already ground-up, I vape all the aroma out of it before it heats up. So instead I put in small nugs and I have a tiny, but quality, pair of scissors. After every hit, when I'm waiting for the temp to go back up, I pull off the bowl and cut the nugs a bit with the scissors, opening them up a bit. When I'm done, I have vaped my weed into dust sitting in the bottom of the bowl and get almost no burnt-popcorn taste. The beautiful aroma eventually fades, but as I lower the temp as I'm vaping, and by slowing-cutting the buds as I go, I am maximizing the THC delivery.

10) I have developed a tolerance to the vapor-bong delivery of THC. The first few times absolutely crushed me. But I still get much higher than I did at peak tolerance while smoking. And my lungs are crystal clear, my bong is clean and the water doesn't stink.

11) It took awhile to adjust to the taste, but now I believe the taste from vaporizing through the bong is more pristine. I tried smoking my bowl the other night and it tasted so nasty.

12) I began this post by mentioning slowandeasy, I want to end it by mentioning him, he may have literally saved my life. My lungs were so shot.


I forgot to mention that my first two whips had two problems: the tubing was superglued to the glass bowl making it impossible to replace and the screen was also near impossible to replace requiring me to feed a clothes-hanger through it and maneuver it in place. I found a whip that screws apart for easy screen replacement and the tubing is easily replaced. Cost me $50 but it will be the only one I buy. If i break the top-half, I can buy just the top-half.
Actually smoking weed (bong, joint, or blunt) gives you a high like this:


Vaporizer. That gives you a high more like this:


Just depends if you want the "I can still go out in public high" or the "I am a zombie on the couch high". Both are great! Depends on what mood your in I guess.


I don't know about being able to go out in public after smoking. I smoked a joint of OG Kush with a guy and I could barely walk home. I live nextdoor.

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