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Report: U.S. has highest rates of cocaine, marijuana use


lives on planet 4:20
sociocologist.....i don't understand your point....what are you trying to say?

everything in life depends totally on circumstances and what everyone should do is become a slave of these circumstances that surround them?

my point is this.....if one person.....any person....in any place in the world...and not only USA.........wanted to *create*.....*something*....that is really *important to them*....they could do it

the way they would go about doing this would include:
1) knowing what they want (exact end result)
2) knowing their current reality (the truth about where they currently are...as much as they can see it and understand it)
3) create a list of steps to get from where they are now (their current reality) to where they want to be (their exact end result)
4) take the steps on this list
5) monitor the result they get from these steps
6) track how current reality changes and if it is moving them toward the end result or not
7) if the actions are moving toward end result....continue taking them
8) if actions are not moving toward end result....change the action steps and make up new ones

so either way....if what you are doing is working or not...taking action and monitoring the consenquences of your actions is what brings you in the end toward what you want (your big goal, major result, dream, objective....whatever you choose to call it...in the end it is a *result*)

so who cares what the majority is accomplishing......in the end the majority....is a whole bunch of single people in it...right?

so any one single person in this majority can choose....to take a different path...can't he?
socioecologist said:
Not sure if you got the point of the post? If someone writes :

but the overwhelming majority cannot, does that mean they are still correct? You can say/write whatever you want, but that doesn't make it true.

The point is that the US has a very rigid class structure; regardless of how hard someone works, chances are, almost all people will end up in the same economic class as their parents (and their grandparents, and great-grandparents, etc.). That is a very powerful reality for people to deal with, and it points to some much larger issues we have yet to come to terms with in the US.

I realize that money isn't everything and that happiness is not necessarily a product of money--but try surviving (let alone transcending class boundaries) in the US without it.

I've been hearing all my life, "you can grow up to be President," or another one, "anyone can get ahead in America," well if you mean, anyone can get a job at McDonalds and earn $7.25 an hour, then yes, just about anyone can. If you mean, anyone can get health insurance, no. If you mean, anyone can make enough money to buy a decent house...no.

And the way things are going, most middle-class jobs are moving overseas, so in the future, most Americans will be working @ McDonalds, Wal-Mart or the local gas station. Expect higher prices due to inflation + less income. This is what comes out of electing and then re-electing jackasses like Bush to office; no problems get solved domestically and all the money is blown on him playing with toy soldiers in the sand.