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Replace 20amp with 30amp fuse?


I apologize, but electrical diagrams and explanations just make NO fucking sense to me.

All I need to know is whether or not I can swap out a 20A fuse with a 30A fuse safely. (?)

What factors (besides wire guage) must I understand to make this happen?

...again sorry to ask what may appear to be a stupid question, but real stupidty would be me burning my house down in the name of foolish pride and ignorance.

Help me here, and I luyoulontime, ...maybe even wubbayawfeet!:D

ADMIN: Go ahead and delete this in a wk., probably not a common question!?!


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
If whatever you are having problems with was originally supplied with a 20 amp fuse, no, you cannot safely change it out with a 30. Every component in the device has to be rated for the amperage - wire size, cord cap (plug), switches, etc. If the 20 amp fuse isn't holding and that is what it was originally supplied with, you probably have some type of failure in the device and the fuse is doing the job that it was intended to. Hope this helps.


A 20A circuit consists of #12AWG so if you put a 30A fuse on #12 wire you are in danger of overheating the wire and causing a fire.Overfusing is never a good thing.You can underfuse all you want with no safety issues but you can never overfuse


New member
Let me say first I am no electrician. But I have made things work as best as I understand in quite a few different grows. If you need more amps, and it sounds like thats what your getting at, you either need an empty space on the breaker box or you can remove the breaker your using now and rewire the entire chain as noted above(wire, switches, etc). Either way, always check and double check the recommendations of anyone with another source before installing wiring that could be the downfall of an otherwise great grow. Once your sure, do it, test it and put it in your bag of tricks. Basic wiring and circuits will take you real far in setting up quality grow rooms.


Active member
I just did this myself with no experience at all but I understood what to do. You can swap it out as long as you swap out all of the wire that runs to your electrical at the appropriate guage. You can't just take out the fuse or breaker and put in a new one without replacing all of the wire too unless you want to burn your house down.


Thanks a bunch fellas!
I dont have any type of malfunction; I've just got about 18a on a 20a and need to add about 6-8 more amps. Also, for what it's worth, it's more for a small music studio than a grow. If and when I decide to scale up any grow, all the electrical work will be the one thing I'll have to call in a professional for. Everything else is an easy DIY job, but electricity's my weak spot.

I appreciate you guys not bein dicks, and actually answering my Q.!


wire should only be used at 80% of its capacity so 16amps on a 20A breaker and #12awg wire this is for safety if you are constantly pulling 18 amps the you need to go to a 30 amp breaker and #10awg always derate your wire by 20% this also gives room for lamp startup and motors. also make sure your receptacles are rated for the proper amperage. it is not rocket science but i did have to go to a 5 year apprenticeship.
Remember you are playing with the same shit the government uses to kill people.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I misunderstood and thought that you were having trouble with a piece of equipment. It sounds like you will need another circuit feeding your studio, not more ampacity on the existing one. 20 amp receptacles are the upper limit for 120vac circuits with a normal plug configuration. Also, you might want to put the circuits behind GFCI breakers - I have heard too many horror stories about shorted out guitar amps and the guitarist doing the 60-cycle shuffle as a result.


Active member
I just did this myself with no experience at all but I understood what to do. You can swap it out as long as you swap out all of the wire that runs to your electrical at the appropriate guage. You can't just take out the fuse or breaker and put in a new one without replacing all of the wire too unless you want to burn your house down.

You may wanna double check your outlet and make sure it's rated for that amperage too buddy, those sockets have their own ratings as well - need to keep you protected double check that!
as someone else mentioned, you should not be running 18A continuously on a 20A circuit. if you are just running this whole load for an hour or two, during practice, or different things come off and on but not all on simultaneously, you'll be allright.


Active member
I WOULD appreciate this, but it seems more like you giving yourself a handjob than it does helping me.
It's cool though, I'm a dickhead myself sometimes.:wave:
I get taken the wrong way a lot but let me explain something to you. My point in what I was saying to you was to show you if a dumb ass like myself can swap out circuit breakers and rewire most of my house, then you can surely do it too. My point was to try and motivate you so that you don't have to pay overpriced contractors that might have to pull permits and charge you an arm and a leg for a couple hours of work that you can do yourself. If you believe in yourself, you can do anything you set your mind to, as long as you do all of the research.

You may wanna double check your outlet and make sure it's rated for that amperage too buddy, those sockets have their own ratings as well - need to keep you protected double check that!
Good point slackx, I forgot to say that too. I also did that when I rewired my circuits. Thanks for saying that so people remember to also do that. That can easily slip someone's mind.


I have a question before I answer=> you need to plug some more equipment in and it will over do the circuit you are on? If yes then check to see if there is another circuit in the area to get your needed power off of (within reason) and if possible reduce to 18 amps by a little. Please dont just replace the fuse with a 30 to hold the extra equipment. I am afraid of something in the walls getting real hot and starting a fire that wont break into the room till midnight or so. Thank you for not calling me stupid or something worse I would just hate to have you or anyone else hurt from something like this. Take care and be safe .


...I guess if any thread is redundant, it may as well be a safety lesson!
I do appreciate everyones input...

I get taken the wrong way a lot but let me explain something to you. My point in what I was saying to you was to show you if a dumb ass like myself can swap out circuit breakers and rewire most of my house, then you can surely do it too. My point was to try and motivate you so that you don't have to pay overpriced contractors that might have to pull permits and charge you an arm and a leg for a couple hours of work that you can do yourself. If you believe in yourself, you can do anything you set your mind to, as long as you do all of the research.

You underestimate your intelligence my friend. If you can rewire your home and be 100% confident in your work, you're either completely retarded OR have a gift. ...Give yourself some credit!

Believe me, this statement is nearly identical to how I would advise someone else, in any situation other than one that could render one homeless and broke...if not dead.

Not much will take one further than believing in ones self.

I do appreciate your vote of confidence in my electrical skills, but be weary of encouraging strangers to engage in such a risky buisness. I believe you know as well as I, that there are FARRRRRR too many idiots out there!
Thankfully, we've got the resources now like the internet, so the idiots can do the research and educate themselves. That's why I hold idiots responsible/accountable for their actions...They've simply chosen NOT to learn. Ignorance is bliss, ...yeah, maybe but along with our inalienable rights, we have a responsibility to continue learning and growing (pun intended) as individuals and as a species.


I have a question before I answer=> you need to plug some more equipment in and it will over do the circuit you are on? If yes then check to see if there is another circuit in the area to get your needed power off of (within reason) and if possible reduce to 18 amps by a little. Please dont just replace the fuse with a 30 to hold the extra equipment. I am afraid of something in the walls getting real hot and starting a fire that wont break into the room till midnight or so. Thank you for not calling me stupid or something worse I would just hate to have you or anyone else hurt from something like this. Take care and be safe .

A.) Yup

B.) Thanks for your concern. :)

C.) Dont thank anyone for not calling you stupid.


Active member
as someone else mentioned, you should not be running 18A continuously on a 20A circuit. if you are just running this whole load for an hour or two, during practice, or different things come off and on but not all on simultaneously, you'll be allright.

Circuits are made to run at 80% peak load at all times.

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