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renting without a name

whats the standard protocol for renting a space without using ones own social security number or name?

to be able to rent a commercial property or the like it seems a bank acct , tax id, and or dba would help. But how to get one without linking oneself?

can anyone give a little deeper info on this or pm me ? thanks


stone fool
What you are asking is how to do illegal stuff, and I reckon that is not cool here. I don't care, just sayin.
You can't get a DBA, tax I.D., or any of that stuff without leaving a pretty strong paper trail that can eventually be traced back to you. Cash can work miracles once you find the right landlord (LL), but since no I.D. and cash tells the LL you will probably stiff him for the last few months rent, or at least cause him a lot of repairs if whatever police agency kicks in his doors when they come after you and your bootleg records, knockoff watches, or whatever illicit stuff you have in his property you have to find a sleazy guy who would probably want one hell of a security deposit, first month, and last month all in advance. Since he can figure out you're up to no good, he won't be in a hurry to refund anything when you check out, it's not like you can call the better business bureau when he stiffs you.
Maybe you can rent a Hindu or whatever who can sell the LL he's doing import/export from back home in Bangladesh and doesn't have any paperwork? Might work with somebody who's Hispanic, too. But then you violated rule #1.
I suppose you could come up with some fake I.D. , my godson used to have a good business on college campuses selling 21 year old drivers licenses; that stuff is also available in immigrant communities if the seller thinks you're cool and not a cop or immigration.

I'd love to hear from peoples who have done this to hear how.


Hindus aren't from Bangladesh you moron!

You can't get a DBA, tax I.D., or any of that stuff without leaving a pretty strong paper trail that can eventually be traced back to you. Cash can work miracles once you find the right landlord (LL), but since no I.D. and cash tells the LL you will probably stiff him for the last few months rent, or at least cause him a lot of repairs if whatever police agency kicks in his doors when they come after you and your bootleg records, knockoff watches, or whatever illicit stuff you have in his property you have to find a sleazy guy who would probably want one hell of a security deposit, first month, and last month all in advance. Since he can figure out you're up to no good, he won't be in a hurry to refund anything when you check out, it's not like you can call the better business bureau when he stiffs you.
Maybe you can rent a Hindu or whatever who can sell the LL he's doing import/export from back home in Bangladesh and doesn't have any paperwork? Might work with somebody who's Hispanic, too. But then you violated rule #1.
I suppose you could come up with some fake I.D. , my godson used to have a good business on college campuses selling 21 year old drivers licenses; that stuff is also available in immigrant communities if the seller thinks you're cool and not a cop or immigration.

I'd love to hear from peoples who have done this to hear how.


Active member
you can legally register a corporation in panama, the use said corporation to open subsidiary in US. Laws are different and getting the warrant is much harder and time consuming to do.


Active member
you can legally register a corporation in panama, the use said corporation to open subsidiary in US. Laws are different and getting the warrant is much harder and time consuming to do.

Can a Panama company be a wholly owned subsidiary of a foreign company?

Yes a Panama company can be a subsidiary of a foreign company. In fact, there are no limits on the ownership of a Panama corporation. This strategy is not wise because it compromises your privacy rights under Panama law. Typically customers use the reverse strategy, making the onshore entity a subsidiary of the offshore company.

lol what are they saying here... what you said or the opposite?


Speaking as a landlord, there aren't really any laws about what kind of ID someone needs to show you to rent a house. Money talks...lots of money if you want to rent one of my houses with no real ID.


stone fool
Since the thread is still here....... best way I can figure out is to buy the rights to a dead business for small money. It will already have names and stuff attached to it. It can still come back to ya, I have not tried this.
great responses.. should have elaborated further. the property would be commercial. not a house. its not for illegal activity but need a great place to setup a gymnasium to play on.

power co. needs info.. no? paying a landlord extra money then is a dead give away to him that im trying to hide this epic playpen. thats why its interesting to find a way around.. as there is always a way around.

fake id.. well that will get past a landlord that doesnt care to begin with. but you need a matching social for a check for anything more.

good call 00420 but my balls are like boulders and i dont want to break the furniture.


Active member
be a man....... put your nut's on the table

this coming from a medical user/grower in california. Some of you people in cali think you're so badass with your ez ass laws... just stick to bein a full time daddy and hiding in norcal.. let the rest of us worry bout the real issues.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Typically customers use the reverse strategy, making the onshore entity a subsidiary of the offshore company.
pretty sure that's what he said, if less eloquently:tiphat:
what should be added is that both Nevada and Delaware are great states in which to open subsidiary corps, cos, and llcs


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Paladin Press out of Boulder, CO used to put out a bunch of great books on how to hide your identity so that your schemeing Ex-Wife couldn't take all of your hard earned money 'cause she fucked you for a few years, took your kid and married a twenty something.
The information is probably out there, but I bet you are looking for it in the wrong place here. Most of us need a tutorial on how to upload pictures. You get me?
You probably have better luck with the kind of landlord who doesn't ask fifty dollars for a background check.

They are still here. Way to go 1st amendment.
You may have heard there rise to imfamy when that guy offed his familiy, line by line, as in a book sold by this company. Just remember some of their books are quite old. Always check copyrights when doing a research paper. Otherwise your prof will deduct when reading your Bibliography/Endnotes.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Loompanics is another one to look for.
I've still got an old George Hayduke manual that is pure gold!


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Why is it I get object not found and 'drug rehab centers' google ads. (Edit: upon further inspection it looks like Loompanics was discontinued in 2006, and library partly acquired by Paladin).

Google must know something I don't. I would wish they just stopped teasing me and took control of my life. I mean I could have a Google Calendar for my life.