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Rental Cars: What Would You Do?


natural medicator
Even_Steven said:
Don't be scared; hostility arises from fear. They won't be worried unless they see you're afraid. Gotta have cajones to be driving around with weight anyway; I wouldn't expect you to understand.

awww, did someone take a criticism of a comment personally? :violin:


NEVER, ever ever ever give consent.

As for the rental, my idea would be either finding a Diesel to rent/borrow. I would GUESS/HOPE that the smell of a diesel would help mask the smell especially on an open highway with cars blasting by.

Rent a Pick Up, load that shit in a dresser and in the back it goes. Less confined, smell is outside of the car, and now you have a reason for the rental.


Barry Cooper says animals in the car keep the dogs attention. Drug dogs don't wanna look for their ball when there's a cat to chew on or a bitch in heat to have at. :muahaha:


julsbagell said:
Dont waste your money on pre paid legal they cover everything except drug cases.
I just googled PPL and apparently it's a multi-level marketing scheme sold through Avon, Tupperware, and others..... lame. Surely there are other firms offering similar services. If PPL is making all that money, there are sure to be others looking to get a piece of the pie. Also, some kind of legislation looming to regulate PPL a lot tighter; gotta look into it more, but yeah, PPL (corp) is shit.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Murphy said:
NEVER, ever ever ever give consent.

Consent?? :muahaha: yeeeah riight. ive been cuffed "for my own safety" and had all my belongings taking out of my pockets,,, surely not after i was tackled by two three hundred pound agents first>>> took my keys,,, went through my house and vehicle,, took what they want,,confiscated a ton of shit >> never filed charges....

fukn legalized robbery :asskick: :asskick: :asskick:


Active member
Babbabud said:
whodi said:
I was thinking you can tell the officer sure go ahead and search.. cause he might bring the drug dog in if you say no, right? Well if he does search by himself, or with a dog, and happens to find the MJ, couldn't you just say it's a rental car and you had no idea anything was in there? ANd then if he insists on hounding you, just shutup and get a lawyer if they arrest you?[/QUOTE]

Hehehehe what world are you living in ? IF they arrest you? Do you really think your going to talk your way out of anything once they find pounds of pot ? :nono: Best to just be quiet and get a lawyer cause you ARE on your way to jail.
Never never never consent. This gives them "your" permission to seach. Otherwise they must have probable cause to search the trunk.Even if they open it anyway you stil have better protection as it was illegal search&seizure. Many cases have been won by this alone!
Now as to the rental, yes it is better only if no prior drug related charges, be aware your addy on the license may be subject to search from the pc of possesion, but if the original reason for going into the trunk was unfounded then any further info etc is "fruit of the poisonious tree" PS NoTalking! Period!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
FirstTracks said:
you really don't think they would say your house was a staging point and make you prove that you legitimately earned the money used to purchase your house and car?

It doesn't matter if you're in a rental car or not in that case, they'll bring up charges, even if they know they won't stick long term. remember who we're talking about here......

It'd be taken, then you'd have to fight for years to get it back (which wouldn't happen too easily because they would have auctioned it off already to make some quick money)

FB:not trying to dispute your every post man. much respect out to ya. Just don't want people getting wrong ideas about things.

If you can't disagree with and humiliate your friends in public, what good are they? We're cool. :dueling:

I agree that Shock-and-Awe charges are the norm. They'll stick him with everything they can. But, if the guy's house and car are clean, it's possible to save them. They catch him moving keys in his own car, they don't have to prove anything. He's proved it for them and that car is gone for good.


natural medicator
FreezerBoy said:
If you can't disagree with and humiliate your friends in public, what good are they? We're cool. :dueling:

I agree that Shock-and-Awe charges are the norm. They'll stick him with everything they can. But, if the guy's house and car are clean, it's possible to save them. They catch him moving keys in his own car, they don't have to prove anything. He's proved it for them and that car is gone for good.

definitely FB! great points, especially about having everything else clean at the time of movement


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
My experience with rental car havent been the best, so ill leave you to some issues that happened in a non-related situation.

When going across state lines it is a good idea to get a rental closer to your destination. Several states away=nono, but next state over rental=ok

Renting the car for the shortest period of time is a nono. Rent that car for twice the amount needed.

Dont use the same company repeatedly. Use them once and move on.

If you have cash on you treat it like drugs. HIDE THAT SHIT!!!!. I cant stress how important that is.

Pack clothes/ suitecase luggage like your going on a trip. This goes perfectly with the extended rental period of the car, cause the cops can check to see how long your rental is for.

Just a couple a things off the top of my head. Now me personally i would just buy a little "knock around" vehicle. You can get one cheap $500-2000, keep it around as long as needed and ditch it, sell it, or scrap it. When the time comes again, buy another one

Ajunta Pall

I don't get all the paranoia w/rental cars? What's the diff.? Unless you get profiled or do something to get pulled over, how will the cop know you're driving a rental? As far as the law goes, they will charge the driver and any other occupant in the car w/poss. if they find drugs regardless who owns the car.

Renting a car is not suspicious, there are a variety of reasons to rent one. I found that driving junkers is a good way to get pulled over, because cops will target your car just to give you tickets. Cops do not like to see beaters on the road, in case you didn't know.

Look, I'm overly paranoid myself when it comes to transporting weed, but as long as you do it in a car that is legal, then all you have to worry about is driving in a safe sane manner.


Junker meaning a car under 3,000$. Plenty of good looking cars in that price range.

Rentals have stickers, decals, painted on logo on them. Cops LOVE to pull them over. Look @ the trunk of a Hertz or Enterprise car sometime....

Ajunta Pall

Ninfan, I don't follow your logic. THere are plenty of people who rent cars daily. And very few do so to conduct illegal activity. Rental car companies also sell their retired cars to the public, so there are lots of stickered ex rental cars driving around to private owners.

More importantly you have the same rights in the rental car as you do in your own car. If a cop pulls you over in a rental and asks to search it for no real reason (even if there is) tell him NO! If there is no probable cause, the pig will have to fuck off.


natural medicator
ninfan: i have to disagree with you about the 'junker' cars. Driving a subpar quality car while transporting is a recipe for disaster. You really never know when something is going to go wrong on it, especially if you just purchased it for cash off ebay or CL, as someone mentioned. Driving at night? what happens when a headlight or taillight goes out? What happens anytime if something in the engine fails and you have to pull over with X amount of herb in your trunk?

Its just much better, imho, to use a car which at least can be reasonably expected to not fail.


Patient Grower
You can get a really good looking, older, low mileage gas RV for less than $5k nowadays. Lots of places to hide stuff in them. Heck, som e are advertised with 'full basements'. Easy to look like a tourist. OK, get ready to bend over and grab your ankles when you get to the gas station. That is why they're so cheap.