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Rent a place to dry????


Well-known member
I have looked through 27 pages of this forum and done several advanced searches and found only 2 threads discussing this.

I am a guerrilla grower who has done every step of the growing process outdoors including germination, veging, flowering, harvesting, trimming and even drying. The later of the list seems to be the hardest in my opinion.

As a guerilla your harvest can be 5-10lbs in one day. I have dried many times outdoors but when you get in the 5lb range its too risky to have a whole crop turn into mold sticks and using a tent is so risky because of hunting season.
I have thought long and hard( I hope) about this and it seams my only real alternative is to rent a place.
Here are some options I have put together.

Vacant Storage Building- Barn, Outbuilding, Garage---Sometimes people own property that may have an old building on it. They don’t want to fix it up so they rent it for storage.
The con I see to this is because it is theirs they can show up at any time. Unlikely yes, because they are not in business to be checking up on it they just want the cash but still a chance.

Home in questionable neighborhood--- This seems to be the most real solution because an apartment is too confined for possible smell leaks and I live in a city with tons of this type of rental property. The landlord is just looking for the rent and no problems. If the neighbors smell weed it wouldn’t be different than any other day of the week.
The con has to be expense. These homes rent for $700.00-$750.00/month and I am looking at multiple strains and harvest times so 3 months minimum including utilities that could be $850.00-$900.00/month. That’s $2700.00 not including deposit. So any where from $3000.00 - $5000.00 and that’s steep considering I have nothing right now but an over active imagination.
Please help with your experiences.


Depending on the smell of my strain and how management acts, I would look into renting a storage container...could be way off but was one of the first things coming to mind since our budgets sound similiar.


Well-known member
Not bashing here maybe you have a different type of storage unit in mind please fell free to elaborate.

All different types of storage containers and not out of the question but a few things come into my mind with the multiunit type surrounded by fencing. They are often used in criminal activity and open to anyone to visit. Many do not have any electric power available and a fan will be a must in my mind. Even if you bought a propane type heater you need to vent all the humidity you will be making. That’s why I was looking into privately owned storage unit like a garage or old building of some type.

Hey brother I wish it were that easy. I have worked hard for almost the last 4 years to mold my growing skills to be able to go from seed to harvest without ever bringing anything into my home. That’s out of the question for me just my way of doing things. Not a hard ass or anything just a family decision.


If money is tight, then renting seems like it probably wouldn't be the best idea--even with a huge harvest coming in.

My suggestion would be, if possible, to build (or fashion from an existing structure) a large drying chamber with ventilation in which you could hang buds in layers. You could keep it outside, wherever the harvested plants came from.

I know this is sort of a batty idea, but I figured if you were in a bind you might appreciate it!


Well-known member
All ideas are welcome just brainstorming.

I like many guerillas are not able to build any structure in the growing area I wish I could. My outdoor plots have to harvested and pulled out immediately just not safe to have a tent or other structure.

I know others must have struggled with this problem.


just some thoughts.
RV, in a rv campground. bathroom or inline fan sucking air out with scrubber, no intake fan just passive...vent out through top of RV (bathroom shitter vent?) there should be no smell and if there is it will be pushed up and away from the rv.
drying IMO is probably the most important thing. even if its good...dried poorly it really loses it quality.

ive seen ppl in apartments with closet setups make homemade "drying boxes" basically a rubbermaid with a computer fan on 1 end with some carbon attached to it. again i think it was passive intake active exhaust.
maybe for outdoor use a really big rubbermaid with one of those battery jump start things that you can plug laptops or whatever into for camping and get small axial fan. dont think they take much juice. a rectangular rubbermaid is alot easier to conceal than say a tent. you can only trim so much per day and instead of trimming and leaving the stems on like so many do, trim it all so its just bud and lay a screen or 2 inside the tote. might need like 2 totes for a days worth of trimming not sure if your using fiskars or a machine :)
get a few of these going on a rotating basis. anyways purple kush um i lost my train of thought. just some ideas to get ya thinking.


seems like you want to rent something.

Rent anywhere as long as you've taken care of the smell for transportation.

Then use one of those grow tents on the market w/ a carbon filter. Keep the fan on and your tent will have negative pressure - you could trim inside if needed. I'm thinking 4x8 tent or larger. If landlord sees then you could tell them its for photography and that you cannot open it or the light will destroy your "prized photos".

kinda related: my bro has a couple tents in a rental and there was a fire sprinkler inspection - the inspector just glanced at it and continued on. Kept the carbon filter on and no smell outside the tent.


Well-known member
Wow, thanks for all the replies.

RV thing not sure I like it, I have no real good reason to disagree with you but pot on wheels scares me.

Negative pressure is mandatory for sure. I am strictly a guerilla but got my start indoors so I understand the concepts. Thanks for the reply I appreciate all info.

Great Lakes
I love the pod idea brother I mean I really like it but where do I put it??

I don’t want it near my home that was my premise to keep it away from the family and my property.
I wish I had a place to drop one of these SOBs but using that logic I would have a place to dry. Damn so close!! Thanks for the input it opens my mind to other ideas.


Well-known member
I know different climates allow for different alternatives but for me in the Midwest anyway no go. I have dried outside every year I have grown outside and thats more than 10 yrs. When you get 5lbs or I would say 3lbs or more it’s just too risky for a couple of reasons in my opinion.

1. Security can be a problem don’t want all the time and effort you put into the grow to go to waste. Do I think it is probable that someone might find it, not really I could easily find a semi secure spot but that is such a good lead in to the biggy #2.

2. When drying large amounts air flow, temp, moisture content of the air, rain just too many variables to gamble on. Try and find 7-10 good days of weather in late Sept early Oct is like betting on the Chicago Cubs win the world series too many things can go wrong. I am just not willing to do that with any weight. I have seen my share of mold and its very depressing.


Active member
For a couple or 3 grand you could purchase a Haulmark trailer, they're not cheap, but in time, over the years, it would certainly pay for itself.
were going to trim dry and cure all in the bush this year we thought of renting to do it all but its to risky to take a possible 100lbs of wet weed into the city, if theres a spot to rent out in the area u grow take it if you can or set up a tent and make it hidden away from any trail even animal trails

little j

its a tough call but i also was thinking about this. heres what popped into my head. lots of people rent cabins or cottages and sometimes these are isolated. like lake cabins or hunting cabins. if you look in the right papers or ads you may find a queit one that is cheap to rent for a week. of course then you may need to take a week vacation if you have it. or, you dont really have to be there all the time. rent it for a week, hang up your buds and go back at the end of the week or midweek or whatever.
also, the camping thing isnt so bad. find a crappy campground, get a "quiet" spot in the back. set up your tents and hang yourr buds in it. take a buddy along for help and company. or go alone. a nice size tent hanging with buds is fine. your there to babysit it, party a little, maybe you can even have electricity and a fan blowing in the tent. are you a hunter? fisherman? have a relaxing time and dry your buds. its great.
thanks, little j
i would build stealth dryer and dry it at my house w/ one 150$ 4'' inline fan and carbon filter you could connect like 4 big ass rubbermaids or garbage cans together w/ ducting and exhaust thru the filter.


Well-known member
Stealth cab
The premise was not to have it in the house but willing to listen to the concept if not the actual practice.

Never built one but if I understand the concept you hang the weed in rows inside the Rubbermaid or trash cans and pull air through a carbon filter via an inline fan. Please correct me if I am wrong but even the large Rubbermaid containers are 24x36 and of varying depths. Even with 4 of them you might be able to dry a 1-2 lbs max I am guessing here. Again this is all pie in the sky but I have pulled 5lbs in one day so I would be in a jam very quickly with the left over weed sitting around.

Is my math correct or can you dry a whole hell of a lot more weed at a time in one of these?

little j

hey hamstring, i also want to elab on my idea. do you have a friend with a popup? this gives you a lot of space to hang buds for a few days, awesome ventilation, and again i think the unpopular campground with a quiet site in the back is the way to go. go on a non holiday weekend (especially late/early fall). nobody is camping then.
thanks, littel j.
if you use screen you can put like 8 layers in a trash can prolly 3 in a rubbermaid. but anywhere you go its safer doing a contained dry smell free.