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Remembering old phrases/slang


Kiss My Ring
front me three fingers sos i can twist another lineal before i gots to book. this is some heavy grass man, pssiissshhhh...i'm lit. later cuz...peace.

still use this lexicon to this day. peace


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I still use 'groovy' ~ 'cool' ~ 'right on' ~ 'far out' & others with enough regularity that when my doctor walks into the exam room he greets me with "what's up dude?"

he talks to me about some of the edgier things he still does on vacations which he usually enjoys in NY where I was from. he also trusts me, when I ask for a 30 day refill on my oxycontin he knows it will last me 4 months 'cause I hate the shit but need it still occasionally.


Freedom Fighter
This Thread is Boss Man...like I'm gonna Burn some Bitchin Grass, head over to the Schwinn Bike Shop, I broke my Banana Seat...so getting a new one to save tread on my Wallabe's...Got to Keep on Truckin' Man...if I'm going to get any of these Chicks to Ball!!:)


Scrogging used to have a different meaning from my neck of the woods, Kinda like doggy style instead froggy style, LOL!


when i was a kid and crying my mum would say if you dont shut up i will give you summin to cry for never did get it,or woe be tide


New member
"take from the top" and "save your money for your old age; you're gonna need it" were just 2 pearls of wisdom from my old man. "Take from the top" originally referred to moving a wood pile but it has other applications. "save your money for your old age..." is my advice to the next generation.


Active member

A lid is still a lid for me...even if only old farts know what I'm talking about.

But then again I still listen to Quicksilver's first album regularly too.

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
Mrs Claude is instructing me about the term 'lemme have shorts.' At first I understood (in my imagination) that she was talkling about some sort of bogarting. She instructed me that its not accusing someone of hogging something. No, she says its more a form of begging, I don't have any smokes left, will you save me a puff or two of that one.

I came of age in the late 70's and had never heard the term, "lemme have shorts.' I guess that's why I married a younger girl; learn new things.


Active member
A trip back to Boston and I overheard a couple of 12 year olds talking on the sidewalk made me smile...

"Aw Yeah...Fuckin' A! That was wicked pissah wudnit"?

Some things never change...almost 50 years later and and still going strong.
Never heard that expression used anywhere else but there.

They should do a limited edition "Sam Adams...Wicked Pissah Ale".


Active member
Anybody have friends tell you to "maintain" in public because you were really high and drawing too much attention?


Wow! Far out, man. I haven't seen lids or matchboxes in years........ That's groovy! Acapulco gold, michuacan, gold Colombian, Thai sticks .... the gold old days.......... I remember being able to buy pounds of mex, pressed into bricks, wrapped in some kind of pink construction paper for $125....


Four-finger bag
Peace Man

Free-wheelin Frank sez:
Dope will get you thru times of no money better than,
Money will get you thru times of no dope!!!


To Have More ... Desire Less
F.U.B.A.R. = fucked UP beyond ALL reality

H.M.F.I.C. = Head Mother Fucker IN Charge


oh and

D.K.J.S. = don't know jack schitt