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"Remember, remember, the 5th of November." - Anonymous Hackers vs Los Zetas Cartel


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
"Remember, remember, the 5th of November." - Anonymous Hackers vs Los Zetas Cartel

This fifth of November, 2011 = Guy Fawkes Day!

Anonymous Operation Cartel

One group identifying themselves as part of Anonymous is reportedly planning to release identifying information about civilian associates of Los Zetas, one of Mexico’s most powerful and ruthless drug cartels, although there have been calls to cancel the operation due to the possible danger to participants and erroneously identified targets. Follow Operation Cartel (Operacion Cartel) on Twitter under the hashtag #OpCartel.


Barrett Brown, a sometimes spokesman for the hacker collective Anonymous, said Thursday that the Zeta Mexican cartel had freed a kidnapped member of its group, but that he would continue to battle the violent gang on his own, outside of Anonymous.

The issue has divided the hacker community, with some Anonymous members calling for Brown to be stopped lest he get someone killed. Brown was unmoved, arguing in a Thursday Pastebin note that he will not abandon the plan "simply because there is a possibility of retaliation."

Last month, Anonymous posted a video online that pledged to release data about members of Zeta, as well as those who cooperate with the cartel, unless they released a member of Anonymous who was allegedly kidnapped during a protest in Veracruz. "Give us back our #Anonymous participant or many of you die within a week," Brown tweeted recently.

Brown said Thursday night that "the Anon who had been kidnapped last month by the Zetas has been released, although it appears that the Zetas concerned did not know that the individual was the Anon whose release had been demanded by those who instigated #OpCartel. As such, no bargain has been fulfilled."

Anonymous members in Mexico reportedly have access to documents that expose those who have worked with the cartel. Brown said in an earlier YouTube video that Anons were working dilgently to verify the authenticity in order to avoid exposing innocent people to danger. On Thursday night, Brown said "those who have been in possession of the e-mails have promised to provide them to me alone, which is to say that everything that proceeds from now on is my own work, and not that of Anonymous."

Brown pledged to "announce the next step in a few days."
Detractors criticized Brown as "foolish" for taking such a public stand (he did not cover his face on that YouTube video), but he called the opposition "among the most degenerate displays I have yet seen."

"The idea that I should refrain from assisting in the naming of probable criminals operating in a foreign country without a working judicial system lest I be murdered is a cowardly sentiment," he wrote. "No individual living in the free world should refrain from working to fight injustice simply because there is a possibility of retaliation."

Not everyone was impressed. "Sorry, gentlemen. #Anonymous majority does not support your idiotic #OpCartel, & YES our opinion matters," tweeted an Anon who goes by the name @Anachrynon on Twitter.

Brown responded that @Anachrynon has "no majority support, we don't need your help, and I left Anonymous months ago."

One Anon who is supporting the #OpCartel effort is a hacker known as Sabu. "How long are we to sit here idle while people die? Idle hands prolong this situation," he tweeted.

Sabu, howver, also said that he doesn't "speak for anonymous ... Those who want to work on the op can, and will."

"No one can take anonymous down as it is an idea. I am not starting a separate group. Accept it. You can't stop me," Sabu tweeted Thursday night.

To that point, those who follow Anonymous will know that the group does not have a central command. If you say you're a member of Anonymous, you're a member of Anonymous.

Therefore, while a few members might be focused on the Occupy Wall Street effort, others might be targeting what they consider to be a corrupt government, and more still will be going after violent drug cartels.

Does Anonymous have any dirt on the cartel? Will releasing that information hurt the organization or just the low-level people associated with it? Stay tuned.


Brown said Thursday night that "the Anon who had been kidnapped last month by the Zetas has been released, although it appears that the Zetas concerned did not know that the individual was the Anon whose release had been demanded by those who instigated #OpCartel. As such, no bargain has been fulfilled.

Brown pledged to "announce the next step in a few days." End Quote


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State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
im pretty sure they called that off like 4 days after it was announced...


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
im pretty sure they called that off like 4 days after it was announced...

read the pastebin link above.... or ill just copy and paste it to save ya some work.....

it does appear that he did update the pastebin......i guess the zetas promised to kill ten civilians for every 1 name mentioned.....it appears as if he backed down on the zetas and says he will be going after other cartels now... ? looks like zetas won...

  1. The Anon who had been kidnapped last month by the Zetas has been released, although it appears that the Zetas concerned did not know that the individual was the Anon whose release had been demanded by those who instigated #OpCartel. As such, no bargain has been fulfilled. Meanwhile, those who have been in possession of the e-mails have promised to provide them to me alone, which is to say that everything that proceeds from now on is my own work, and not that of Anonymous. Any reprisals against anyone other than myself, then, will have no effect.
  2. As I've told several journalists today, I will be proceeding carefully and with the assistance of several parties who are equipped to assess the contents of these e-mails and particularly those portions dealing with Zeta collaborators. I'll announce the next step in a few days.
  3. Finally, much of the reaction that this affair has received, particularly the dozens of often malicious predictions of my upcoming murder by the Zetas, is among the most degenerate displays I have yet seen. The idea that I should refrain from assisting in the naming of probable criminals operating in a foreign country without a working judicial system lest I be murdered is a cowardly sentiment. No individual living in the free world should refrain from working to fight injustice simply because there is a possibility of retaliation. Less important, but equally inane, have been the hundreds of comments and even media reports in which I am described as "foolish" for taking a risk in the course of something I believe in. Those objections dealing with possible repercussions to innocent third parties are reasonable, and I have made an effort to address those; those objections to the effect that an American ought not assist his fellows who have themselves risked their lives for this cause is informed only by a sick culture that is destined for destruction and replacement. If, by some chance, I am indeed killed by the Zetas, I will at least not have to contend ever again with the irritating and, frankly, faggy outpourings of a population that has proven itself incompetent to rule the empire that has been provided to it on the backs of others. Amrite?
  4. *Update*
  5. As is now widely known, the kidnapped Anon was indeed known to the Zetas as such, contrary to my reports from last night, during which I was only in sporadic communication with the person's friends. As the Zetas left a note with the person threatening to kill ten civilians for every name published, none of us will be proceeding with those particular names. Nonetheless, several of the 25,000 e-mails are being sent to Der Spiegel for confirmation, and in the meanwhile I will be going after other cartels with the assistance of those who have come forward with new information and offers of assistance. To provide information for this operation, which I'll be conducting with additional help from certain media outlets, e-mail me at [email protected].
  6. Barrett Brown
  7. [email protected]

wow i did more reading and i guess the zetas went and hired a bunch of hackers to go after anon.... i cant believe how powerful the zetas are... unbelievable...
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I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
anyways, there are more things that the anonymous group has planned for the 5th of november.... lets see if any of them happen:

This fifth of November, 2011, could be more memorable than most, and not merely because it marks the 406th anniversary of Guy Fawkes and company’s foiled plot to blow up part of the British Houses of Parliament and assassinate King James I.

This year, a number of distinct but somewhat overlapping quasi-political protest events against banks, media companies and a Mexican drug cartel have been planned for November 5, 2011 by various groups, including various people working under the name of the hacktivist collective Anonymous, the Occupy Wall Street protesters and one woman dedicated to undermining the nation’s largest banks. Even MTV is getting in on the action.

Whether any of the plans come to fruition - and if so, to what extent - remains to be seen. After all, last November 5, 2010, passed without much action.

Still, whatever happens, there’s no denying that the day, formerly not widely celebrated outside of England, has gained currency around the Web in the last five years as the hacktivist collective Anonymous has grown, with self-identifying Anonymous members adopting and promoting the symbolism of the Guy Fawkes mask worn by the vigilante main character in “V for Vendetta,” a seminal Alan Moore graphic novel turned Hollywood movie about said vigilante’s violent guerilla war against a futuristic totalitarian U.K. government.

Here’s the running list of events of national and global significance that are planned for November 5, 2011. We’ll update on the day with reports of which, if any of them, actually take place.

Anonymous Operation Cartel

One group identifying themselves as part of Anonymous is reportedly planning to release identifying information about civilian associates of Los Zetas, one of Mexico’s most powerful and ruthless drug cartels, although there have been calls to cancel the operation due to the possible danger to participants and erroneously identified targets. Follow Operation Cartel (Operacion Cartel) on Twitter under the hashtag #OpCartel.

Anonymous Operation Fox Hunt

Another sub-group of Anonymous is reportedly planning on launching Operation Fox Hunt, a cyber attack on the websites of Fox News and its hosts. Fox News is of course perhaps the most notorious subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, the world’s second largest media organization. The planned attacks, which may be a distributed denial-of-service attack per Anonymous’ custom, or a new type of attack using the “Ref Ref” tool - are apparently planned in retaliation for how Fox News has depicted the Occupy Wall Street protesters (as agents of ACORN, among other things).

Anonymous Operation Facebook

Anonymous declared war on the world’s largest social network back in August, posting a YouTube video and creating a text file explaining that the hacktivists would launch an attack to knock Facebook off the web on November 5 because of its controversial approach to users’ privacy: the fact that it stores all user data, even deleted data, and that it “markets” such data to corporations. Anonymous also accused Facebook of supporting totalitarian regimes, such as Mubarak’s Egyptian government. However, in the days following the video posting, numerous self-identified members of Anonymous said that only a few select members would attempt the attack.

Bank Transfer Day

Bank Transfer Day is an event in which thousands of customers of the nation’s four largest banks are set to close their accounts and transfer their funds to a credit unions as a protest against proposed monthly debit card fees, is set to take place. The event, which now counts 78,000 participants on Facebook, was created singlehandedly on the social network by 27-year-old Kristen Christian, a former Los Angeles art gallery owner, who claims no affiliation with Anonymous or Occupy Wall Street, though she welcomes the support of both groups, and indeed, both of them have extended their support. Already, an estimated 650,000 Americans joined credit unions in October, more than all of 2010 combined, according to Think Progress.

Christian told TPM recently that the event would go forward as planned, despite the fact that the four banks in question - Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo and Citigroup - all canceled their debit card fee test programs and plans in the past few weeks.

MTV True Life: I’m Occupying Wall Street

MTV’s “True Life: I’m Occupying Wall Street” premieres at 6 pm ET. The reality show special will focus on the October 14 would’ve-been showdown between police and the Occupy Wall Street protesters in New York’s Zuccotti Park, which had been scheduled to be professionally cleaned.

Other miscellaneous violence against corporations attributed to the Occupy Movement

Social media analysis company ListenLogic, which bills itself as “the leading provider of Social Business Intelligence,” on Friday put out a dire warning to U.S. corporations, saying that the combination of the aforementioned events, plus other marches and demonstrations scheduled by Occupy movements in cities around the country, have the potential to create a “perfect storm” of “hostility,” even violence. (H/T: RT)

As the post reads: “Occupy protesters are organizing flash mobs to convene at branch banks in the U.S. and Canada beginning the afternoon of November 4th. While officially deemed, ‘Dance on the Banks’ increases in bank-related arrests, as well as vandalism of bank signs, windows, and ATM’s suggest that mob activity may turn violent.”

The firm adds: “While the official mandate of the Occupy movement remains peaceful non-violence, more militant elements have been increasingly turning toward violence and vandalism. Tens of thousands of people are planning to participate in Occupy protests this weekend.”


Active member
Not a 'Great Idea'.

They would be outing half of the Mexican Federal and local Govts.
In Mexico, the only thing worse than bad govt. would be no govt. at all.

Too many innocent civilians are being murdered daily by these thugs.

NATO airstrikes? They aren't busy in Libya anymore...
Too bad the 'War on Drugs' is only aimed at unarmed US citizens who grow weed and not against armed thugs who control governments.


Luv the avi Lil Wayne

Barrett has a death wish.

These guys been makin threats for years but not much comes from it don't see today being much different UNFORTUNATELY

Just watched a vid put up in 2008 saying they were gonna take down Scientology but they're still goin strong.

Don't get me wrong, i wish they could, but have my doubt's.


Active member
"Mom! MOOOOM! How can I possibly take on the Los Zetas if you keep FORGETTING THE HOT POCKETS?!"


Active member
Why would anybody side with this group. Sounds like a bunch of terrorist that wont show their face and are creating destructive actions against the people of the USA. Fuck anonymous!


Sounds like a bunch of terrorist that wont show their face and are creating destructive actions against the people of the USA. Fuck anonymous!

if you would start thinking about us actions and only after that start calling names. terror hahaha


High Grade Specialist
arent anonymos a bunch of scriptkiddies and dudes from 4chan??
i hope they dont get themselves klled, mexican mobsters are nothing to fuck with.


turns out that Barret Brown came out only coz he wrote a book and has a 6figure contract so he's gotta get his face out there.

He won't have a chance to InJoy that cash for long is my bet.

i also read that the way they bring down a site is organize a mass rush on the site and it crashes their system. LMAO

They tried and failed with Amazone, these kiddies have no chance of doing any damage to anybody of concequence and if so not much more than a reboot and back to normal. Apart from publish some dirt they haven't done much.


Active member
^^^ they don't just ddos sites, they use sql injection and privilege escalation and social engineering and a host of other techniques as well

brown is stupid if he's putting his face out there just for marketing reasons imho


Been hearing these faggots make threats for years. As far as pussy internet nerds go these guys are really at the top of the list. You mother fuckers couldnt even do shit to scienefuckingtology and now your making threats against people that are bigger then the country of mexico itself. I don't wish death upon people but I could really care less if these dudes get merked. Would teach them a lesson. I hate the way they make threats and people talk about it for days like somethings actually gonna happen. I have heard many people on the news and shit say that the DO believe that annonymous has the power to shut down the cartel...um...ARE YOU FUCKED? these people are a bunch of under 25 year old NERDS with no fucking life and wanna get youtube hits so they can make a few pennies off ads and shit.


they were suppose to take down face book yesterday and shockingly nothing happened:drum:


this is more crap. how can you not smell this shit from a mile away? there has been so much SHIT shoveled on us recently i can't believe anyone buys this. i mean just recently we had the osama bin laden charade where i feel like most people capable of critical thought were at the very least skeptical. then the libya crap, really, i mean come on. we (americans) live in the equivalent of nazi germany with much better marketing. don't you get it, they tug the same few heart strings over and over again to get you to think how they want you to. but i dunno maybe we should just invade mexico and kill all them damn drug dealers, who cares as long as the booze and the tv keep flowin.


Kiss My Ring
feels like the 60s all over again.
had we accomplished what we set out to do, world would be a different place...but we were met with murderous intent, not something we were ready to deal with. our movement was crushed in its infancy.
it is heartening to see any kind of movement against those powers, be it DOS attacks, or occupy the parks/streets (where thousands already live), making peoples aware of the what we must overcome is paramount...know your enemy!!!
to identify a common enemy and expose them for what they are, to the peoples who are ignorant, is a quite noble endeavor.
when the shit hits the fan, it will blow over all of us.
kudos to OWS...thanx LilWayne!


i would rather have pissed off Mossad than the cartelles, but Mossad can kill nerds to.



Israeli security websites were down on Sunday after an international group of cyber hackers threatened an attack on government computers.

Websites for the intelligence agency Mossad and the army were both inaccessible.

Anonymous says it is protesting over Israel’s interception of a Gaza-bound flotilla on Friday.


Its not as if the cartels aren't already killing lots of innocents.

Anonymous has taken control of several countries websites and Bart's

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