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Hey I have a question for all you who don't qualify or don't want to qualify for HB10-1284 (the Colorado law that creates licenses for dispensaries). If you are forced out of your line of work by the new law, what are you planning to do? Have you identified any spin-off industries in the medical marijuana field and what are they?

I came up with a few things I might try:
1) own a grow supply store
2) sell security systems to dispensaries
3) offer services to dispensaries to help them comply with hippa
4) provide a grow consulting service helping them grow better meds

What else can I do?


Ninja Pollen Chucker??

lol... that's going to be my gig...

tharmer... u internin w Cook? just curious cuz u read as an advocate for him, seem kinda in a 'loop', and then attempt to endear? it's okay, just interesting...

but the ultimate answer to pass on... not take it lying down ;-)
Hey I have a question for all you who don't qualify or don't want to qualify for HB10-1284 (the Colorado law that creates licenses for dispensaries). If you are forced out of your line of work by the new law, what are you planning to do? Have you identified any spin-off industries in the medical marijuana field and what are they?

I came up with a few things I might try:
1) own a grow supply store
2) sell security systems to dispensaries
3) offer services to dispensaries to help them comply with hippa
4) provide a grow consulting service helping them grow better meds

What else can I do?

We've doubled or maybe tripled the grow supply stores in the last year, so that idea is taken.

No shortage of people selling security systems, either, their business was already off because of the dip in the real estate market, so they're struggling as it is.

HIPA COMPLIANCE doesn't apply to Dispensaries, at least not yet. Once the FEDS get involved, it might. In fact HB-1284 specifically says Dispensaries and the Dept. of Health won't comply with HIPA.


Anymore ideas there?


New member
tharmer... u internin w Cook? just curious cuz u read as an advocate for him, seem kinda in a 'loop', and then attempt to endear? it's okay, just interesting...

LOL, no. I do not work for the state of Colorado in any capacity nor the fed, I am self employed and have been for more than a dozen years. I have been watching the 1284 thread for several months and it seemed to be going off track again so I thought I'd register and add my 2 cents.

There are alot of angry people in that thread and I don't really get that, except from those who've been displaced by the new law. But it's not like the new law says you can't grow your own so why be angry?

People seem mad at dispensary owners and want to vent on them. We all had the same opportunity to open a retail store. It's not like these store owners are foreigners coming to town to steal our gold, they are almost all long time residents of the state. The notion they can't learn to grow it ridiculous. I learned to grow, why couldn't they? And why do we all assume they are all novices?

As I said in that thread, I am excited about the future of this Colorado based economy. This is just the kind of economic windfall that we need.

So if we can raise about $25,000,000 we could start a medical marijuana bank.... Anyone got some money to kick in?


Although it's not technically the cannabis industry, I would think it's similar enough to say here.

What I do is run an online shop that sells herbs that have similar effects and help people with things like depression, pain, anxiety, etc....( NOT the smokeable, legal high kind. Real medical herbs.) I mean, most of it is just one plant with several strains anyway, and it is just weighing it out, bagging it up, and sending it on it's way. I mean, it pays ALL my bills and then some and I get to work at home, which gives me time to do my grow thing everyday. It's a friendly industry and you tend to see competitors working together for good stuff than to actually compete. Nice change.

I not going to say the name, cuz that wasn't the point, but it's close, right? I mean, and I get to grow and whatever all day too.



New member
I just came up with a related industry that can only be done by licensed businesses, which is the opposite of my question but I didn't think it warrants a new thread.

What about a service where a dispensary could hold, in a safety deposit box, your overage?

I was thinking about how big outdoor plants get and thought about harvesting them and realized this could be a service offered to people/caregivers... place your 'extra' product into a 'bank vault' to pick up later when your personal amount is low. This could work if a dispensary has enough meds to serve their patients and has extra 'slots' free to hold product.

Can a dispensary do this on a larger scale becoming a sort of regional reserve bank where dispensary owners can place their overages?

Can an infused product manufacturer hold product because they are not limited by caregiver counts?

I love this industry....
I just came up with a related industry that can only be done by licensed businesses, which is the opposite of my question but I didn't think it warrants a new thread.

What about a service where a dispensary could hold, in a safety deposit box, your overage?

I was thinking about how big outdoor plants get and thought about harvesting them and realized this could be a service offered to people/caregivers... place your 'extra' product into a 'bank vault' to pick up later when your personal amount is low. This could work if a dispensary has enough meds to serve their patients and has extra 'slots' free to hold product.

Can a dispensary do this on a larger scale becoming a sort of regional reserve bank where dispensary owners can place their overages?

Can an infused product manufacturer hold product because they are not limited by caregiver counts?

I love this industry....

Centers can't hold stock for private caregivers, but they theoretically could for other centers. The problem is that your 70% is based on what you have on hand to sell, so most centers want to stockpile what they have. I understand that you're talking about overages, but it's very unclear how those will be handled. I'm assuming that once you have an overage, you're S.O.L., so you'd have to predict and move ahead of time.

Also, I'm not sure how the state would accept what would amount to you setting up a locker because there's no actual transfer that occurs. Even if there was a $50 fee, they're going to turn around and say "Listen, you're not charging $50 a QP, this looks suspicious." The best you could do would be to put it on quasi consignment, where one center would arrange with another to sell an overage at a bare minimum cost, then come back to pick it up later.

I don't believe an IPM could hold product, either, because they're only allowed to possess what they cultivate in my understanding.

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