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Reject's bagseed variety.


First let's start with my white satin that ended up being a female, this is the exception to my bagseeds because this one came from a breeder pack. It had a lot of issues at first so it became my seed producing whore that was raped by white satin and hashberry pollen due to my several male plants that showed up. That's okay though I sure could use the seeds.

The last photo here is the white satin next to the huge male hashberry that spread pollen all over!




Here labeled "M" is my martian mean green, still vegging in this photo next to my New York Purple strain labeled "D"

I took this photo a day or two before putting them in my flowering cabinet.

Martian Mean Green by herself on 9/18 about 3 days into flowering.

2x New York Purple, D is my female, and G was a male. ::DEAD:: R.I.P.

Still more to come!!


These next two photos are of Unknown Bagseed type.

Y Became a male and E is my current Female of these two.

Then here is the before and after shots of the inside of my cabinet:

Empty and ready for action.

Thriving!!! This shot was before I killed the 2 males that showed up after I had pollen put on my first white satin which is about a month older than the rest right now.

The white satin should be ready before 10/27 and the others around 11/25.

One question I wonder, do seed producing plants require the same amount of time (65 days) to mature fully? I want to get as many good seeds as I can off this, I'm sure the bud will be okay, nothing special. Mostly worried about the seeds on that plant.

THANKS A TON FOR CHECKING OUT MY FIRST DECENT GROW!! I can't wait to bust out some more of my Mandala beans in the future.

All these pics are atleast a few days old, expect some fresh new ones in another day or two. :joint:



D here is my New York Purple, which is a Sativa if you can't tell by the height it has gained only 2 weeks into flowering.

These both are bagseed females about 2 weeks into flowering.

This is my Martian Mean Green, a friend gave me this seed from his grow a while back. Photo is at about 2 weeks into flowering.

Here's the most recent pic inside the cabinet. Taken on 9/30. I just added the T5 and CFL side lighting about a day ago since my 400 might not be quite enough to get down through the canopy. I think the added blue-white spectrum will fatten my buds up even more while keeping stretch down!
Looking good rej! That NY purple really shot up..have you considered training it down a little? That way you'll be able to keep the light lower for the benefit of the other ladies.


damn near tripled it's height in under 2 weeks!!!! WTF MATE?!

It's cool though, I topped the plant so it branches out more instead of growing sky-high. Seems to have slowed down the light speed growth. If it gets out of hand again I'll just tie the b!tch to the wall or something!! Damn sativas, I forgot it was one until too late. Should have known since I remember the plant the seed came from.

Just gave all my ladies their 3rd watering since I last fed them(FF Tiger Bloom), next time they get dry I'll mix up some FF Big Bloom.

I also have Advanced Nutrients - Sweet Leaf, when should I start using that? Now or during my initial flush before harvest?? Or both? I'll use it very sparingly. I'm sure it's strong.



Damn the top of my random bagseed plant is looking mighty fine!!! 10/5 will be this one's Third week into flowering.

I even found some orange hairs forming!!

I only wonder what kind of strain this came from or from where.

Oh and here's today's photo of the flowering cabinet, getting a little crowded in here!! The little bugger front and center is another Martian Mean Green, just had a slow start, It officially starting it's Bloom cycle today!

Thanks for checking out my update!! Keep it chronic! :rasta:

I hope to see these finish around the middle of november..... I can't freakin wait! Except my seed producing white satin, that should be done before Halloweed. :joint:


October 7th update!!

Had to tie down my New York Purple after topping the plant TWICE!! Damn lanky sativas.... This should keep her under control if I didn't shock her too much.

Looking fine from this angle! I'm excited about her progress.

These next ones are of Unknown Bagseed variety!

The plant on the left is about 10 days behind the right plant's flowering schedule so the shorter one on the right will be done first.

Now here are some up close shots of the female bagseed labeled "E" that's 10 days older than the younger (but taller) plant on the right side.


looking NICE

The lower leaves are suffering but the rest looks awesome!


October 7th update!

Martian Mean Green!!! Looking vicious!

It's very green, looks mean, and out of this world!! Doesn't smell too much (yet)

Now here's the tough runt of a slut White Satin I pollinated with another Male white satin and hashberry that turned up in my batch. Figured I could use the seeds. This one should have had it's 65 days in bloom by the end of this month when I will harvest the seedy buds that await.

She sure smells nice!!!! Probably only going to yield a few grams off this plant. oh well!!! It was a n00b plant for me. one of the first I ever grew.

Now here's a current photo of the inside of my jungle.

Looking dank in here!! Thanks for your time! I appreciate you checking out my update!


October 13th update!

First up is a whatever experiment bagseed that grew too tall so I bent the stem and held it in place with some paperclips.

Here's another bagseed that's about 10 days further in bloom, looking good, staying shorter which I like.

Now here is my giant sativa NYP that I had to top twice and bend over with string to control the height. Looking alright as well.

Now here's my Mandala White Satin that I pollinated with male White Satin and Hash Berry plants.

It looks like it's popping a seed out already!! This one should be at 65 days by the end of this month for sure.



Martian Mean Green!!! I have two females now, the left one is about a month into bloom and the other is about 11 days into bloom.

Here's some random shots of the larger older Martian Mean Green.

Thanks for checking out my thread!! I hope these all smoke well! I think I've done an okay job growing them so far. These are my best looking plants yet!


phase one of harvest for these plants is complete.

Here's all of my Martian Mean Green and 1 Unknown bagseed plant hanging to dry.

Here's the random bagseed plant. Smelled good when I chopped, now it stinks, probably in a good way though. We'll see when she's ready to smoke. 23.7g wet weight.

And here's my lovely Martian Mean Green, 50.2g wet weight.

MMG Main branch

Cola and Popcorn anyone???

Close up of the Martian Mean Green.

Thanks for checking out my first successful grow. :violin: