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ReikoX's Workshop 2017

Its covered in granulated DE, and mixed throughout. I've used neem and SM-90 last feeding. The pot is re-used soil no-till from last grow, so I suspect they are munching on the old roots. Fungus gnats are a symptom IMO, not a problem. If my soil microbes are healthy and thriving, the fungus gnats get out competed for food. They are also a symptom of over watering.

It's most likely over watered, 1/2 gallon to runoff after a full week, she's not drinking much. Between lowering it, shortening the grow cycle and plain water, she should snap right out of it.

I use he granular DE also in place of perlite, and will add rice hulls this next round.

AS she dries out and gets more oxygen to the roots the microbes will kick in again I would think.


Knight of the BlackSvn
Been a while since we looked at the coliseum. The youngest are on the left and the oldest on the right. I had three that needed an extra week, so I moved them to the other side to finish.

Bubba Kush looking better. She was dried out and there were only a couple of gnats. Her new growth was pointing upward too. I don't usually measure my runoff, but since she was looking stressed I did. I watered her with a gallon of water with a bit of B1, 60 ppm pH 6.1. It came out at 990 ppm pH 6.1. So I put another gallon through it and it ended up better at 600 ppm.

My guess is when I fed her I added some lactobacillus. They most likely started fermenting (decomposing) the old roots. This over fertilized them and caused the lockout. Anyway, the clone in the coliseum finally started showing pistils! I hope to flip her as soon as she is healthy.

It looks like this Lowryder is going to be male. I haven't decided what to do with him. For now, he stays where he is. I definitely want to collect some pollen off of him. Poor males rarely get to flower out completely.

This is that odd Lowryder that never formed any leaves. I've never seen that before. I wonder how long the tap root is?

Here are the rest of the autoflowers. I would be set on seeds for quite a while if I fully seeded them.


Knight of the BlackSvn
Here is this week's update on the yogurt cup challenge. They are still growing and not showing sex yet. The res was drained again and refilled with 8/16 micro/bloom.


Knight of the BlackSvn
So that Lowryder is indeed a male. I'm facing a dilemma here. I want to make seeds, but I don't want a ton of pollen floating around the other plants. I don't have a problem with one cabinet being pollinated. I bought these seeds with the intention of making seeds. My original plan was to use the PC so that it could be moved to another location to pollenate. Now that I am using much larger pots, I can't put the male in my PC. :wallbash:

So what are my options? The first option is to do nothing. Let the male do his thing and just make a bunch of bubble hash and/or dry sift with the flowers. I would be set on auto flowering seeds for quite a while. I have all those clones in my coliseum flowering, I just set my Holy Grail 69 to flower, and I was planning to flower my BBK S1, though maybe I’ll trash her. That's a lot of seeded bud... :chin:

I guess the second option would be to kill the male. I still have one more Lowryder seed as well as at least one more seed of all the other varieties right now. That would drop me down to five plans in there and they would probably be able to get larger. I could force the issue with STS and make some female auto flowering seeds at a later day using my PC as originally planned.

The final option would be to find a separate area for the plant. I don't really have a spare area that is secure. I have my daughter in the house this week or I would just put the plant on my kitchen table and enjoy the flowers. :biggrin: I could probably lock her in my bathroom for a week or two to collect pollen. I could also move it to the crawl space under my house, though I would be nervous about the cold and bugs that may be down there. I probably have enough supplies to build a small temporary cabinet, or I could even trash my BBK S1 (I have clones) and move the male in there. I would have to find a place for that cabinet. I could probably clear out some room in my boiler room, but that has the potential of blowing pollen over the whole house, so probably not a good idea.

Anyone have any ideas or advice about what to do? I better act fast; this boy will be opening up any day now! :tiphat:


ICMag Donor
So that Lowryder is indeed a male. I'm facing a dilemma here. I want to make seeds, but I don't want a ton of pollen floating around the other plants. I don't have a problem with one cabinet being pollinated. I bought these seeds with the intention of making seeds. My original plan was to use the PC so that it could be moved to another location to pollenate. Now that I am using much larger pots, I can't put the male in my PC. :wallbash:

So what are my options? The first option is to do nothing. Let the male do his thing and just make a bunch of bubble hash and/or dry sift with the flowers. I would be set on auto flowering seeds for quite a while. I have all those clones in my coliseum flowering, I just set my Holy Grail 69 to flower, and I was planning to flower my BBK S1, though maybe I’ll trash her. That's a lot of seeded bud... :chin:

I guess the second option would be to kill the male. I still have one more Lowryder seed as well as at least one more seed of all the other varieties right now. That would drop me down to five plans in there and they would probably be able to get larger. I could force the issue with STS and make some female auto flowering seeds at a later day using my PC as originally planned.

The final option would be to find a separate area for the plant. I don't really have a spare area that is secure. I have my daughter in the house this week or I would just put the plant on my kitchen table and enjoy the flowers. :biggrin: I could probably lock her in my bathroom for a week or two to collect pollen. I could also move it to the crawl space under my house, though I would be nervous about the cold and bugs that may be down there. I probably have enough supplies to build a small temporary cabinet, or I could even trash my BBK S1 (I have clones) and move the male in there. I would have to find a place for that cabinet. I could probably clear out some room in my boiler room, but that has the potential of blowing pollen over the whole house, so probably not a good idea.

Anyone have any ideas or advice about what to do? I better act fast; this boy will be opening up any day now! :tiphat:

I'd move the plant to a closet or cabinet under the sink in the bathroom and collect some pollen. It will keep flowering when you pull it from the flowering area. You don't need a lot of space and you don't need to keep light on the plant.

I take a pair of needle nose scissors and clip the male flowers off when they open one or two at a time and collect them on a piece of paper. I usually check the plant a couple times throughout the day. I let the pollen/male flowers sit there for a day while they drop pollen onto the paper , then I scrape all the pollen/plant material into half of a small fine screen tea ball and use it to screen the plant material out. Then store it with some dessicant for a day or two and then vacuum seal it in the freezer in a glass jar.


Knight of the BlackSvn
Option 3: Give him a root trim and shove it into a tiny pot...
I'm afraid that would end up just like option 2, killing him. The thought did cross my mind. :tiphat:

I'd move the plant to a closet or cabinet under the sink in the bathroom and collect some pollen. It will keep flowering when you pull it from the flowering area. You don't need a lot of space and you don't need to keep light on the plant.
There it is, the exact place I needed I can't believe I didn't think of that. I got the bathroom part, but missed the cabinet under my sink! Brilliant! :bow: Since he is an autoflower, he should continue to flower under 24 hour lighting. Are you suggesting he will continue to flower in the dark?

I take a pair of needle nose scissors and clip the male flowers off when they open one or two at a time and collect them on a piece of paper. I usually check the plant a couple times throughout the day. I let the pollen/male flowers sit there for a day while they drop pollen onto the paper , then I scrape all the pollen/plant material into half of a small fine screen tea ball and use it to screen the plant material out. Then store it with some dessicant for a day or two and then vacuum seal it in the freezer in a glass jar.
What are your thoughts on cutting it with corn starch or flour? I heard it helps keep longer and makes it easier to apply, plus it's a desiccant.

As much as I would love to let him flower with the girls, I think it is to big a risk to the rest of my plants. Then again, I smoked seeded Mexican brick weed for 20+ years. I'm already squishing my buds (rosin) why not make it seeded too?

Thanks for the replies, I'll report back after I made a decision. :thinking:


ICMag Donor
I'm afraid that would end up just like option 2, killing him. The thought did cross my mind. :tiphat:

There it is, the exact place I needed I can't believe I didn't think of that. I got the bathroom part, but missed the cabinet under my sink! Brilliant! :bow: Since he is an autoflower, he should continue to flower under 24 hour lighting. Are you suggesting he will continue to flower in the dark?

Yes it will continue to flower and produce pollen in the dark. When I collect pollen, I start flowering the male in the cab with the rest of the plants. Once it gets to the point where I see the male flowers getting ready to open, I pull the plant and put it in a dark room. The plant literally gets no light until I walk into the room and turn on the lights and collect pollen. I turn the lights off and they stay off until I come back later to collect more pollen. You only care that it produces pollen sacs for a couple days so you can collect some pollen.

What are your thoughts on cutting it with corn starch or flour? I heard it helps keep longer and makes it easier to apply, plus it's a desiccant.

As much as I would love to let him flower with the girls, I think it is to big a risk to the rest of my plants. Then again, I smoked seeded Mexican brick weed for 20+ years. I'm already squishing my buds (rosin) why not make it seeded too?

Thanks for the replies, I'll report back after I made a decision. :thinking:
I wouldn't stretch the pollen with corn starch/flour.

I definitely would not store the pollen with corn starch/flour. I once tried mixing pollen with some flour and I didn't find it worked any better or really helped stretch the pollen any further than just applying pollen lightly. It also looked strange, the pollen/flour mixture was applied lightly but you could see it the whole time on the buds I dusted. I never see pollen on the buds but I could see the white flour.


Knight of the BlackSvn
Thanks to Blynx for the suggestion. The Lowryder boy was moved under my bathroom sink. I set him up with a small CFL bulb and he should be good to go. This works out well as I can tend to him before bed, then shower without transferring pollen on my clothes.

He looks pretty happy there. I just didn't have the heart to kill him... yet.

I couldn't have done this soon enough, these auto flowers are so fast. There were barely any male flowers showing just a couple of days ago. I just love this picture.


lol like you open your fridge plants there.. you open your microwave same..you open whatever furniture .. even the most unexpected places plants everywhere :D

you look behind toilet, tv, under sink over sink behind sink..


Knight of the BlackSvn
lol like you open your fridge plants there.. you open your microwave same..you open whatever furniture .. even the most unexpected places plants everywhere :D

you look behind toilet, tv, under sink over sink behind sink..

Don't forget under the aquarium and in the closet.


Knight of the BlackSvn
This boy sure has got his stretch on! He burned a few leaves trying to get close to the light. A few pollen sacks have opened. I think he will have to spend the night with one of my ladies soon. A different girl every night for a week, I'm a little jealous.

Every day more and more of these pollen sacks open up. I don't know how much pollen I will collect and save.

The poor BBK S1. I flushed her with 12 gallons of water to bring the runoff ppm from 650 to 300. I removed the fan leaves from the bottom three nodes. I'll be surprised if I can pull her through this. I'm tempted to cut her down and say F it!

Here are my yogurt girls. All four are confirmed females. I must be doing something wrong here. These girls are only 24" tall after two weeks flowering. Clearly I'm wasting these seeds.


Knight of the BlackSvn
Just a little bit of stretch on the dude. Holy crap...

The bubba lady looks like she stayed a bit wet too?? Maybe?
She's not drinking because the soil ppm is too high, so definitely staying wetter than optimal. I'm really close to just dumping it. I have clones in veg.


Knight of the BlackSvn
I've been making some Green Dragon tincture with my leftover rosin chips. While doing that it got me thinking about something I've been wanting to do for a while now.

I want to make my own version of Prana by A.C.T NOW. The main idea is having tinctures that can be used and/or combined for daily micro dosing with cannabis. There are other, more subtle, aspects that I will not have. For example their proprietary blend of oil and lipids they use for a carrier and the precise dosing.They have five preparations now, but I will be focusing on the original four (P1-P4). I've become a HUGE fan of Green Dragon tincture, so that will be my base.

The first three preparations are available in both active and inactive form. Let's talk for a second about how to do this with Green Dragon. Some smart fellow that goes by the handle PsychedelicSam on another forum has done quite a bit of research into Green Dragon. One thing he figured out was that Green Dragon tinctures will decarboxylate over a period of four months if left in a cool dark place. He has lab data to back up these claims and I am also doing an independent study of my own. So, my Green Dragon tinctures will all be made without decarbing the flowers and evaporation will be without heat. Unfortunately, the inactive forms will have to be refrigerated to keep them from activating.

In the end, I should have a total of seven one ounce bottles of tincture. P1-P3 in both the active and inactive forms plus the P4. Let's take a look at each preparation and discuss how I can make each one.

P1 is a THC tincture. It is made with NLD cultivars such as Sour Diesel, Jack Herrer, Chem, and Orange Creamsicle. While I don't have any of those strains, I have two really nice sativas that I could use: Juanita la Lagrimosa (THC Phenotype) and Deadhead OG S1.

P2 is 3:1 CBD tincture. It is made with CBD rich varieties such as ACDC, Harlequin, Penny Wise, and Sour Tsunami. I just picked up a Cannatonic clone that tested close to 3:1 with 15.99% CBD and 6.38% THC.

P3 is 1:1 CBD tincture. It is made with CBD rich varieties and small broad leafed cultivars such as ACDC, Rings Gift, Cannatonic, Afghanistan, Kush, and OG. Here I will either use my 1:1 CBD Juanita or a combination of Cannatonic and Tahoe OG.

P4 is going to be the tricky one I think. For the CBN, I plan to start with some AVB that I have been saving and probably over-decarb some 3:1 CBD variety. UV is also an option here perhaps just leaving the tincture in the sun for a few days will do it.

An example schedule would look something like this: 4 units P1 inactive at breakfast, 10 units P2 inactive at lunch, 4 units P3 active at dinner, and 4 units P4 at bedtime. Units will need to be determined by self titration. Here it will likely be drops as 10 drops of activated THC Green Dragon in my coffee is my normal dose.


Hey ReikoX,

for micro dosing I am currently using very simple method its prob not the most efficient but it works:

I decarb buds in my arizer air /air full chamber is approx. 0.2g/ at a time @180C for 10 min.
after the arizer auto shut down after 10 min I take just one deep hit to vape whats been accumulated in the stem /from 4 hits like this I get decent high/

After buds are decarbed I put usually 0.6g into 1 tablespoon of olive oil /crush decarbed buds in between fingers/ and let it sit in there for 5min @room temp mix it from time to time..
then mix it into yoghurt /buds+oil/.

it works great been doing this for two weeks now..

best thing is I am getting high in the process of decarbing! like getting high two times lol!

Think heating the mix would be better but it works without heating the oil..0.4g is my minimum dose 0.8 is plenty if I want to get where I want to be..

e: but yeah around 1g per day is too much would not want to do this whole year round 365g/year is way too much oh well..
Last edited:


Knight of the BlackSvn
Hey ReikoX,

for micro dosing I am currently using very simple method its prob not the most efficient but it works:

I decarb buds in my arizer air /air full chamber is approx. 0.2g/ at a time @180C for 10 min.
after the arizer auto shut down after 10 min I take just one deep hit to vape whats been accumulated in the stem /from 4 hits like this I get decent high/

After buds are decarbed I put usually 0.6g into 1 tablespoon of olive oil /crush decarbed buds in between fingers/ and let it sit in there for 5min @room temp mix it from time to time..
then mix it into yoghurt /buds+oil/.

it works great been doing this for two weeks now..

best thing is I am getting high in the process of decarbing! like getting high two times lol!

Think heating the mix would be better but it works without heating the oil..0.4g is my minimum dose 0.8 is plenty if I want to get where I want to be..

e: but yeah around 1g per day is too much would not want to do this whole year round 365g/year is way too much oh well..
Interesting decarb method. I'm not sure how effective it is though. The temp is a tad too high and the duration is a too short. But you do get high twice!

I like to decarb at 115°C (240°F) for 40 minutes. You should try PsychedelicSam's Green Dragon recipe, you'll like it.

I make my Green Dragon with 8 grams of cannabis and end up with 2 ounces (60 ml) of tincture. That usually comes out to a concentration of 24 mg/ml. My dose is 0.5-1.0 ml so 60-120 doses. That can last me about a month dosing 2-3 times a day. 96 g/year is easily doable.



Knight of the BlackSvn
Holy Grail 69 at two and a half weeks. Stretch is about over and buds are beginning to fill in.

This is what the looked like going into 12/12