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ReikoX Grows Again - 210w LED Bag Seed


Knight of the BlackSvn
Fed Veg 12 oz of:
8 ml/gal Bio Vega
8 ml/gal Rhizotonic

The THC Bomb plants are recovering from their most recent topping. The cuttings are still alive, no roots yet. The SLH moms are getting pretty root bound, I need to do something about that.

All three plants in flower also go 20 oz of the above mix as well as 60 oz of plain water.
Today officially starts 12/12! They are right where I wanted them. Hope they don't stretch too bad, I can probably raise the lights a couple more inches if I need to.


Could you post more about your cloner in here? Your girls look great, man. Good vibes your way.


Knight of the BlackSvn
The cloner is a simple DIY made with a coffee can, sponges, and an air stone with pump. Google "Fay's Coffee Can Cloner" and you will find the tutorial on another site.

Basically I used a hole saw to make holes in the lid of the Folders Coffee Can. Then I used a slightly bigger hole saw to cut out the sponges. Next I cut a slit in the sponge. Finally I made a small hole at the to of the can for the air line.

To use I simply fill it with tap water, plug in the air pump, put the cuttings in the sponge, and put it under the lights. In the summer I had roots in 5-10 days. Now that it is colder, I need an aquarium heater.


Knight of the BlackSvn

Watered everything in veg with 12oz water.

Here are the SLH moms, poor girls are neglected.

The THC Bomb plants are growing out some more. They have between six and eight tops now. May go one more round then put them under the ScrOG.

The clones still haven't rooted. I may need to invest in a small aquarium heater.

Here are the girls at six days of 12/12. They all got three quarts of water.


Knight of the BlackSvn

Fed veg 12oz of:
8 ml/gal Bio Vega
8 ml/gal Rhizotonic

I took thee larger fan leaves off of the THC Bomb plants. They now have 8 tops, I'm going to let them grow out and top them one more time. I still don't know the sex, been topping and defoliating so much I haven't noticed any pre-flowers.

The SLH moms got a hair cut again. They still need a root pruning, in a couple of days after the soil dries out a bit. Not sure what I'm going to do with these girls. I liked one of the three best, U#3 aka "Two".

I'm not sure why I'm having such bad luck with this cloner. I know the reasons why it's failed the last three times I've tried to use it. I'm sure the water is too cold; I need an aquarium heater. I just haven't had the time to get one. Not sure if they will make it or not, they are quite yellow.

Fed flowering 1 gallon each:
6 ml/gal Bio Vega
4 ml/gal Bio Boost
1 ml/gal Rhizotonic

That is half dose for stretch, these girls really aren't asking for much in the way of nutrients. This is actually their first full feeding. I fed them (the soil actually) 20 oz a couple of times as I had it left from feeding veg anyway. If memory serves she was a picky one about feeding from my last grow too.

Left side of the cab, you can barely see the fan anymore.

The middle of the cab. This poor lady has had two broken branches already by my heavy handedness. I was attempting to supper crop a little during the stretch.

This lady here is the original plant from seed. I placed it under 12/12 to sex and kept the clone (one of the other two). After she showed sex, I threw her back into veg with everything else. Once she was re-vegged she was cloned one more time.

Flowering Day 10. Lights out, I tried to put a yard stick behind but you can't make out the numbers. From the pot to the lights is 20" and to the top of the plant is 16-18". I may be able to raise the lights another inch or two, but will only do so if they look like they are burning. I imagine they could grow right up against the LED.

Here is the shot of the cab with the lights on. This really gives you an idea of how bright the lights are. This thing bushed out like crazy, there are tops growing everywhere.

Cleaned up my mess, now it's time to smoke a hit of "Moonrocks" and go to bed!


Knight of the BlackSvn

These poor clones are looking pretty bad, but I'm not giving up yet.

I put a 10W aquarium heater in there yesterday today I have the start of some some roots!

Day 12 of 12/12, they responded nicely to their feeding, hope they stop stretching soon. The lights can still go up an inch or two, but as long as nothing is getting burnt, I'll leave them there.

Here are a couple of close ups. They sure look pretty whatever they are. Hope they smoke as good as they look.


looks titts! on the your cloner id black it out with paint or plasti dip or something and maybe run lower water level. i have the same cloner haha i run my can 2/3 full. i like the 10 watt heater ill be peaking in to see how much that helps ya.

later -K


Knight of the BlackSvn

Finally got enough roots to go ahead and put them in pots. I filled the pots up 2/3 fill with soil, then watered with 8 ml/gal Bio Vega and 16 ml/gal Rhizotonic. Then the roots were covered with dry soil.

Watered veg with 12 oz of water.
The THC Bomb cuts got tied down again. I'm planning to top one more time for up to 16 tops. The center one (T#4) got injured. I split it down the middle trying to twist it. I taped it and we will see how it does.

Here are the SLH moms. I have repeatedly gone back to the jar with "Two's" buds. I think the other two are going to get culled, and then I will clone "Two" and replace the current mom.

Flowering Day 15. Watered the girls in flower with 3 quarts of water.


Knight of the BlackSvn

With the heater I'm getting pretty good roots again. I knew it had to be something simple like that.

Here are the clones transplanted into 3" pots. I filled the pots up half way and watered with seedling mix (8 ml/gal Bio Vega, 16 ml/gal Rhizotonic). I'm going to let them get a little new growth, then throw them under 12/12 to see if they are boys or girls.

The THC Bomb plants got released from their bondage and watered with the leftover seedling mix.

Left plant, looking good. The center plant totally photo bombed that shot.

I don't know how to feel about this middle plant. It's split between both lights. I'm thinking next time I may just do two of them.

This girl was kissing the light. She got a little crispy so I super cropped her. She's already recovering.

Day 19 of 12/12. They should (hopefully) stop stretching soon. I had to raise the lights again. Only have maybe an inch left.


Knight of the BlackSvn

SLH moms got watered with plain water, as did everything else in veg.

The THC Bomb plants got topped one last time. Hope to know the sex of these soon.

These are the clones I took, they are starting to look better. Two weeks in that cloner with just plain water and they still survived. The J-11 in the back is what I'm flowering now. I'm glad that one made it most of all.

Again more of the clones I took. these three THC Bomb plants are squeezed in with my main grow just to determine sex. Then they will be disposed of. I'm keeping a CLOSE eye on them. I don't need a male to pollinate my whole grow.

Speaking of my flowering room, here is a shot under the left light.

And a shot under the right light.

Day 23 of 12/12. They each got one gallon of 1/2 strength bloom:
6 ml/gal Bio Flores
4 ml/gal Bio Boost
2 ml/gal Rhizotonic


Knight of the BlackSvn
bam! look at that fishbone!:woohoo:
Is the temp adjustable? or just plug it and you get what ya get? you got my attention!

Depends on what you get, but this one is set for 78*F, not adjustable. I got it at a chain pet store for $10 on sale. Two weeks with nothing and roots in days after ;) Worth it!


Knight of the BlackSvn

I finally decided to cull the two other SLH moms. I have a ton more seeds and the other is my favorite. It had the best bud structure, good Lemon with that spicy Haze.

These are the THC Bomb clones, the ones in the front have been under 12/12 lighting under the LEDs. Not showing sex yet, but interesting how much bigger they are.

Here's a shot of everything else in veg.

My plants are mad at me. Last watering I fed them a half dose of bloom. Over the next few days they started yellowing. When I went to water tonight, I noticed I left them sitting in the nutrients run off! No wonder they look bad.

The middle had the least runoff. It doesn't look too bad.

The right side took a hit too. I took care of the situation, so they should be on the mend.

Day 28 of 12/12. They each got 3 quarts of water and the runoff was removed.


Knight of the BlackSvn

I thought the problems I was having were from over fertilizing. They didn't look like they were hungry, but stretch just ended so I gave them a half dose of bloom. They were sitting in nutrient run off for four days before I noticed. I watered them and removed the run off. They don't look too much better the next day.

So, I'm starting to get worried about this. If they were 8 weeks, That yellow would be normal, but they are only 4 weeks old. The upper growth is yellowing, but the lower portion is still green. This one plant seems the most effected.

I thought it was the fan. But the right side is showing it too. Again the lower growth looks fine, nice and green with supple leaves. The top are more leather like.

Perhaps it's light bleach from the LEDs. They are a LOT closer than last time 2-3 inches compared to 18 inches. Is that it?

The temperature is a little low (61*F-73*F), perhaps that's my problem?

Maybe it is pH, I never really measure it as the nutrients I use (Biocanna) say I don't need too. Also there is dolomite lime in the soil (Fox Farms Coco Loco).

Final thing I can think of may be my environment where the cabinet is. It's my workshop so I occasionally do projects in there. One of my most recent projects has involved spray paint and silicone caulk. I sprayed outside, but brought it in before it was fully cured. It still smelled, so I left the doors and windows open. I've also done some caulking inside. Again enough to need to ventilate the room. Perhaps these fumes are hurting my babies? I'm almost done with that project so perhaps that will help?


Knight of the BlackSvn

Went to the brew store by my house and picked up some citric acid for $1.20. I used two tsp in 1Qt of water. I then about 6-8 tbsp to 4 gallons of water. It brought down the pH from 8.1 to 6.0. I accidentally dunked my pH pen while slowly adjusting the pH. I hope it will dry out and work. If not I will have to invest in a nice one.

Gave each plant 1 gallon of pH 6 water. Then four hours later another gallon. The first time run off was 7. The second time 6.8. By the second time my pH pen dried out and started working again. I had one more calibration pack so calibrated it (it wasn't too off amazing me).


Knight of the BlackSvn

These are the healthiest looking plants of the whole bunch. The ones in the front are under 12/12 LEDs while the 18/6 flourecents are catching up in size. They all got pH 6.0 water.

Here are my mothers J11 in front SLH in back.

These guys look beat, they never really recovered from that last topping. They look hungry so they got fed 12 oz of:
8 ml/gal Bio Vega
8 ml/gal Rhizotonic
pH was 5.7

Here's the canopy after I went all manic on it. Sigh I think they will recover but one branch looks bad.

This is the side with the broken branch. The yellowing seems to have stopped, but it's not going away either.

This is the right light. This branch was the one in the middle kissing the light. You can see her burnt leaf.


Knight of the BlackSvn

Here are the THC Bomb with the clones. The top ones are kinda stunted at the moment. I want to up-pot them to 6" containers, but waiting to see which are female first. The front row have been under 12/12. The middle have been under 18/6.

Here are my moms. In back SLH and in front J11.

Under the left light. I think that they are getting a little better. I know they are not getting worse.

Under the right light, again not looking any worse.

Here's a shot of the whole thing at five weeks 12/12.

Here are a couple of bud shots with the light on.


Knight of the BlackSvn

These three THC Bomb girls are doing bad. I have multiple cuttings of these, so I was going to throw them in the compost pile. Instead I decided I would use them in an experiment. I put them in 6" pots, and fed them with 1/4 tsp of Jack's Classic 20-20-20 and 1/4 tsp of Superthrive in a gallon of water. Then I put them in my new cab under 12/12. My new cab isn't ready yet. I am still runnning temperature tests and need to finish light proofing. I covered it with a towel during lights out for now.

Here are the healthy cuts. These may get flowered next.

Left side is getting better. They still don't need water though.

Right side.

Here is the whole canopy. Today is day 37 of 12/12.


Watered the girls in flower. They each got one gallon of pH 6.1 water and the runoff was removed.

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