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Regulate Marijuana Like Wine CA 2012


el dub

I believe she's talking about the county planning people in Amador.



Sea Maiden are you speaking of the RMLW planning people? Please clarify for us?
Whoops! My mistake, I didn't include that this is the Amador Co planning department. My apologies. The reason for the notice from the planning department is that the ban on cultivation is a zoning ordinance, thus, must go through our local planning commission.

But, here's the rub for our local BoS and planning commission: if something like RMLW passes, they can try to ban all they want, but it won't matter. In fact, ALL areas that have banned cultivation will be in a world of hurt if this passes. Sorry!

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed and voting.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Oh SM don't be sorry, I just didn't want anyone confused and thank you bunches for adding that ^ ^...
Yup..some counties. like the one I'm in, will still think they are not part of the state if it passes and try try try...but kind of like Johnny Cash, think it was him, sang, they will cry cry cry when they are told otherwise. Peace..DD.


New member
I'm supporting Regulate Marijuana Like Wine

I'm supporting Regulate Marijuana Like Wine

I just called RMLW. They are mailing 10 petitions for me to get signed!!



I just received an interesting email yesterday, called A Statement of Unity.

Steve Kubby said:
Dear All,

This "Statement of Unity" is exactly what the funders, media, activists and our friends want to see happen. It is NOT what the US Attorneys, DEA, and local narcs want to see. Congratulations to all for your leadership in reaching this historic agreement.

Let freedom grow,
Steve Kubby

Statement of Unity

Recognizing that to allow these oppressive prohibitionist laws to remain in place any longer would be a travesty of justice, we have come together in the spirit of unity to offer a challenge.

All three of the legalization initiatives trying to make it on to the ballot in November recognize that time is short.

It will take an expensive signature gathering campaign for any of these initiatives to qualify for the November ballot.

We invite any freedom loving American with some serious assets to take a look at all three of our initiatives.

Choose the one that you are willing to finance.

The other two initiatives will support the one you choose 100% to ensure a victory in 2012.

Steve Collett, Treasurer, RMLW

Bill Panzer, Proponent, RCPA

Buddy Duzy,Treasurer, CCHHI


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
SeaMaiden thanks for posting, that's interesting and sounds promissing.
Steve Kubby said:
Dear All,

This "Statement of Unity" is exactly what the funders, media, activists and our friends want to see happen. It is NOT what the US Attorneys, DEA, and local narcs want to see. Congratulations to all for your leadership in reaching this historic agreement.

Let freedom grow,
Steve Kubby

Statement of Unity

Recognizing that to allow these oppressive prohibitionist laws to remain in place any longer would be a travesty of justice, we have come together in the spirit of unity to offer a challenge.

All three of the legalization initiatives trying to make it on to the ballot in November recognize that time is short.

It will take an expensive signature gathering campaign for any of these initiatives to qualify for the November ballot.

We invite any freedom loving American with some serious assets to take a look at all three of our initiatives.

Choose the one that you are willing to finance.

The other two initiatives will support the one you choose 100% to ensure a victory in 2012.

______________________________ _______________
Steve Collett, Treasurer, RMLW

______________________________ _______________
Bill Panzer, Proponent, RCPA

______________________________ _____________
Buddy Duzy,Treasurer, CCHHI
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Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Seamaiden many thanks for posting this. I searched for information on it and can't fund anything on Steves site, his Facebook page, or the RMLW website, yet I did find a story on a blog that seems to varify it. This could be a huge step in getting organized and the effort on track. I hope we'll hear and see more soon..DD


Oops! I got it through a listserve, do you think I should take it down? I do NOT want to step on toes, but when I read it my thoughts were that if anyone's thinking of not acting in a unified manner, perhaps this would light that unification fire under them.

I plan on being more unified (though I still take issue with the concept of a type of license being necessary to growing my own weed) and supporting the measures, imperfect as they may be.

Plus, the thread needed a bump.


I've tried to read through that thread, and frankly, it is so fraught with crap I can't seem to slog through it. Perhaps if I had bionic legs.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Im Disappointed about the lack of Interest in this. I really expected more enthusiastic responses then what im seeing here. I hope this get a 2nd wind soon..


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Hammer I too am disappointed, and saddened. There is clearly a division between medical users and recreation users when it comes to full legalization and how we achieve that without harming the medical laws now in effect. I'm not really set in stone what I want either it is a confusing issue at times for me. With AB2312 passing committe in Cali yesterday, and if it passes the assembly, taxation will begin to happen and we will have to get involved in that issue. Be well..DD

Fluffy Clouds

i work in the wine industry and i have to say its the best model for the cannabis business.

i completely agree if small growers will not be taxed, small grow i assume 100plants/100 square metre... then its good model, i dont know how its in Cali, but here small wine producers are not taxed, but hey they have to fight it all the time :biggrin:


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
So, I have a question.

Since we all know how to train plants, why is a 12 plant limit outdoor a problem for anyone?

As was said earlier, you won't go from prohibition to total freedom, people need baby steps.

But back to my question, if you can veg a dozen plants indoors till they're 5 feet tall over the winter, toss em outside in the beginning of spring, they'll pistil, then reveg as the days lengthen, grow through summer and flower in fall.

I would imagine a plant with that much of a head start would finish on the order of 15-25 feet tall (if not larger depending on strain) and coupling that with a rigid scrog system laid out over a large surface area instead of focusing on vertical growth... I mean really now, how many pounds of cannabis do you smoke in a month?

Personally, AB2312 makes a lot of sense to me for the medical scene and I even liked the verbage in comparing pot to wine for the common populous - if you can get people to relate to it, they will understand it and vote for it. If you try for too much or too many exemptions, people get lost in the details.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Nothing will happen here in cali this year. None of them made it to the Nov Ballot. We did not get the required signitures.. No one had the cash for it..


thats sad news HH. not sure why this didnt garner more interest. i think people were still a bit tired and disillusioned from the prop 19 thing. took a lot of energy and cash and ended up in a loss, so people needed time to regroup and start fighting again.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
They would need to pull a rabbit out of there xxx to get a bill on the ballot this late in the game. Since we don't have a dog in this fight we can support other states as best we can. Been following Oregon's Bill. Looks fine to me..I would vote for it..


Honestly, I think it's a lot to do with what's happening within the ranks of ASA and NORML. Now that I've learned that ASA has set people up...? Holy shit doesn't begin to describe my chagrin.
So, I have a question.

Since we all know how to train plants, why is a 12 plant limit outdoor a problem for anyone?
Physical limitation. Variety. Breeding efforts go out the window completely with that sort of limit, can you imagine trying for a new variety of tomato trying to use 12 plants annually?

Then there's the idea of it being treated like wine and beer (she notes the thread title). Are you limited in how much you can drink? How about make for your own consumption? The answer to the second question is yes, there's a limit. But, the thing is, you can buy ALL the brewing and vintning material you like, you can grow all the barley, wheat, hops, what-have-you that you wish in order to make your beer or wine. And the limit? It's in the hundreds of gallons range, not to mention that ATF actually *isn't* very keen on busting homebrewers.

Growers should be in no different a position.

There are MANY problems associated with a 12/patient limit, many problems, not the least of which is this--who are you or anyone to say how much I should or shouldn't be smoking?

What about other forms of consumption that require a large amount of plant material?
As was said earlier, you won't go from prohibition to total freedom, people need baby steps.
Disagree! Is that how slavery was abolished, by baby steps? How about the women's vote? Baby steps? I can think of at least a half dozen more examples where baby steps are BS and don't lead to anything except more restrictions and prohibitions.
But back to my question, if you can veg a dozen plants indoors till they're 5 feet tall over the winter, toss em outside in the beginning of spring, they'll pistil, then reveg as the days lengthen, grow through summer and flower in fall.

I would imagine a plant with that much of a head start would finish on the order of 15-25 feet tall (if not larger depending on strain) and coupling that with a rigid scrog system laid out over a large surface area instead of focusing on vertical growth... I mean really now, how many pounds of cannabis do you smoke in a month?
That's great if you can 1) handle a plant that large, physically; 2) afford to veg a dozen plants indoors til they're 5' tall (that kinda takes a lot of light), and... have you ever grown outdoors? I'm sitting here reading that and wondering. If you have, sorry, no offense intended, but I'm really seriously wondering about that right now.

I ask because a friend wanted to essentially LST some of my OD plants, and then I discovered that while he's got 15yrs of growing under his belt, not one harvest came from an OD crop. I've learned, by doing it both ways, that OD is a different beast in many ways from ID.

ScRoG + rain = DISASTER for me. My goal once it gets late in the season is to ensure the buds and branches stay *out* of the dirt, not in it or so close to it that everything is splashed with mud.

Also, at 5'1", a 10' tall plant is difficult to handle and deal with on a daily basis. I cannot imagine having an entire garden full of 15'-25' monsters. I would need a proper cherry-picker, and those take some scratch. Plus, how would I get it back there?

Personally, AB2312 makes a lot of sense to me for the medical scene and I even liked the verbage in comparing pot to wine for the common populous - if you can get people to relate to it, they will understand it and vote for it. If you try for too much or too many exemptions, people get lost in the details.
AB2312 as it originated, or as it morphed into? For me, after seeing it morph, I want nothing to do with it and nothing like that had better pass.


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Honestly, I think it's a lot to do with what's happening within the ranks of ASA and NORML. Now that I've learned that ASA has set people up...? Holy shit doesn't begin to describe my chagrin.

Physical limitation. Variety. Breeding efforts go out the window completely with that sort of limit, can you imagine trying for a new variety of tomato trying to use 12 plants annually?

Then there's the idea of it being treated like wine and beer (she notes the thread title). Are you limited in how much you can drink? How about make for your own consumption? The answer to the second question is yes, there's a limit. But, the thing is, you can buy ALL the brewing and vintning material you like, you can grow all the barley, wheat, hops, what-have-you that you wish in order to make your beer or wine. And the limit? It's in the hundreds of gallons range, not to mention that ATF actually *isn't* very keen on busting homebrewers.

Growers should be in no different a position.

There are MANY problems associated with a 12/patient limit, many problems, not the least of which is this--who are you or anyone to say how much I should or shouldn't be smoking?

What about other forms of consumption that require a large amount of plant material?

Disagree! Is that how slavery was abolished, by baby steps? How about the women's vote? Baby steps? I can think of at least a half dozen more examples where baby steps are BS and don't lead to anything except more restrictions and prohibitions.

That's great if you can 1) handle a plant that large, physically; 2) afford to veg a dozen plants indoors til they're 5' tall (that kinda takes a lot of light), and... have you ever grown outdoors? I'm sitting here reading that and wondering. If you have, sorry, no offense intended, but I'm really seriously wondering about that right now.

I ask because a friend wanted to essentially LST some of my OD plants, and then I discovered that while he's got 15yrs of growing under his belt, not one harvest came from an OD crop. I've learned, by doing it both ways, that OD is a different beast in many ways from ID.

ScRoG + rain = DISASTER for me. My goal once it gets late in the season is to ensure the buds and branches stay *out* of the dirt, not in it or so close to it that everything is splashed with mud.

Also, at 5'1", a 10' tall plant is difficult to handle and deal with on a daily basis. I cannot imagine having an entire garden full of 15'-25' monsters. I would need a proper cherry-picker, and those take some scratch. Plus, how would I get it back there?

AB2312 as it originated, or as it morphed into? For me, after seeing it morph, I want nothing to do with it and nothing like that had better pass.

All valid points, but I believe the bill said that personal users were limited and those who wanted to go nuts with numbers just saw a tax on their profits, which doesn't seem unreasonable to me. I brew beer at home, but if I ever tried to turn into Coors I would expect to pay taxes on my earnings.

As for baby steps - you mention slavery as if black people had full rights after slavery was abolished. It took nearly 100 years for that issue to be solved and we're still dealing with racial inequality issues even today. Women still make less than men despite having equal rights for 90 years or so. I agree that it would be nice if it didn't have to work out that way, but holding out till something better comes along - and in the mean time our brothers and sisters are being locked up for this beautiful plant - is the wrong way to go about things.

You are right, I haven't ever run OD and I don't take any offense to you saying so. In fact, I stand in awe of the OD growers on this site. In my county, it's illegal to do so unless you have a greenhouse. I will say that I was thinking of a scrog placed at about 3-4 feet in the air, made of something like deer fencing spread over an 8X8 area. At that height, air flow / moisture issues wouldn't really be an issue - I've grown tomatoes / tomatillos / peppers like this for years. ID is definitely a different beast, but I can't imagine that the difference would be so night and day.

AB2312 when I read it was about protecting patient rights and establishing a method of protecting / regulating / taxing the retail sales of cannabis. All of which I feel needs to be instituted. I didn't see where it changed and feel a bit ignorant as I don't exactly know what you're talking about. I am the first to complain about bills being morphed into a more politically correct version or earmarked for alterior purposes, so again, my apologies for not realizing a modified version had been released.