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Regular grower trying micro for fun.


if ur ph is a problem try maxibloom i use it in est.1/2 gallon dwc plastic candy containers and plastic coffee containers and only top off the nutes wen they get low never changing the res. never had a problem with ph in them with maxi. i also heard pvc can attribute to ph problems i may be wrong though as it looks like ur tube is 4in pvc pipe. my candy containers are 4'1/2" inches square and 7 inches tall. think mine came from GFS with gummy pumpkins in em. might cut down on height but if u scrog i dont see too much of a probem unless they decide to go crazy with strech. but then again im pretty new to this micro thing myself so just my 2¢. good luck with ur micro im sure you'll figure it out.

Yeah, it is PVC. The swings are getting better, but still happening. I'm going to give it another day or so and then call it. Something going to grow in here, but whether it's hydro or coco is the question. Maybe hydro and micro are 2 new styles I should have tackled seperately.

On a side note, I just got a conversion bulb for my 400 watt MH to change it to HPS in my regular room. Halfway through week 3 flower. First time not using MH the whole way through. Talk about a difference. I need sunglasses to work in thee now!:biggrin:


space gardener
Three times a day is way to much something is going on there, What kind of water are you using? Did you soak the hydrotron in PH'ed water first?
did u glue/cement the pvc ends to the pipe? if so is any of it touching the water in the res? it can produce harmful cemicals and introduce them to ur res causing the fluctuations and will take time to fully "wash" em out. easy way to check would to maybe put the res that came with the pc back in while the plants are still small and see if the ph still jumps up. as it looks to be big enough to hold 2 small plants inn that case threw flower. or just long enough for you to figure out if the new res is the problem or not. i say the pvc might be the issue cuz i have done plumbing and pvc is really only intended to be a drainage pipe. not to bring in water but to disguard it. but put on an intake pipe it is recomened to let the water run threw the pvc to rid the pvc of the chemicals it contains before the water is used like 5 minutes at the least. hence why most water pipes coming in homes and to sinks are copper. but then agan i could be way off and could be sumthin u wouldnt think would ever be a problem. i say try the res that came with the pc cuz really it cant hurt much at 1 of ur 3 water changes just fill it up and swap the tube out n hook up the stones put the plants in and see by the next time u would change the water if the ph is still jumping in the original res. can save a headache if it is the pvc causing the problems.


Three times a day is way to much something is going on there, What kind of water are you using? Did you soak the hydrotron in PH'ed water first?

Tap water that's Ph'd and everything. Absolutely nothing touched the inside of this thing. I even soaked the air stones in PH then a nute solution. I think it's just the PVC material.

I've decided to go with coco/hydroton in this case and get 1 micro-grow under my belt while I fine tune the hydro.


Welp, I have to inform you guys that I just got news and I have an engagement for a week in March and absolutely no one to water my plants, so I won't be proceeding with this grow until May, after I move. I have a 1 day old seedling too.

Because of this, I put my clones in the GH WaterFarm and in the flower room. The date I have to leave is about a week earlier than I was going to let it go, but in all honesty I would have waited another 8 if the plant had told me to. Hopefully, it works out in time. I have no clue what I'll do with the W.Widow seedling. Good grief.


Hold up my good old buddy! Once you figure out where all that water is going (into the never ending world of socks perhaps?) You can just build a HUGE RES, and run 1/4-1/2 inch black poly to it, and make the system work via vacuum feed. Stash the res somewhere else like on a shelf or something. Hell, turn the stupid thing into a trophy with some placks and a soccer dude. And display it as you would anything else! (assuming you build it out of black acrylic)

I don't get where your water is still going :(