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Reducing light to improve the high?

Hey, so I grew some bagseed once and I noticed that the stoney effect came on after THC levels had already peaked. If I would have cut it right at THC peak it would have not been stoney enough. Poor genetics, I know. Anyways, is it possible to start reducing the light u give it once THC has peaked to make it mature faster and have peak THC with a good body stone at same time? Thank u
I think one could achieve a great uplifting high this way with a good stone at the same time. Also, the lower light levels will help to preserve the THC. More dark hours make it mature faster right? I think one could sample their bud and check to see when it is the most uplifting and start a 8/16 hour cycle after that. Any opinions?

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
The effect of harvest timing on the quality of the high is MUCH smaller than the effect of the genes. Not possible to turn a couch locking indica into an uplifting sativa by picking early. Basically, if you want a different high, the best way is to plant those seeds. That being said, lower light levels towards advanced flowering is always a good idea. Lets the ladies wind down more gracefully, don't ya know!