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RedEyed Genetics - Testing


Who ever said, "...a watched pot never boils." is
ICMag Donor
Hell yeah bro. Lookin GREAT! Look at all those little baby Ortega hybrids.... Very well done


That freak WA Apple keeps bouncing back and forth between ok and not ok. Yesterday it was ok, now it is throwing a few odd looking leaves. Keep this up and I'm cutting this one out. Aint no one got time for that.

[URL="http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q721/TonyGreenHand/P5106793_zps84b3bd75.jpg"]View Image[/URL]

Here are the other apples and a few Bundy OG's, They are not in much soil and need to be moved to their new homes this week because it is elbows to assholes right now.

[URL="http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q721/TonyGreenHand/P5106791_zps0a44369f.jpg"]View Image[/URL]

Here are the others, too big to photograph alone so here is a clumbsy group shot, something ended up eating one of my Sanjuan sunset seedlings, but other then that they are coming along.

[URL="http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q721/TonyGreenHand/98d88666-203d-4519-9e92-4cd25dddb5b3_zpsa37554d7.jpg"]View Image[/URL]

The one set of Bundy OG twins is not looking so hot, no pics right now just take my word for it.

Here are the NW Treks. Just the first two rows here from the bottom up,

[URL="http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q721/TonyGreenHand/P5106792_zps39f08245.jpg"]View Image[/URL]

I'm liking everything so far. Vigorous growth and pretty hearty in high temps/ drought conditions.

They have began their feed of GH 3 part (I know it's not fancy but it is what I prefer) with added silica and epsom salts from time to time, keeping my ph between 5.9 and 6.3.

ya.. id say keep plants that have wierdlooking leaves.. i have this one strain.. that no matter wat u do to it.. any nutes u add.. u can grow it hydro or soil . or coco.. it dont matter .. its got these wierd as lookin def type leaves.. but it grows great.. and its one of the best plants ive kept.. amazing buds..


Active member
Weird leaves are gone and so is the overcast I've had at my place for the last few weeks! Thanks for the advice basementgrower I had already made the call to keep it and see how it does, as soon as I gave it more room they became regular like the rest.


Active member
It has been a fun few weeks and the plants are just starting to show sex. I am waiting for them all to show sex before I move them into a better environment to finish in.

Here is a photo with everything minus the beast modes

Things were not crowded for a total of 3 days... lol. It is alright though we are seeing who among them are fighters! It looks like the Washington apples/ Beast Modes are the more vigorous of the bunch. The Washington Apples are just now starting to show sex.

Here is my first male, WA apple, and he has a very nice funk to him. 2 feet tall even, from the dirt.


Active member
More fellow local breeders/growers! Would love to chat with you guys, are you potency testing anything in veg and/or after flowered out?


Discovery Requires Experimentation
I'm in nor cal and seriously considering getting my next harvest tested. Any advise on where to go / prices?


Active member

You're developing an awesome work!!!
On the base of which characteristics do you choose your male?

tnk 4 ya response, before!!!


Active member
More fellow local breeders/growers! Would love to chat with you guys, are you potency testing anything in veg and/or after flowered out?

I do not take my plants in for testing normally, although I should start. I learn more from the hands on approach.

I smoke everything I plan to breed with, including my males. I try to combine plants that have opposite strengths and weakness's with like characteristics. This normally results in uniform looking, vigorous crosses.


You're developing an awesome work!!!
On the base of which characteristics do you choose your male?

tnk 4 ya response, before!!!

When choosing a male I am keeping the finished goal of the line in mind. Red and I am working on our selection for a Pez BX line. I am running these Washington apples with the premise that they might be a good start to stabilize the Pez into seed form. Looking at the plants so far they seem to be showing many of the Pez's vegging characteristics. I hope to F2 the line, selecting towards the Pez leaners, and then from there using one of the males out of the new F2 to cross back to the Pez to make a Pez BX. The plants so far are exactly how I would like them to be at this point, but I will need to get them into flower before any final calls are made. I am culling out the weak an undesirables but there has only been one questionable one thus far.

Looks like my Pez has finally made the turn around and is revegging quickly with my others so I will get some shots of her up soon for a direct comparison.

IM ME and Basement grower, thank you for the compliments. These ones have been going through the ringers so they are not as nice as I would prefer. Come flower time I'll get them back in 100% working order for a good show.


Who ever said, "...a watched pot never boils." is
ICMag Donor
Awesome work bro! I cant wait to see what the F2s bring us. This will be a great long term collab project. Really can wait to take the F2s back to the clone for our first BX!


To Have More ... Desire Less
top-notch work,...being done by top-notch folkz,... thats what it's all about...k++


Active member
Albert Walker Fan leaf, you can see Albert's got some fat fingers.


Moving along, shes a little awkward to shoot at the moment.


Going to go through on Wednesday and sort again for males and start potting up the females. Already getting some funky and crispy trichome-laden main stems so I'm excited to blow these up.

im me

^^^ can't wait to see how your babies turn out. keep up the good work tony. those albert walker leaves are awesome! man i wish i had your kinda space!


Active member
The good times are soon to come, females are just peeking out.

I have 9 Washington Apple Females so far, and a lonely Beast Mode. The WA Apples are looking just like the last in veg with the exception being one with slightly less elongated and stubby fans. They are potted up and ready to rock. The rest are waiting in the wings, patiently soaking up the overcast WA skies.

I'll try to shoot some Preflower macros and post them up here with my next update.

DJ ~ I also love that yard stick. I found it at a yard sale. It goes up to 9 feet and comes in three sections. Just what I was looking for :)

IM ME - I am looking forward to it as well. These are some nice plants so far and have taken what I can throw at them with ease. I am running them with other lines that I myself have created as well as Peyote Purple, Deep Chunk, Shika99, Dawgpoo, LUI13.. This gear is honestly the least finicky, most hearty of the bunch.. with the exception of my 3 Gold rush which are taking their sweet time but it is what I would expect from the ATF mother used.

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