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red rash and bumps from pot leaves???


for a long time, after harvesting the plants for 6hrs+ straight, my nose would clog up/start dripping. seemed exactly like an allergy since it only appeared when i was handling ripe weed plants in a small room. usually by the end of harvest (sometimes 10hrs or more) my nose would be completely clogged.
when smoking weed, no such effects are present. no other allergies that im aware of (nothing that causes a clogged up nose).

anyone familiar with this, is it typical pollen allergy?
ive thought moving/handling the huge ripe buds would release plenty of 'pollen' or something in to the air but if thats not true with weed plants, then what might be causing this symptom?

thanks in advance for Your opinions ;)
I'm no scientist, but my understanding is that one of the natural functions of trichomes and THC in nature is to keep animals from eating the plant. Marij plants in general are supposed to be an irritant.

I also get these symptoms.


just do it
it was either calizahr, serious bubblebum or something in the adventure mix, it was the first time ever for me...


Yes it makes me rashy too. It goes away if I wash it off with warm water. Most people that I've ever talked to say they get some type of allergic reaction to the pollen. It's just allergies.

I'm very sensitive to the stuff too. I used to get random bumps on my face, neck, arms, and chest, but ever since I switched to the vape it hasn't happened. Makes me wonder if it was smoke that lingered in my apartment that was affecting my skin or if it was something internally related from the smoke inhalation.


Allergic to weed?

Allergic to weed?

Hey all,

Its trim time and I've been having a hell of a time this round.

In the past I've gotten hive like rash on my arms when directly exposed to the plants. No biggie - I can live with it.

Now - I can barely make it through a few hours of trimming without being in complete misery. My sinuses have been going crazy while trying to trim a single light per night.

I will sometimes go into a sneezing fit where I can easily sneeze 5-6 times before they subside. Aside from this I can not breath through my nose as its either completed stuffed up or running. Its hell.

I also will be completely drenched in sweat after one of these sneezing episodes which is odd because I rarely ever sweat.

I've in the past never really been effected by fresh bud while trimming but have had some serious respiratory issues if trying to strip down dried hash making material. I'd wake up wheezing after messing with it.

I've came to the conclusion that I'm allergic to weed to some degree - I can smoke it, vap it, break it up with my fingers, etc no problem , but trim time is serious fucking me up.

Anyone have any suggestions? Its really putting a damper on a good thing... and as if constant trimming wasnt bad enough I now can barely get it done without constant sneezing, watering itchy eyes, irritated skin, etc.

I've tried benadryl with no success. It seems as though I deal with sinus related issues throughout the year which I blame on seasonal allergies, but have never taken anything for it.

What can I do? I'm seriously about the drop the coin on a $14000 twister just so I am not in complete misery every 8 weeks or so.

EDIT - thank mods for adding my post to this appropriate thread.


I think my wife's allergic to weed growing, she sneezes & I know she's allergic to lantanna I think that's the spelling that shit she had to go to the Dr. for!:plant grow::smoweed:

Rocky Mtn Squid

This sort of allergic thing also happens to me. The more pungent the strain, the more it seems to effect me. My sinuses and eyes just cant take it, especially when I have to manicure.

It's from the terpene's wafting from the bud. Higher end strain's usually have some major terpene excretions happening. If one is allergic to this, it will hit you hard.

I always try to wear long sleeves and gloves. Don't manicure your buds in a closed room. Outside is best, but not always practical or safe. Your garage makes a good trim room, with lots of ventilation. Moreover, a good quality painter's mask from Home Depot, one that covers your nose and eyes and has a 3M style carbon filter, also seems to help.

I got sicker than a dog from my last harvest manicuring all my weed. It was real nasty.....yuk.....:frown:



pine boy

I itch like mad with a room full of bloomers.Mary's so cruel but I still can't stay away(or dress for the occasion).


"Aint no love in the heart of the city"
I 2 one time had the very bad rash i thought it was from someones bed ..But i realized it was my weed ..i would be putting my whole forearm into the bag at a time ..then i would scratch my skin ..it would not stop itching!! i was thinking of going 2 the doctor till i bought some moisture soap ..and started OILING my skin everyday ..it went away slowly then ..I think its dermatitis from the plants ..its the worse ...i still sneeze when i trim or get a good whiff i thought it was natural


Active member
Hey all,

Its trim time and I've been having a hell of a time this round.

In the past I've gotten hive like rash on my arms when directly exposed to the plants. No biggie - I can live with it.

Now - I can barely make it through a few hours of trimming without being in complete misery. My sinuses have been going crazy while trying to trim a single light per night.

I will sometimes go into a sneezing fit where I can easily sneeze 5-6 times before they subside. Aside from this I can not breath through my nose as its either completed stuffed up or running. Its hell.

I also will be completely drenched in sweat after one of these sneezing episodes which is odd because I rarely ever sweat.

I've in the past never really been effected by fresh bud while trimming but have had some serious respiratory issues if trying to strip down dried hash making material. I'd wake up wheezing after messing with it.

I've came to the conclusion that I'm allergic to weed to some degree - I can smoke it, vap it, break it up with my fingers, etc no problem , but trim time is serious fucking me up.

Anyone have any suggestions? Its really putting a damper on a good thing... and as if constant trimming wasnt bad enough I now can barely get it done without constant sneezing, watering itchy eyes, irritated skin, etc.

I've tried benadryl with no success. It seems as though I deal with sinus related issues throughout the year which I blame on seasonal allergies, but have never taken anything for it.

What can I do? I'm seriously about the drop the coin on a $14000 twister just so I am not in complete misery every 8 weeks or so.

i feel you, i trimmed what turned out to be 5 lbs dried, all by myself when i have the worst allergies too. hive-like spots all over my arms and body.. swollen sinuses, can't breath out of nose, runny nose.. sneez maybe 50 times per session..if i touch my eyes they will swell shut for a couple days like sinusitis, and during my peak of misery i'll be sweating and burning up like a mother fucker.. i find that i don't get high at all either when this shit happens no matter how much i smoke. what i do now is take a claritin in the morning, keep my exhaust on while i trim, never ever touch my face and i tend to put the bud im trimming very close to my face unintentionally easily sparks the problems..


Active member
I have the same issues when doing trimming, and occasionally just tending to the girls.

For some, it is just contact dermatitis-itchy, red skin, with or without rash.
For others, it is a full on allergic reaction (not to confused with an anaphalactic reaction, which can be deadly).

As others have shared, if this is a problem for you, wear long sleeves, gloves, and get the cheap dust masks available at pharmacies or grocery stores.
For those who have watery eyes, sneezing, etc. - please pretreat yourself with some Claritin (use the generic Loratidine-cheaper and works just like the name brand), or Zyrtec (cetirizine-may cause drowsiness in a small % of people). There will be some people that these antihistamines do not provide relief. In that case I would suggest Benadryl (diphenhydramine) or Chlorpheniramine-just be aware that these can be very sedating for some. (shit knocks me out, wife can take it with no probs-body chemisty, its a wonderful thing).

Maybe someone can develop a hypoallergenic cannabis, with great yield, fast flower, great taste, and super potency. And while we're at it, make it self trimming and able to hang itself to dry :laughing:

In my work, I deal with people almost every day that think they have a cold and ask what to take. After a few questions, it is apparent they are suffering from an allergy but will tell me I've never had allergies before. They can develop at any time.

So, cover up and if you get the full blown red eye, sneezing, itchy skin thing, etc. add an antihistamine to your arsenal.

(just as an example, I am allergic to poison ivy, sumac, etc. I also have multple allergies to plant pollen, mold, etc. so I take an antihistamine every day a prophylatic. While taking it daily, I have accidentally been exposed to poison ivy and instead of a whole are coverd in angry red welts, I only get a couple of bumps that go away in a day or two.)

Hope my long winded reply is of help to someone.

Good luck to everyone.



I've had allergies/sinus problems all my life, but never to the point where I'd consider it a serious problem. I've been undergoing a lot of harvesting lately and things have gotten worse.

In the past I've just gotten rash like symptoms if brushing up against plants. On another occasion when trying to strip dry plant material from lower stalks I started having difficulties breathing and woke up in the middle of the night wheezing. I started bottom pruning early and just giving that lower scarf away so that I didn't have to deal with it. Problems subsided and I really havnt had to deal with THAT since.

Now - I think I may have developed full blown allergies to cannabis due to years of exposure. Recent harvests left me sneezing, stuffy which I can deal with but now seems to also have been causing more chest tightness and more wheezing/respiratory scares. I can feel tightness when I breath in and I can hear "stuff" when I exhale. Kinda of like an old man cough.

I'm going to discontinue all inhalation and limit my exposure to my plants until things improve. I've purchased a 3m multi-use household respirator to see if I can get through trimming without killing myself. Even vaporizing the last few days has brought on a bit of the wheeze. I'm not sure if its vaporizing thats causing it, or its merely bringing back the respiratory issues from the previous day of trimming.

I'm worried this allergy will change my life dramatically. I'm going to see a doctor concerning the chest stuff, but I cant exactly tell 'em what I think I may be allergic to in my state.. Maybe I've got some type of bronchitis simply caused by sinus drain that gets worse when I'm exposed to raw cannabis, but my symptoms definitely go over the edge when its time to trim for hours. I have been battling stuffy nose/sinus normal cold symptoms it seems like all winter, but now I'm beginning to think its the plants which may be the root of the problem.

Got some Loratidine, Sudopedrin (for the day), and some Benedryl. But the later makes me dead tired so I can only really take it at night. Not sure if any of them actually are helping.

I'm not sure if I can give up vaporizing cannabis, or more importantly growing. I love this shit and cannot imagine not being able to garden.

Any insight more info is appreciated? Has anyone else here ever developed a full blown allergy to cannabis.. or at least the terrapins or whatever found in dry dank/fresh growing plants.

- -

On a side note. Right around christmas time (around 20 days ago) I purchased some nose spray on the horrible recommendation of a friend. (Shit like Afrin, 4-way, ect that you can buy over the counter). The stuff immediately opens your nasal passages and lets you breathe temporarily, but after it wears off you get what they call rebound congestion where your nasal passages will inflame and seal completely shut - thus forcing you to use the stuff again..and again.. Some people continue to use it for years thinking its helping them fight their "allergies" when in fact its the root of their problem. I realized this quickly and after a quick Google decided that I had to stop using it cold turkey. I did and was complete miserable for 3-4 days until my sinuses opened again. I'm talking completely sealed shut - hard to swallow without choking. It was hell.

If anyone out there uses this garbage PLEASE quit. Its horrible stuff and should be illegal. The shit is addicting because once you use it - you NEED to it breathe. I dont think this is related to my allergy described above as I havnt used it in nearly 20 days, but I just wanted to throw it out there and warn people about it.. Stuff is more addicting then morphine. Stay far far away from these over the counter nasal sprays like Afrin.

EDIT - I used to get poison ivy really bad as a kid. All over - even if I hadnt really been exposed to it directly. Think I could get it just in the air. Now a days I havn't had it in years. IF I have developed an allergy to cannabis..is it possible that I can someday overcome it..almost like becoming immune to it after continuous exposure and suffering? Or am I likely to kill myself or cause more problem if I continue to be elbow deep in this hobby without limiting my exposure/

Thanks all!


Active member
I just want to second what Cheeb said about the nasal decongestant sprays (Afrin, 4-Way,etc.).

Avoid these and use an oral decongestants instead. I would recommend Sudafed (generic is pseudoephedrine). The over the counter products have gone to PE (phenylephrine) which for the majority of people is not as effective as pseudoephedrine.

If you feel you must use the spray, do not use more often than the package directions (every 12 hours-I would not use the short acting 4 hr at all, they are that much quicker to cause the rebound congestion) and do not use for more than 2-3 continuous use.

They will cause rebound congestion, which will cause your sinuses to block worse than when you began.

If you do end up with rebound congestion, the best way to break the habit of the spray and still be able to breath is to switch to the oral pseudoephedrine for a few days.

You can use a saline spray (such as Ocean Spray or AYR, or store brand Saline spray) along with the oral decongestant. The saline you can use as much as you want.

The best advice is to just avoid the nasal spray decongestants completely. It is very easy to get hooked on that instant relief, but you will pay for it.


Green Mujaheed
I'm no scientist, but my understanding is that one of the natural functions of trichomes and THC in nature is to keep animals from eating the plant. Marij plants in general are supposed to be an irritant.

Yep, the irritation could be due to non-glandular trichomes, which are like tiny glass needles (partially made of calcium carbonate).

Irie !
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Well I picked up a respirator from the hardware store and it seems to have done the trick.

I was able to trim for several hours without even a sneeze. Didn't have any problems breathing afterwards either. Its great... I was skeptical it was going to keep me 100% from feeling the effects.

It sucks having to wear it..and you cant hear me for shit when I try to talk, but at least I'm not in complete misery.

I went ahead and splurged for the $30 contractor style respirator with the 3m things on the sides like a gasmask... but curious if a regular style dusk mask would suffice in preventing any allergic reaction.


Whoah.... I've been experiencing this a lot lately, especially after actually getting my hands/arms in amongst the plants checking things out. It's been driving me pretty crazy, though the Benadryl spray shown earlier in the thread helps quite a bit. It's interesting to see that others have experienced it as well.

I wonder if this is somewhat strain-dependant? I've never experienced this before, even when visiting other mmj grows.


Green Mujaheed
I wonder if this is somewhat strain-dependant? I've never experienced this before, even when visiting other mmj grows.

Probably, or maybe indoor conditions favor the fall of non-glandular trichomes for some reason ?

I've never experienced it myself, nor indoor, neither while roaming among outdoor plants.
I know that in Islamabad, Pakistan, there are seasonal allergy peaks, due to the release of pollen from all the cannabis growing wild in the city, but not from trichomes.
I am tempted to think that it is linked to both the strain (some kind of evolution of the plant's defense system ?), and the indoor conditions (plus personnal sensibility to the allergens of course), provoking the fall of the trichomes, which get easily stuck on the grower skin, and as easily get propulsed in the air, and easily inhaled by the grower.

Irie !



I think I may definitely be experiencing some variety related symptoms.

2 nights ago I where a respirator and trim successfully for several hours. Get home and vap a particular variety..and its all good.. i'm high and enjoying.

last night I do the exact same, but vap another variety. It seems hot and harsh at the time of vap which may have irritated my throat... but unfortunately the symptoms persists and I cannot rid the cough, flem in throat, chest congestion all night. Was cool up until hitting that vap. Perhaps I was earlier exposed more the 2nd night then the 1st, but the vap seem to trigger the unpleasant symptoms where it did not the night before with a different variety.

I dont think its the vaping thats the root of the issue, but more-less the vap is irritating the already present allergy symptoms which may be more noticeable with one variety then the other.