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recycling perlite


hello everyone,
i didn't wanna waste a new thread on a simple question, but maybe some of you have dealt with something similar.
anyways i ran out of perlite the other day, and its not possible for me to go out and buy more supplies right now.
but a few months ago i top dressed most of the house plants with about an inch or two of perlite, so my wife says why not steal it back ? lol
i'm a little worried about using the perlite from the house plants cause the reason we top dressed was because of fungus gnats :( we haven't seen a single fungus gnat for a few months... so figure it shouldn't hurt to sift out the garbage, and reuse right ?
its been sitting outside for the last 24 hours in a 5 gal bucket.... hoping the sub zero temps kill off any nasty's ..

looking for input here.. would you reuse it ?
thank you


Active member
freezing it won't kill off any bad things, you'd be better served boiling it before using. i'd think you could reuse it, but yeah boil that shit otherwise unwanted critters could hide in there because it's very porous.


Active member
Or you could use H202 dump a bottle in a bowl place perlite in it let sit rinse a few times you should be good to go