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Recurring Leaf Issues-4th Grow in a Row



Agreed it's not a bug. I vegged them with an inch of sterilized sand on the top of each pot, to avoid fungus gnats, as I had a few last round.
Tribal, I'm using a Calmag supplement, so as long as I keep my ppm over 850, shouldn't I be okay, or is it not necessarily that easy? As I said, all in all, the plants look good, but I want to figure out how to get beauty looking ladies, from start to finish(isn't it good to be picky? lol). Once again, thanks a bunch for all the help folks. I'm gonna spray with low strength Neem at lights out tonight, change the res tomorrow, and hopefully i'll have some good results to post next week.

Getting proper cal/mag can be that simple. If you're reffering to the CEC, unfortunantly its not that simple. Think of it as a bank that stores your N-P-K. You're not really feeding the plants, you're feeding the medium. Once I figured that out it was smooth sailing. This is why we charge the coco before use.
Depending on your cal supplements N-P-K ratios, too much compared to your flowering nute can throw off your mix and CEC's ratio as well. Botanicare CalMag is 2-0-0. Not enough would look like your problems. I would check your bottles for the details I mentioned earlier.
Your plants look fine, btw


Tribal, I really need to read more, lol. I just noticed on the Canna Coco grow guide, that you're never supposed to flush with plain water, until the final week. I've only done one flush so far(right at the start of flowering), so I'll shut that down from here on out.
I don't see any calcium levels on my jugs of flowering nutes, so I'll have to call the hydro shop and get the 411. My calmag supplement is 3-0-0, but depending on what the hydro guy tells me, perhaps I don't even need it with their coco specific nutes.


I wouldn't trust the shop guys for too much. Check the brands site. Also, I wouldn't change too much. If they were designed for tap and you're using tap, you might not need as much cal because tap can have plenty. Any supplements you use may also contain cal. I use CNS17 w/RO and have only supplemented cal or mag one time each. I pre-charged my coco with plenty though.
Remember that if you're feeding at their full strength you re supposed to get optimum NPK numbers. If you're feeding lighter you may need to supplement. With all that said, id start reducing anything with an N of 3 in it somewhere in flowering


Anyone still following this thread? I'm into day 11 of flowering, and the majority of my leaf issues have been resolved(thanks folks).
I've run into some leaves at the top of my canopy that are a fairly light green(hard to tell from the pics). It seems that it's only/mainly on the Jack Smack and Skunk#1 though. Any ideas? I'm leaning towards my nutes aren't strong enough(900 ppm currently), or else possibly a magnesium deficiency? I'm kinda guessing from the "complete guide to sick plants" thread though. I haven't supplemented with Calmag this week as of yet, so I'll likely add it to my res tomorrow and see if I can't get the leaves more of the proper shade of green. Ideas are welcome in the meantime though.


They probably just need a little cal/mag. Good to see things are going better.
I ended up giving my girls some calmag at week 2 when I cut Grow out of the mix. SD needs a little N until the stretch stops and she's a calmag whore.
Id add about 100 ppm or less calmag, or just bump nutes back up. I wouldn't reduce base nutes to add calmag. Probably enough in it.
Did you get any info on your nutes?


I never looked at the pics. My new growth got light when I cut N early. Im only guessing that's what is going on with your grow. Your calmag is 3-0-0, id try to resolve any issues using as little of that as you can. Did you use any transition Grow +Bloom? If I wasn't out of Grow, Id use that instead


I ran out of my transition nute, so that could be the problem. I switched straight from veg to flowering nutes. To make matters worse, I flushed prior to flower(d'oh!!), and would have washed out most of the "grow/veg" nutes in the coco(if that would matter?). I'll chalk that up to rookie mistake and hold off on adding Calmag for a couple more days. Seeing as how I'm 11 days into flower, would there be any point in me buying and using my transition nute/feed schedule now? I normally would quit the transiton nute after week 1 of flower, and now I'm 11 days in is all. Or should I treat as a N deficiency if it gets worse in a few more days?


There's no claw going on there. Id bump my base a little. If the leaves get lighter Id ad the cal.


Perfect. I actually bumped my base up today(figuring I might be a little weak in the nutes). I'm at about 1050 ppm now. I have an A and B formula, with the A being heavier in the N than the B. Should I use more of the nute heavier in N? I'll have to add water tomorrow afternoon, so I can go heavier on the N nute then if you think it's a good idea.


I only gave extra N because of the strain, 12 week, its a picky eater(yellows early)and stretches alot.
You don't want much N available later in bloom. 2 -3 weeks is probably around that time frame on an 8 week finish that you would normal cut or atleast reduce N


My friend that gifted me the clones of the Jack, just told me that they're usually a tad lighter green, especially next to an indica dominant Sourbubble. The Jack is about a 10 week finisher, so maybe it yellows early too? Anyways, I've upped the base as said, I won't add any extra N, and we'll see how it goes in a few days. Thanks Tribal!

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