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Recreation or Medication... What's your intake?

Recreation or Medication... What's your intake?

  • I can only AFFORD to smoke a gram of top shelf a day...

    Votes: 11 42.3%
  • I only NEED a gram of top shelf a day...

    Votes: 15 57.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
TBH I barely even smoke weed anymore. It's incredibly smug and dismissive to say I outgrew it, but I'm struggling to find a way to better define it. I just love growing.

I find weed has a knack for making people who are unintelligent losers believe they are under-achieving intellectuals and thus, more prone to spew boring bullshit. In this way, I much prefer getting a few drinks with reasonable people than hanging out with 99.99999% of people who smoke herb. I don't think it's the greatest "regular use" drug for people who are not truly medicinal for this reason. I think it's the opposite of what many here profess; it makes people more boring, even interesting people. I guess that can be a good thing if you are mentally ill/addicted to hard drugs and just need to calm down in order to re-frame from killing folks or something. But for most it's probably best to use on occasion only in my experience.

I enjoy the feeling of being high very much, and I think a biweekly puff or two (literally, that's it) of a good sativa is helpful in creating a genuinely unique frame of reference to solve troubling questions to the sober mind. Beyond that, it's just fun, and subsequently (albeit mildly) harmful to an ambitious and intellectually capable person. I do serious work for a living that is helpful to my community. If I fuck up, lots of people die. I feel I owe it to my peers to limit my intake.

I know that probably won't fly here, but you asked, and I won't lie to fit in. Cheers.


Kiss My Ring
:tumbleweed:yeah, i've had the pleasure of working with the drinking public and miss it little. think what you want about what cripples your enthusiasm, but in my experience, drunks suck butt.
i enjoy drinking beer, never to be drunk though, it puts too many at risk beyond my person.

maybe i just am too concerned with continuing consuming quantities of quality. one does his best to keep replacing that zipper weekly, and it does take my best. this is my job now! i live off savings atm so growing is really my only option...i cannot envision purchasing again, even at growmart prices (corporate jane).


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I'm a medicinal user that uses less than a gram a day I'd guess. If friends stop by of course I'll consume more out of indulgence and/or the social aspect of the group high.......


did that guy call me crazy for smoking too much? bro, add water to soil and make weed. then smoke as much as you want for a decade plus of that. some people are alcoholics, I'm just a stoner. Don't judge. Enjoy your 9 to 5...


Active member
i have friends who roll a blunt every 30 minutes to an hour, religiously throughout the day.

most of them dont grow...they just sell packs and chip out a 1/4 oz from each pack they sell so they always have a fat bag of bud to burn...

i grow my own, sell most to pay bills, but keep around a QP-HP to get me to the next harvest. and il have to sprinkle some club visits and 50 dollar 8ths in there once and a while for variety and to support my fellow growers...

average intake is 2-3g a day, but on weekends and with friends it can easily hit a quarter oz per night...


Active member
i do notice that if i have an 8th of my home grown, it will get smoked way quicker than an 8th from the club.

if i buy club shit for 50-60 an 8th, that shit gets stretched lol. no joints or blunts, simple small .2 g bong snaps and its still gone in 2-3 days.


Freedom Fighter
i wish i was a kid again and my tolerance was low. i also feel this way about beer. i can drink a sixpack with my pizza and not feel buzzed. aah to be young again

Just be glad you have a good liver--
I get buzzed with 3 beers (after drinking for the last14 years straight, I think this is not good) But I still have to drink all night long--
As bad as it is...when I drink all night, and blaze all night...I can (sometimes) get a good nights sleep...without having to take opiates for my back pain--


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That's me to except I dont drink. These opiates really suck but what can we do.. At least the cannabis helps reduce the amount I need to take daily,.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Dude your poll is kind of like this


I smoke anywhere between a half and five grams a day.

Why do we have to do the same thing everyday?

Now that I think of it this topic has come up... but it's been in bettered titled threads....

Are you asking if we're medical or not?

Sometimes I'm both.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
lol ya how many of us weigh out what we use I sure dont. I snag a nug and torch it. I just look for a nug the size I want or break off a piece.

Mr dude

harvest time i smoke sun up to sun down and than a couple more bowls hard times i smoke whenever i can as much as i can i look foward to every chance i get to hold that sweet smoke in my lunges
weed make peolple boring? That sounds like the start to a anti pot ad like im melting into the couch now maybe the people you know suck but pot heads are the coolest people to walk the planet and whatever you said bout that dumb intilectual bull shit... do you spend a lot of time thinkg in your head that you are sooo much smarter people?? perhaps some acid or mushrooms never a dull moment on them

Mr dude

also to anyone sitting on a nice stash toking less than a gram a day...
throw a little my way i give it a home


depends on the day and what is going on around me. i burn a lot of weed when i fish but almost nothing when i work on something new. i don't ever think about weight when i pack a bowl.


New member
The poll should have a "As much as i want" option

I stopped using weight as a unit of measurment after my first harvest. I use 1.5 ltr Mason jars for curing/storage and just count the number of full jars after harvest. One jar lasts me a month or so, but how much i smoke by weight in a day i neither know, nor care.
