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Recommended strain for backpain


el dub

Smoking oil helps my back pain.

Oil from some african strains seem to be particularly helpful. (Durban poison, etc.)



Active member
Hi Folks,

So Ive suffered with back pain for many years and over the years I have been to see lots of specialists, chiropractors etc...I am looking to start growing a strain that will help with the back pain that I suffer and I am looking for any recomendations from anyone who has a similar problem.

Thanks in advance.


same ting here
until i went to a podologist in the hood here
she made me special shoesoles,& after a week i can say 85 %of my neck&back &kneepains are finally gone
if u want good pain relief medecine,grow manitoba medecine


Kills Nerve Pain?

Kills Nerve Pain?

There is a hybrid created by rolanterroy the cultivation editor for skunkmagazine that is called Blue Rhino 1947. It actually kills nerve pain! I have had bad sciatica for over 7 years now and just a couple hits of BR1947 and it's gone! Anyone that has battled nerve pain knows that even with strong narcotics you may not be able to get rid of the pain so the BR1947 is very special.

I am also very interested in the Blue Rhino 1947!!!






i also have backpain. starbud is killing my pain like no other i had yet. im really satisfied :)

Sorry if it's a newbie question but...
what is that? An indica strain? Any chance of a pointer towards a strain review or something? (I'm interested in all the possible pain relief strains)



I have lots of back pain, and lots of other pain, and I have had the opportunity to try several different strains. I found that strains in the diesel family work really well as does chocolope and bubba kush. Anything with high cbd also works well.


New member
I was gifted a couple of dozen BR1947's a few years back

and although my only aliment at the time was back pain (crushed disk)

it did a super job taking care of that.


Active member
Hi Folks,

So Ive suffered with back pain for many years and over the years I have been to see lots of specialists, chiropractors etc...I am looking to start growing a strain that will help with the back pain that I suffer and I am looking for any recomendations from anyone who has a similar problem.

Thanks in advance.


The most intense back-pain periods I've gone through were directly related to stress, causing tension in muscles, that aggravated my back condition.

Depending on your injury or condition, a strain that works well for anxiety, as well as pain, may do you wonders. :D

The joke that came to mind when I read the thread title? "Dunno what strains they are... but the meds from the guy 3 blocks down always gives me back pain." LOL

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

Useful Idiot

Active member
We all know that the only thing that can help you is a script from your Dr. There is no way in hell an easy to grow plant can ever provide more relief for you than big pharm. Sarcasm at its finest folks. My wife has very bad Rheumatoid arthritis and has to go for a drip of Rhumacaid and takes a ton of Methotrexate . That shit makes her sick, BUT, some Rhino,some Iced Grapefruit,and a few others....ensures she gets to relax and get her appetite so she can eat and keep it down,and get a halfway decent night of sleep. BUT, I am a criminal for providing that to the woman I love??? Sad isn't it?? Sorry for the rant.But I KNOW alot of ya feel the same.


Sorry if it's a newbie question but...
what is that? An indica strain? Any chance of a pointer towards a strain review or something? (I'm interested in all the possible pain relief strains)


Starbud's a two time cannabis cup winner(indica category) by Hortilab. Good luck trying to find seeds though, if you do, they're likely only going to be feminized seeds.


Starbud's a two time cannabis cup winner(indica category) by Hortilab. Good luck trying to find seeds though, if you do, they're likely only going to be feminized seeds.
thats right, but there will be regular seeds soon enough ;)
also some other nice stuff like starberry (starbud x blueberry)

4 Dragons

Active member
Blue Rhino 1947 is no longer available but he might remake them. I'll check. He did give me beans of the Blue Rhino that he used and I'm sure the painkilling effect in the BR 1947 came from there. I'll pop them soon and see what I can find, maybe cross to StarDawg ix male that I have...


Active member
ecsd or wcsd, or straicght up sour d, works for me, plus i can function,Black D also comes to mind as well as rezs sfv x cd

I agree with sotf as wll ,st3 or a good cross works as well ,but my wife says i put on the stupid shoes so i stay away from the hard hitting indicas during the day


Well-known member
I have nerve and disc damage in my neck and back.. I agree with everyone on the canna butter.. It's great in many ways but unlike smoking takes 20-30 mins to take effect.. Try Cannacopia Lapis Mt.. Amazing strain.. Quites those shooting pains.. Cheap price great meds...


If it works for you like it has for me, make a rootbalm with coconut oil out of whatever strains you've got. it has acted like a pain light switch for me within 20 minutes of rubbing it on sore muscles, deep back pains, even stopped the pain of a cracked wisdom tooth (that one had alot varibles so can only say might have been the reason the sensitivty and pain stopped, to this day)
k.c brains mango or nirvana papaya good choice for pain, the right pheno from either of these lines can be stellar meds for chronic pain
or dynamite from next generation