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Recommend some good punk rock


im partial to the older Face to face stuff from Fat Wreck Chords

face to face and gutter mouth are playing a show together in cali

with i could see that!

Anyone see any shows lately?

I saw streetlight manifesto a month ago and against me back in may. Streetlight shows are starland ballroom are fucking INSANE the crowed goes so crazy, never seen anything like it. I guess it is like their home venue and all but damnnnnn... I brought my metal head friend to one of their shows last year when they did a three night stand at starland and he even admitted it was the craziest show he ever went to. and he is the guitarist of a metalcore band hahahahaha.

against me was a much more tame show. his or her or laura idk's voice if different but still very good. Dosnt have that gutteral scream anymore and has to use false cord. Most punk singers end up going false cord as they get older or risk ruining their vocal chords. just look at davey havok


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
^I know that those chords from somewhere... or perhaps it's just one song mixing in to another in my melted brain

Thought it was this, probably because it sounds like the chorus


Can't remember the last time I pissed on some AFI ma'fuckers. Get your God damn bandanas and chick pants away from me :D

Hey, while were at it, bit o' this
