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Recommend A Movie Thread


Active member
Running Scared... shit will have you on your toes. the island? leaves of grass with edward norton is pretttyy dope.. yesterday i got blazed as fuck and watched a 3d movie on the 3d tv + 3d blueray + glasses for first time pretty dope keeps you awake when everything is poppin out at you.


Active member
theres a little short video on you tube or in the video section here called "The Flower" thats excellent! off topic but worth watching....mo


To Have More ... Desire Less
which one do U have intrest in....Kerlito?
I've mentioned 2 so far.....
INCEPTION........the newer Leonardo DiCaprio......mental myndphucker that it is .....very good mind U........just requires attention to detail.....
and concentration. but very much worth the watch.........
Adream, within a dream, within a dream, within a dream,.........
U can just get lost in the layerz.............

and my insight for today............Leaving Las Vegas......a truely miserable movie that showz the otherside of life......
good ole Nicholas Cage and Elizabeth Shue........one hell of a dynamic combination.....and a seriously....twisted point of view.............

both are very good.just complete opposite ends of the viewing spectrum........


Active member
Black Swan. Saw it last night. Excellent movie, hands down. Its a tad intense at times, but its beautiful. See it.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Here's a few more in no particular order.

Wasabi -much better in french
El Topo
Happy, Texas
Daywatch. Nightwatch isn't bad but I think Daywatch doesn't completely lose you if you sneeze once.
Little Big Man
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
Doggie Poo