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Recent trends in seed confiscation?

I am considering having an order of seeds shipped. Have you guys been noticing an uptick in confiscations lately?

I'd hate to risk losing the money if the customs has been getting bettr at intercepting seed shipments.


ICMag Donor
A couple of years ago, every other order got nabbed. Haven't had one go missing for quite a while now.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
The only order I've ever missed was from a different auction company, I don't believe it was ever even sent. Plenty of good experience with SB.


donut engineer
My international mail goes through Chicago, renowned for spotting seed shipments. In the past 6 months I have had 5 successful orders. In fact, I haven't had a seizure from the Bou once.


have not lost any beans but i think i just lost some money going that way.


The cat that loves cannabis
its been all good with seeds getting here for a while now.
Take advantage of it, and get while the gettins good.


Seeds should not be a problem unless someone is a rat or there is a postal theft.They don`t show up well in xrays and dogs can`t smell clean seed.It`s possible they could get lost in the mail as that happends once in a while but most likely worst case they could get crushed by sorting machines if not packaged well.

On the other end of things I was auctioning off buds, mail order and two shipments got intersepted by postal inspectors about two years ago.Peeps complained there orders didn`t make it so I resent out orders. All the orders were small,between 1/2 oz. and 1/4 lbs. I still got complaints of missing orders on the second shipment. A few days later a postal inspector was at my front door.They said there dog hit on the packages.Problem is I was using a safe address so it had to be a snitch! They told me they had 9 packages on hold. I had sent out two shipments of nine packages! All they did was ask if they could open the packages and I said they weren`t mine so couldn`t give permission. I sent out a third delivery to insure my customers got what they ordered this time not using the mail.An other week later a different postal inspector called me on the phone and it was after 10 pm.I could here a party going on in the background as he told me that my weed was the best stuff they had confiscated in years and he hung up. Three shipments two intersepts,one was a rip off by one of the inspectors! Third shipment went through.I thought that would be the end of it but a few more weeks went by and the second shipment that had been intersepted also was delivered by mail. My gess is because they didn`t get permission to open the packages and didn`t want to take the time to get warrants they had to deliver the packages under fedral law and did so? No one was ever arrested I was just warned that it was unlawful to ship medical marijuana over Cali boarders through the mail and should stop.They weren`t interested in small amounts enough to cause a fuss. I still ship mmj to a few people out side Cali ,but not through the mail! Although I`ve never had a problem with international shipments of buds.I just keep the packages under an elbow.I`ve never had any problem with sending/recieving seeds.

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