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really want to supercharge you ACT?


As a few of you may know i love finding ways that brewing beer and growing cannabis can overlap. Not to long ago i had converted my wort aeration system from a simple air pump to a pure oxygenater. while oxgygenating my last batch of i realized that the tubing and airstone i use for my ACT fit onto my oxygen tank adapter. BINGO! by adding pure oxygen to my act once every twelve hours for 1.5mins i can achieve much higher levels of actual oxygen than by aerating constantly for 24-48 hours. i know this to be true thru my knowledge of brewing. you see while using an airstone with a simple air pump may achieve a ppm of about 8 sustained when used for 24-48 hours in five gallons. using pure oxygen and an airstone for 5 mins over a 24-48 on five gallons period will result in a ppm of about 25!

Now i i think i know what your thinking right about now...how the hell much does it cost and where the hell do i get an oxygen tank from?
heres what i got plus cost: the first product is a simple oxygen tank regulator designed for brewing purposes(maybe you can find some thing better) this is the most costly part and goes around 45-50 bucks. it's made my gulfstream brewing products. the airstone they give you is a pourous stainless steel with 1, 2, and 5 micron pours which will stay very clean and unclogger as long as you don't touch it with your greasy fingers.
the second thing you will need is the oxygen tank which you can find at any hargware store for about 7 bucks a tank. one tank will last you a while.

i would really love any feed back and help with this idea. thanks.


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nice idea, bet this will help in the summer months. if you cant keep a rez cool, keep it well oxygenated. just be careful when using O2. it is an inflammable gas.


nice idea, bet this will help in the summer months. if you cant keep a rez cool, keep it well oxygenated. just be careful when using O2. it is an inflammable gas.
don't worry i don't do too much burning around my compost teas. now when you say " help in the summer months" can you elaborate? you know your stuff hempAl and all the info you could drop on me would be very much appreciated.

mad librettist

Active member
when the temps go up your tea speeds up. In the summer it can be too fast, and your pump is suddenly too slow and your DO2 too low.


Active member
DO also drops as temps rise. So you have accelerated activity combined with lower DO. Any microscopy of O2 added compared to not added?

Good thinking, I like it.


Overkill is under-rated.
I think this has been explored a bit by using submersible Ozonators (similar to the larger units that ozonate hot tubs.) O3 breaks down quickly into O2, and doesn't need to have tanks replaced. I wonder if oxygen would oxidize the microherd too much and damage them. Without a fairly badass microscope I don't think we'll have a straight answer. Anybody own a DO meter? Those things are expensive!
as stated, as temps rise, DO goes down. the bad microbes tend to like the low DO. i was thinking more for hydro-organic or normal hydro because these setups tend to hold water for longer periods of time. not sure what the optimal DO level is but i would assume that a lil research into it is all thats needed to find out
As a few of you may know i love finding ways that brewing beer and growing cannabis can overlap. Not to long ago i had converted my wort aeration system from a simple air pump to a pure oxygenater. while oxgygenating my last batch of i realized that the tubing and airstone i use for my ACT fit onto my oxygen tank adapter. BINGO! by adding pure oxygen to my act once every twelve hours for 1.5mins i can achieve much higher levels of actual oxygen than by aerating constantly for 24-48 hours. i know this to be true thru my knowledge of brewing. you see while using an airstone with a simple air pump may achieve a ppm of about 8 sustained when used for 24-48 hours in five gallons. using pure oxygen and an airstone for 5 mins over a 24-48 on five gallons period will result in a ppm of about 25!

Now i i think i know what your thinking right about now...how the hell much does it cost and where the hell do i get an oxygen tank from?
heres what i got plus cost: the first product is a simple oxygen tank regulator designed for brewing purposes(maybe you can find some thing better) this is the most costly part and goes around 45-50 bucks. it's made my gulfstream brewing products. the airstone they give you is a pourous stainless steel with 1, 2, and 5 micron pours which will stay very clean and unclogger as long as you don't touch it with your greasy fingers.
the second thing you will need is the oxygen tank which you can find at any hargware store for about 7 bucks a tank. one tank will last you a while.

i would really love any feed back and help with this idea. thanks.


My water chemistry is a bit rusty, but I though that water is saturated, (@ STP) at around 8 mg/l typically, and the saturation concentration is typically a function of temperature.

For water and wastewater treatment, ozonation, and to a certain extent aeration, are designed in a manner so that they jhave a deep column of water to rise up through, and therefore achieve a contact time for diffusion from the gas phase to the liquid phase.

So I guess my question is, I wonder if you are really bumping up the DO all that much, I can see you getting to a supersaturation point, but after that, it is all going to pretty much bubble out of solution. Unless you have a deep reservior (they use like 15-30 feet for ozonation in WWTP's) where your increased O2 has a chance to diffuse into the liquid phase.

Are you still aerating with your normal pump the whole time? Or are you just aerating with O2 for 5 mins, and seeing elevated O2 levels for an extended period of time?


mad librettist

Active member
does the release of O2 from the tank create a chill? Maybe just use it to cool the water?

Come to think about it, is it that hard to throw in a couple ice cubes?
Seems there might be safer ways to cool your reservoin that using pure O2.

I always think of the apollo guys that burned up in a pure oxygen atmosphere. Pure O2 changes the scope of the potential for fire/combustion

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