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Really need help.... It is a bad day.

Mister Postman

The Plant Pervert
There is a lot of talking about AA...referring to the "Higher Power" thing--
Your Higher Power can be anything-- I got clean after 18 years of heroin in AA...I used "The Group" as my Higher Power...being an Atheist and all--
There are a lot of different alternatives...Church, Rehab...but the one thing they all have in common is, getting you INVOLVED in something besides your own 'Stinkin' Thinkin'"!!
You just need to find something to capture your interest and keep you out of your old ways of thinking--
It could be AA, Church...or friggin' Crossword Puzzles...your job now, JB...is to find the thing that will work for you..seeing as the way you have been doing things hasn't been turning out so swell!!
Quitting drinking, for an Alcoholic...is more than just not drinking...it is changing up the way you think!!
That's it...the whole "Secret" in a nutshell--:woohoo:

For me it was growing the herb, and caring for someone who was sicker then me, and not by choice.. I had a choice to live or continue killing myself, he has cancer.. Certainly put things in perspective for me... I pretty much immersed myself in growing the last 4-5 years learning/reading as much as could.. I needed a hobby, and this did it for me.. Some will say I traded one for another, but for me and my situation it was well worth the risk..

I can honestly say marijuana saved my life:rasta:


Freedom Fighter
For me it was growing the herb, and caring for someone who was sicker then me, and not by choice.. I had a choice to live or continue killing myself, he has cancer.. Certainly put things in perspective for me... I pretty much immersed myself in growing the last 4-5 years learning/reading as much as could.. I needed a hobby, and this did it for me.. Some will say I traded one for another, but for me and my situation it was well worth the risk..

I can honestly say marijuana saved my life:rasta:

Nice!! This is what I am talking about...it can be anything...as long as you fill the void with something positive!!
I will bring up again, that I also drink...way too much!! I smoke weed...but I quit the thing that was my problem...at the time!!
Now, like 13 years later, I will be having to deal with the mistake of using Alcohol, to replace my heroin...but I have the ability to do this-- (I hope!!)
We are all Human...thus fallible-- The thing to do when you fuck up, is simply to keep trying--


kmkcali man you are so fucking right. I get one chance on failing a drug test from my po so im just going to toke it up until he catchs me that one time!

just smoked a j SO FUCKING HAPPY!

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