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Real people that I know.

i reid to think of a few stories, but i can't tell them without feeling bad for the people.

i"ve seen some crackheads do funny things but i can't just relate a story that might be someone here's life.

people are crazy.


This guy named mikey was a big drug dealer. He got set up on a controlled buy for 5000 ebombs and did some time. This guy was the biggest oxycontin fiend i'd ever seen. One time I spent the night at his house and learned that every night he'd put an 80mg oxy in the coin pocket of his jeans to get it all nice and warm. Then in the morning he could easily wipe off the coating and rail the whole 80 for breakfast. He would end up doing over 400mg by the end of the day. One time he called a rehab place and they told him they couldn't help him because their facilities weren't equipped to handle people that physically dependent on it.


I used to live with a friends brother, and my brother. We'll call this guy Big Red.
He was 6'7", heavy set and nobody could understand a word he said. I swear we communicated mainly in sign language.
Something out of a Primus song.
Anyway, he was a tradesman, regular blue collar, but one day he decides he wants to be an opera singer...so he quits his job and goes full-on into practice etc.
He once got me to sit in his VW bug and rev the engine so the lights would be bright enough to be able to mow the lawn, at 10:00pm. He got all dressed up too, gloves, big heavy boots, goggles, a big hat, dust mask...I mean, why? One day a Phillipina shows up at the door, turns out he had ordered a wife. She offers to make us some dinner, I shit you not, she tried to mke spaghetti, but didn't boil it, just added crunchy spaghetti to mince, and squirted about half a bottle of tomato sauce over it.
He never made it onto the stage...I think hes back at work now.

Ganja Kirbya

New member
Alright well I can't say I know this guy personally, but I see him often enough.

I work at a grocery store as a carry-out (as in carrying out grocery's, super easy to do baked, gotta love it). Anyways, I carry out for this guy every so often. And every single time I carry out to his car, he wants it in the back seat, whatever, not uncommon. The best part is that when he opens his door, the smell of weed just comes rushing out. Yeah. I've never said anything to him though. Anyways he always hooks me up with a $5 tip and tells me he appreciates the help. Maybe one day he'll pass me a joint instead. :joint:

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