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Some of the most ignorant, misinformed and biased shit I have ever read.

You can comment if you log in at the bottom. Despite the fact all the tokers gave nothing but well formed and articulated opinions and multiple links to research materials, the fucking do gooders were still baying for "evidence". Meanwhile these same dickheads put forward such indisputable evidence as "my cousins, girlfriends best mate said that 4 out of 5 of her friends that smoke got psychosis".

Must be the circles they move in...

Just check out this pearler from the journo (apparently reputable Fairfax "journalist" Chris Middendorp)
Studies show that dozens of the damaging properties found in a packet of conventional smokes are also available to us through smoking cannabis, so it seems reasonable to conclude that pot smoking causes cancer, too. That's a good enough basis alone to shun the joint or bong permanently

It probably would seem reasonable to a dipshit with preformed opinions and a vested interest in sensational journalism but it is definitely stupid and as far from actual science as you can get.

How do you fight this kind of stupidity?
What a load of shit - there's just too much of these uneducated morons publishing crap like this, damaging the reputation of our beloved plant.

Makes me sick...

Jimbo :moon: