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read this and win a medieval crossbow (click here)


New member
whats up! (from finland)

been reading the forums for a while. so its time for this now.

im growing couple of plants myself atm with very modest setup, an open grow in the corner of ma bathroom. I have couple grows under my belt so far.. will be fooling around soil and hydro forums atleast.

currently im in the process of designing a stealth box so i can move my plants there, which are a little over month old atm.

and as ill be moving places in couple of months after this grow (hopefully).. i will most likely do a SoG grow or a vertical... thats the vision.




Crossbows were developed in Ancient Greece, and East Asia where Ancient China was the main source from [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]archaeological[/COLOR][/COLOR] evidence. Medieval crossbows had many names, most of which came from the word Ballista, which was a siege weapon resembling a crossbow in appearance and its functionality. One of the earliest reliable records of this type of weapon used in battle was from an ambush, the "Battle of Ma-Ling" circ. 341BC. and by the 200s BC. the crossbow was quite widely used all over China.
While the earliest date for the crossbow in the European world, was around 5th century BC. starting existance from the Greek world. Crossbows almost completely superceded hand bows in majority of European armies by the 12th century for many reasons. The main was the fact that crossbows although had slower shooting rate and lower accuracy, they could release much more kinetic [COLOR=blue ! important][COLOR=blue ! important]energy[/COLOR][/COLOR] and be used effectively after a week of training, whereas longbow skills took years to master.
A crossbow is a bow mounted on a stick (called a stock or stiller) with a mechanism which holds the drawn bow string.At the earliest stages of this design, the cocked string was placed in a slot that was cut into the stock. This design required a vertical rod to be thrust up through a hole in the bottom of the notch, forcing the string out, ultimately firing this design. This rod was usually attached perpendicular to a rear-facing lever called a trigger. Originally, the crossbow’s bow was made from a single piece of wood, usually yew or ash. Composite crossbows are made from layers of different material, often horn, sinew and wood, glued together and bound with animal tendon, making them much stronger and effective in releasing energy than simple wooden bows. As steel became available by the 14th Centure in Europe, prods made from steel came into use. The crossbow prod is much shorter compared to ordinary bows, which results in much shorter draw lenght, and this results in much more energy required to load. Furthermore the thick prod are a bit less efficient at releasing energy, yet more energy can be stored by a crossbow.


Active member
Wow thats a big crossbow!!!! :abduct:

Welcome to the forums.....lots of people from finland hereabouts....:woohoo:

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


May your race always be in your favor
Couldn't get the crossbow in Assasin Creed, now can't get one here either.


The cat that loves cannabis
I'm going to need to get the crossbow up front in the future before reading another one of your posts.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I don't even know why I clicked this link... I already have more medieval crossbows than I know what to do with :D

welcome btw ;)