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Re-veg wait time?


Hey guys,

I've got some clones that have been vegging for a few weeks now (maybe a month) and they still have the strange reveg syndrome (where they grow messed up looking leaves resembling Basil). How long do they need to veg before they return to normal growth? They are at the size where I want to flip them now, but I feel like I should wait.

What say you?


from my own experience, they will not stretch nor yield much for you. you have to wait until the plant has reversed itself back into veg mode completely. this may take months.
cut off any bud-sites now, and trim the mutant leafs once you flip to 12/12. the plant will be a lot bushier (great for taking clones).


from my own experience, they will not stretch nor yield much for you. you have to wait until the plant has reversed itself back into veg mode completely. this may take months.
cut off any bud-sites now, and trim the mutant leafs once you flip to 12/12. the plant will be a lot bushier (great for taking clones).

Maybe I should toss them then. I thought it only took a few weeks to revert, but I guess I was wrong lol.

Lots of one leaf weirdness and it looks like the plant is still producing trichomes too. Completely weird. So you are saying I should cut off the stretchy parts?

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