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Re-using Hydrotron rocks



What is the process of cleaning, leeching whatever for hydrotron or hydrokorrel rocks?

I think the is a thread or link here or at og but I can not find it.

Is it a bleach solution?

I have all the rocks seperated from the root mass and loose in a bucket. Now what?

Thanks in advance

Texas Kid


You just soak them in a light beach solution.
I use about 20% bleach solution, soak it overnight. Then rinse em by soaking them in some PH'd water (twice). Just to be sure. Never had a problem, no algae, fungus, mildew nada!
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Someone told me and I can't remember who, that you should just rinse them with hot-ish watter and make sure all the salt deposits are gone...If you use anything like bleach or Peroxide you are killing off the benefitial bacteria or something like that.

I am only on my second grow though. I cleaned my rocks with only water. If I get any infestations don't worry you'll all hear about it.


Maybe this is worthless, as I use lavarock. After my last taking of bud, I pull out the root mass as best I can, and mix up hydrogen peroxide, and water and let it cycle for a few days. I do change it a couple of times, but thats about it. Going on my third year now with same rock, 4 crops a year, well 3 if I get lazy.


I am making the move to lava rocks right now. I sure like using it over the Hydrotron. More porous, more air gaps, cheaper, and a larger media. On some of my clone I am doing a combo with the lava rocks on the bottom 3/4 of the bucket ant capping off with hydrotron.
The tender new roots get a little gentler treatment by the round smooth rocks of the hydrotron. then the roots grow into the lava rocks on their own. The lava is come real course jagged shit and I think it has a tendency to damage the young roots when transplanting from the aeorcloner to the pots.
The hydrotron buffer on top works great. I am using black lava also, so it is covered by the hydrotron from absorbing the direct light heat.

Thanks for the input.

I used a light bleach solution and hot water.I soaked and aggitated quite a bit to free all the crap from the rocks. Then did a long rinse/soak in hot water. Seems to have worked well. We will see

Tace care

Texas Kid




I do not recomend using bleach on your medium it is harmful to plant's!

I do use a light bleach inbetween grow's on my buckets but not my grow rock's. I place them into a big pot of boiling water and dish liquade soap and rince them off with cold water every once in awhile but grow rock's don't need alot of cleaning as long as you flush them every few weeks while in your system.

H2o2, dawn dish liquide soap and babby shampoo is a good choise too just make sure you wash everything with plain cold water several times befor you re-use them again!!


Re-using Hydrotron rocks

I've been using the stuff for along time now. All i do is rinse them in the hotest water that will come out of the sink and rinse them very good. After that i let them dry before storing in a 5 gal bucket. I've never had any problems with them.