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RE: 1 gram per watt

RE: 1 gram per watt

Is 1 gram per watt possible using soil????

1k Hps hortilux bulb

lots of venalation

Sensi-Star by paradise seeds

3 gallon bags filled with Sunshine mix plus added perlite.

Dutch Masters Ferts.....with Hygrozyme added every other watering.

What do u guys think??? Thanx.


ICMag Donor
i almost hit the mark with a just add water soil mix. i am sure this run will out perform the last.


If you love life, don't waste time. For time is wh
I assume that you aren't interested in the investment of CO2 and a good controller? (it's pays for itself in one run :D)

If not then the 1 / w is a tough order in soil IF you are growing this strain for the first time. Maybe by the third time you will have all the timing down. Select only the healthiest clones, top in veg but never within 2 weeks of flipping to 12 / 12. Have your nutes down pat. No nitrogen deficiency in early flowering. Thats a big one. If you miss that window you cant get it back later. u will just have premature yellowing through flower leading to less growth and possibly and earlier and lighter chop.

To give you the best chances i would suggest letting the strain go AT LEAST a week past the breeder recommendation. I always go 2 (sometimes 3).

Temps cool but not to much fluctuation (max / min & day / night)

and finally, IMO i would skip the grow bags bro and go for the smart pots. Grow bags often don't drain properly and create channels that water run out from. Once the soil drys it separates from the grow bag and leaves a big crevice right to the floor. With the smart pots you WILL have to water more often but that back and forth between drench and dry is a good thing that allows the plants to get water and oxygen more frequently (think hydro) while also requiring less time to flush. (example: Reg pots, 3 waterings = 3 weeks. Smart pots, 3 waterings = 1.5 weeks. Thats and extra 1.5 weeks of grow time :good:)

Btw, i'm not just talking shit (or bragging) but if you want to see it done just check my thread below. I am about to harvest 2 off of a 1000 horti (3rd grow with this bulb as well) 8 plants in 5 gallon smart pots in unamended fox farm ocean forest soil.

Good Luck Bro. If you post up a grow log lemme know. Tons of people around here could give you tips along the way to help you achieve your goal.

I'll second the ditch the grow bags, as well as the water running right out the side like was mentioned the roots grow into the flaps/folds at the bottom & always look like garbage there


Active member
yeah definitely possible.. like the others said.. switch out of those grow bags for sure.

and it also depends on your strain and amount of veg time you give them etc...


I have had that same issue with smart pots before when i first started using them. It seemed like they expanded/stretched over time and left a gap between the soil and the pot. It was an easy fix though, just took a little extra coco and shoved it down in the pot.


Heck head over the Vertical Grow section, their are guys their (not me yet) hitting 1.5gpw and MORE. Heath Robinson used to do 2.0 GPW all the time. We are doing it in soil but most of us (it seems) now have switched to CoCo, I know I have and in my next run I am shooting for 1.0 gpw with an ultimate goal of 1.5 GPW once I dial in ONE strain and get all the other factors i.e. proper lightage, environment, nutrient loads, ph, humidity and grow room design.

Good luck to you!

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