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Raygun's perpetrecircoco multi strain grow show


Active member
Hello :wave: Its been a while since I have done anything as far as grow shows but life has been life and the show grows on. Some of you may have seen my Bio-bucket cab grow which is how I used to grow. I have no complaints about the system and loved the performance of it. Only issue is I wanted to get some variety and so that meant more than 4 plants at one time and different harvest times so I'm off to grow in coco, on this wonderful coco grow show.

The grow specs:
-400W digi with HPS bulb (basic Phillips bulb from HD)
-256 Dayton
-DIY carbon filter
-DIY muffler
-DIY air cooled light
-3x2x6 cab (aprox size)

-Floranova/licious/plus, grow & bloom
-koolbloom powder
-liquid Karma
-well water/RO water .2 ec and 7.8 pH to start

-100% coco (bio bizz I believe, been recycled a few times now) UPDATE- now using botanicare coco bail old coco phased out of rotation and now awaits use in future potted house plants.
-5x5x5(6?) black square pots (some 6x6x9 white)
-2gph drip lines
-400(+/-?)GPH mag drive

Feed schedule:
-4 times per lights on for 2 min (this varies currently run times are 4mins, 2min,2min,2min)
-ec between 1.2 and 1.8
-pH ? pH pen tip broke UPDATE - got that fixed pH sits 5.8-6.2 I don't mind the fluxuation and neither do the plants so far.
-auto topper on rez which holds about 5 gal at one time
-Rez able to hold up to 15 gal currently keeping 5-6 gal.

I switched a little over a year ago and can not complain. It has its challenges but was an easy change from my bio-bucket system. I am still a couple of CFL's for supplemental blue on the veg side of the cab. I'm wanting to get a 150W CMH to throw in and get rid of the CFL's, we'll see when I can get around to that.
I will change out the rez completely about once every 2 months. Basically when I changed over from my bio-buckets I kept the same rez and pump configuration. I did put an air stone in the rez however as the pump is not on 24/7 circulating the water. The change every 2 months was about what I would do before as it was always done with the flush of the harvest and between grows. It works for me now and so no need to change it. I think the auto topper helps out tremendously.
(edit: I have recently been changing every month as the plants are using more water and nutes as i get it dialed in so the add back of twice the water to the main rez is happening quicker. I also removed the air stone and installed a small external fish filter with just a foam filter pad, no carbon at all, to keep the res cleaner/filtered and some what recirculating.)

I will typically harvest 2-3 plants every 15-25 days and can keep up to 12 plants at a time all depending on flowering time of the plants. Here we are at day 43. This is just one of the gals. The cab is really full and I did not do much training as I wanted to see the growth structure.

This is my favorite of one of the varieties I have going right now. :rasta: It's a Sourbubble back cross of my own design. I think I will be harvesting in about 12-14 days

Safe growing every one!
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Sweet. I'll be watching this for sure. I'm helping a friend set up something similar to what you've described in his closet.
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Lookin good man, do you have mums for these strains so that you can continue to study their performance or are you just popping seeds every time you load more in? How long do you have them vegging for?


Active member
bud_me said:
Lookin good man, do you have mums for these strains so that you can continue to study their performance or are you just popping seeds every time you load more in? How long do you have them vegging for?

I took clones of all the seeds I've poped for moms or future grows untill after I've smoked the product then I'll cull. There are some that I know I'll cull just by the growth pattern unless the smoke is so killer it has to stay. I'm looking for short growth that works great in a cabinet.
This is the keeper pheno that I am looking for as I continue my project. Untoped, it streched, at the most, 2 times and is super dense and as you can see frosty as a snowman.

My project got interupted due to a move but I'm back in action.
While I'm on the hunt I'll pop some new beans every month or so and keep the rotation going. When I find one that I want to repeat I'll throw a few of those clones in and run them.
In a perfect world I'll veg the seeds anywhere from 4-6 weeks or to about 6-8 in tall, then bend the top over and let it grow a few more inches before I top and use the top for a clone. UPDATE {I now pinch the top of a seed plant after the 4-5th node or it has 2-3 strong nodal branches going. This causes 2-4+ main branches for flowering and I can trim off the sucker branches and smaller/lower nodal branches for clones upon flip to flower. I also will not transplant out of the 16oz party cup untill sex is known to limit waste of coco and time transplanting males that will eventually be culled. If I decide its a keeper male based on intal growth and want to have flowered it will be left in the cup.} This run I was in a hurry so I did not let the sourbubble veg very long nore did I top. Clones will grow to 6-8 inches in veg depending on variety. I have limited height in my cab, about 3 total feet for flowering.

Right now I have three of my sourbubble back cross fron seed in flower and four of what I'm calling shooting star its mostly comprised of Genius, C-99, and Kali Mist.

The Sourbubble was out crossed to a Petrol male and back crossed to my original mother (an orignial BOG Bx1). I still have the F1 outcross seeds, some F2's and some Bx1's. Since I lost the mother I can not back cross any further so I will be using what I have to search for what I want. A short dense knock out indica

Here is what the mother looked like, the purple comes from a long flush and cooler night temps.

Above and below is what it looks like when you scrog/top/FIM/train her at day 55

Below is what it could do if you lollipoped her.

She was very versitile and such a bummer to lose so the hunt is on.

The Shooting Star I'm trying to keep a short mostly sativa fruity strain that makes my head float. The mother of the seeds was a heavy tangerine smelling and tasting Apollos Mist F2 I made. It had large buds that looked similar to this.

The fathers were a couple of tropical smelling stout early flowering guys from Wallys Grapefruit x C99.
I'm selecting the shortest and most fruity smelling females to continue with. Currently I have 2 short phenos and 2 taller phenos in flower for females. One of the taller phenos smells heavily of fruity pebbles/flintstone vitamins. {UPDATE: well since smoking and growing out a healthy selection of these seeds and finding 2 keepers so far I have to revise my statement. In the clone form I have yet to worry about stretch or height issues so far and the 2 that I have kept have been the most tangerine flinstone vitamin smelling gal and a shinner that is covered in trichs and crazy vigor. So I'm still looking for that citrus/orange smell but since height has not been an issue It will be all about yeild and frost. They have all been good but some just significantly outshine the others. So far 1 in ~5 females have been the exceptional plant with a new batch of 4 showing a very heavy yeilder early on compaired to its siblings.} I'm selecting the males to move forwards mainly based on the zig zag growth patter associated with Genius and earliest flowering. {UPDATE: This is completely changed to finding that smell. You can smell it in veg on the females. Oddly on a side note I have had a high % of females to males and wonder if Wally using Female seeds Grapefruit has anything to do with it or if I've just been lucky. 2/3 fem 1/3 male on average}

I'll try to get picts of the rest of the cab later.
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Active member
Your plants look nice and healthy, raygun! I'll be sure to pull up a front row seat to watch this. I'm planning to E&F in square pots like yours and see if I can grow single cola plants in a SOG, just like I'm doing now in plastic soda bottles. How tight are you packing the pots in your cab? I have 30 bottles in five sq ft and can probably fit the same number of square 5.5" pots.


Active member
Thanks for stoppin by Pete!
I only have 7 girls in there right now, with room for only 1 more. I am restricted by my drain table that i am using. Its the bottom of an old large rubbermaid tub that I used to use for my rez. It works great for my flood table but it is about 8"x6" smaller than mygrow space floor.
Once I make a new drain table I theoretically should be able to fit about 25 5.5" square pots if they went wall to wall. By the math you should be able to get 20 5.5" square pots in your space assuming it is aprox. a 2.5'X2' grow space.
However I think that the cab woudl get way to crowded and I don't want to deal with those #'s. At most I think that I would cram 12 plants in there with 4 rows of 3 plants and harvest 3 plants every 2 weeks and hopefully getting 1.5 OZ in dry product. Thats what I would have to produce to equil the minimum production I would get from my bio buckets as those would give me at least 6 Oz every harvest (60 days).
All this is based on running tried and true genetics from clone and right now I am still seed popin.

I am really excited about this one its so frosty white and dense. I can not wait untill I can smoke it. :joint:

Thanks for stoppin by


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Meet the family

Meet the family

Well here are some other picts of the others in my cab.

First up is a group shot of the shooting star. After doing some family history on the parents of this cross on here I came to this conclusion; its primarily compiled of: a couple of Haze's including Silver Haze, NL#5 and SK#1. Along wiht a couple of others and quite a few generations down the line. These should be special.

Sorry for the pict. I could not remove the gals for the pict.

There are 4 of them in there, with 2 of them having very little stretch. Actually just slightly more than my SBBX did. The other 2 were like 3 times. The citrus/tangerine/fruit fragrance came through on 2 of them heavily. The other 2 have a much fainter yet indistinct smell.
All are already really crystally with some of the fan leaves even getting frosty! :jump:

Up next is one of the other SourBubble backcross (SBBX).

This one has more branches and grows more like some of the bubblegums I've seen. Its buds are dense yet spongy and it is starting to get a slight sweet smell... At least I thought I smelt a sweetness from her yesterday. :joint:
I think this will be harvested around day 65. Time will tell.

Here is the 3rd SBBX and another pheno.

This one is interesting. I have had this pheno before and it was a favorite of ours. The bud forms dense like indica buds but they cluster/grow like sativa buds. I'll try to get some better picts of it. The last time it showed up it smelled like heather/lavender flowers after a slight cure.

Here is my veg/clone box.

Its got the next cycle, 5 more SBBX, and clones from what is flowering plus one male from the shooting star.

I'll leave ya with a full shot of the Sourbubble Pheno day 52 day 3 of the flush. I think I'll let this one go to at least 55-60 days. I would wait longer but I'm in need soon.

Hope you all enjoy.
Safe Growing
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Active member
Here is some more of the sourbubble pheno day 52 with a 3 day flush.

And this is one of the up an comming seedlings that looks very promissing


Thanks for stopping by
Safe Growing


Active member
Harvest time!

Harvest time!

Ok so the picts suck as my battery was dying...but you get the point.
This is just the center cola. Its dense and heavy for its size. Its also fairly frosty. I probably could have let it go for a few more days but I was in need.
I'll get some more picts along the way.

Safe Growing everyone


hey man, great pics, looks good.

was just wondering, im thinking about making a drip system for some simple coco pots. i was thinking a simple pump to a timer, and a large central hose from the pump, in which i insert nips connected to smaller hoses to each plant.

how does your drip thingy work? if you have a pic of it maybe somewhere, ill check in on your thread man. peace


Active member



nice pix, raygun!! :jump:

i love the rainbow of bud in this thread!!


Active member
Ok so we have some more updates. Things are looking good. I accidentially pollinated all of the shooting star instead of just the bottom buds as planned so while I am excited still about them it will not be a sensi crop so I am not :jump: for joy. However some F'2s will be good for the future, I am really liking these plants. One pheno inparticular which I'll talk about later.. on with the show.

This is the SBBX sourbubble pheno that I harvested. I left one bud on to ripen further. This is 60 days I belive +1-2 days

SBBX bubblegum pheno:
This one has that powdery bubblegum smell and the top nug swelled up and got extremly dense. :jump:
Picts are not that great

Here is the SBBX SourD pheno.
This is the one I said that had buds dense like indicas but growing like a sativa. I think it's leaning towards the Petrol/SourD side and would be a great SOG plant with large fat dense colas. I do only have a couple of photos but will get more before the chop.

Here are some of the Shooting Stars
These have such a fruity, over ripe fruit even smell. I wish these could be scratch and sniff for sure.

Ok I'll be back with more soon.
Safe growing
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Active member
So what do you think?

So what do you think?

Hello again every one :wave:

I hope every one is ready for Christmas. This winter storm has us snowed in so we are staying cozy with a fire and some good home grown.

SBBX sourbubble pheno dry:

I figured I'd show a few picts of the cab and its parts in case any one was interested:

Electrical, its not tidy but works and has for over 4 years. It allows for lots of flexibility as I have re-arranged my cab many, many times over the years.

Digital timer for water pump, heavy duty timer for lights, over-sized power cords and power strip used to bring in electrical and distribute.

400w digi (future bright) no issues, rf or otherwise, in over 2 years. Its the blue thing in the pict. This also shows my PC power supply to run the 5 PC fans I have running through out my cab.

Here is the DIY inline PC fan i use to cool my light. Its a 6" 100+CFM server pc fan that I cut out of its plastic square and mounted in side of a 6">4" reducer. Then took another 6">4" and put them together like this
4"<6"(fan)6">4" It works good for keeping the 400 cool enough.

Here is my DIY carbon filter, you can also see the DIY inline fan and part of the DIY silencer

DIY silencer and 265 (256?) CFM dayton blower I use to suck air through the carbon filter and push through the silencer and out the top of my cab. Also all of the above are tucked together at the top of the cab. Looking at it from this pict it goes silencer fan then DIY inline and at the back the filter. Its a tight squeeze and I still need to upgrade my dayton to a 6" vortex or similar and use a speed controller.

I just like this shot I think its kinda artsy, my DIY cool tube glass broke in my last move and I have yet to replace it so in the mean time I rigged this little contraption up to mainly block the light from my eyes when in the cab and to reflect a little of that vertical shooting light back down. Its just aluminum tape on the underside and white duct tape on top and the screen is the plastic coated mesh screen you can get at any home improvement store.

I know a lot of people have wondered how to keep there cab doors shut tight and this is how I do it. A sliding bolt lock at the top and bottom to secure one of the doors.

To keep the other door closed and to light proof what I have done is; on that same door that has the bolt locks, when I cut the white laminate board to line the cab with just made the the one for that door about 1.5"-2" wider. So when you shut the doors, you shut sliding bolt lock door you have a lip that the other door can close against.

On the other door, the last one you shut, I have installed a simple cabinet lock and when the doors are shut and locked and the light proofing installed correctly it works like a charm. I've had it like this for many years and only thing I have needed to do along the way is adjust the doors and light proofing whenever I moved the cab to a different location.

Here is my drip system, super simple just a black poly tube with "T" barbs punctured in so they form an "L" and then the drippers. I have more than I need so if a plant seems that it needs more water I just add a dripper to it.
I can now adjust the watering not only with the timer settings but also with # of drippers/plant

I'll leave ya with a couple shots of the cab. On the far right is the remaining 2 SBBX's, in the middle are the 4 Shooting Stars and the one on the far left is the one bud I left on the other SBBX I already harvested shown dry above.

Safe growing
~raygun~ "wave:


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Hey ray. i was wondering if i could see a full cab shot.

and were do you keep you res for your drip system.

Beautiful SourB its my favorite plant right now. just wish i keep males to back it up.



Active member
smoke1sun said:
Hey ray. i was wondering if i could see a full cab shot.

and were do you keep you res for your drip system.

Beautiful SourB its my favorite plant right now. just wish i keep males to back it up.


The res set up is the same as in the pict that I used for my Bio-buckets. I got a bulk head from a fish store and have an auto topper hooked up to it.

I basically switched out the buckets for coco and left the res and pump set up the same.

I don't have a full cab shot and can't really get one what were you wondering about?


Active member
Ok I hope all of you had a wonderful Holiday.
I harvested the other two SBBX's that I had and they are dry now. I did not get any picts of the plants prior to the chop, which I should have, but oh well life goes on.

First up is the Bubblegum Pheno:
this one has a faint smell of bubble gum but it grew more like most bubble gums' that I have seen. The smoke has a faint smell of my SB mother when it was burning. The smoke is thick and smooth and no real distint flavor other than weed. The high sits between my face and chest if that means anything to you.
When I smoke I find that the stone effects my body like a sliding scale. From spinning the top of my skull all the way down to cement boots on my feet.
I guess it is more of an upitty head stone as it does not make me couch locked but is not motivating for sure....

Next up is the Petrol (Sour D) pheno:
This one smells like the Petrols did, very chemicalish like paint thinner or model glue. Its very pungent and a formitable sent. It had cola growth like the SD but caylix stacked and bud packed like the S.bubble. The stone is similar to the bubblegum pheno more heady than body both give me and my lady major munchies.

I put 4 more in to flower of the SBBX one being very indica the other 3 more hybrid like. Will get picts as soon as they confirm sex. Oh and let me tell you those Shooting Stars are looking great in the frost and smell department. I however accidentally pollinated the whole bunch and so that cause them to not focus on bud but seed production. So it will be a small seeded harvest for samples but I am going to get the clones of the better performing phenos out of that grow back in there for a full blown sensi run. I'll get picts of the buds as soon as I can.

Hope yall have a happy new year!

Safe Growing


Active member


Ok so I hope that I can do this right...

Here are some updates on my grow. I had some pH issues which were fun to deal with but all in all things are growing well.

First up is my SBBX1 #7. Its super dense and finished fast. Could be taken at 45 days from clone I am suspecting but I am cutting off one branch at a time from 50, 55 & 60 days. I did cut off some sample buds from around day 42 and it was stony then.

I was concerned about the size and the apperant lack of vigor or fast growth but the clones seem to have taken off so I am hoping that it was some funkey thing going on due to the pH issues.

On with the show.
So these are all from day 51 and the day I cut branch one.

Here are some dry shots of the branch I cut.

The smoke is smooth and actually cerebrial for what appears to be a very indica plant. It however is also a heavy stone and will remind you it is an indica. It hits me in my head first and then settles in my body. It made me wait a few before going in public because I was quite stoned and needed to actually interact with people...I don't think that I will get to cure any of this plant as it was the only plant that was ready for harvest and the only herb I have.

I will be adding this gal to the collection for future pollination. I'm hoping to gather 4-6 gals and hopefully 2-4 males for the next cross and really focus on these more indica based plants.

Stay tuned for some more picts.


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the rest of the crew

the rest of the crew

Ok so here is what the garden is up to.

Here is the whole cab from the front. That pH issue caused them to not stretch at all, which was not a bad thing just these are the smallest plants I have grown in years if ever... However they all have from 6-9+ main braches with nice est. ~3+/-gram dry buds on each branch. I am hoping for atleast 1OZ per plant so I don't think that I will be too far off.

This is the left side and the furthest along in flowering. The 3 to the far left are all SBBX's from seed and put in to flower on 12/26

Here is the right side you can see the 2 SBBX #11 clones I have going. I did not let this one veg long enough after pinching some tops which hindered its stretch but keeps them in line with the rest of the cab.

Just another shot looking across from the upper left corner.

The last pict is of the branching on the SBBX #11 clones
The Sativa looking one is a Shooting Star #3 clone. I don't think that I will be keeping this one moving forwards. Not that its bad just that there are others that are better and I have more seeds to sprout and gems to find.

I'm finally on my rotation of adding new plants every 20-30 days and just added a Shooting star #20 and SS #? (I'm hoping/thinking it is #17) that has 2 clones in one pot.

I am also in the middle of installing a new drain table in my cab this will allow me to add one more row in flowering to allow 4-5 rows instead of 3-4 rows.
This will allow me to add 2-4 new plants every 15 days +/-. I am really stoked about it and will have it installed latter today.

Well I hope you enjoy. I will have more to up date now that the system is fully loaded and cycled.

Safe growing