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Rate your New Year's Eve Hangover

Rate your New Year's Eve Hangover

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all i can say is that as much as i like drinking, i dont miss hangovers
My girl, my 2 buddies and I. Slammed a fifth of Jack with some Red Stripes, played some board games, smoked spliffs, ripped my new roor, then when the new year came in popped some champagne and blew off bottle rockets! Good night! my hangover isnt too bad


lots of wine and cocaine last night...and the other other white meat.. i feel surprisingly good this morning though


Lots of beer and A 1/4 of Lemon Skunk,feel like a sack of smashed buttholes...I will survive!



New member
it feels like there is a little man in my head beating my brain with a hammer. Nothing a big breakfast and lots of gatorade cant fix.


Active member
turns out Evil Dave had given me 80 mg xoy.

sounds like a friend to keep around to me.

drank too much lucid stuff (absyinth knock off). went to sleep fine, but woke up at about 4am vomiting and ive felt like shit since. I dont usually drink either. Bad move.
my new years turned out pretty shitty , me and my friends left everything to the last minute thinking we would just go bar hoppin. First place we go to everyone is dressed up in suits and all the girls dressed in black dresses were like wtf apparently it was some special private event , next bar we go to is closed , next one we walk in and the bouncers tell us private party. b4 this i had about a half a 40oz of rum but still all the walkin n bs sobered me up so i feel pretty good this morning.

even though it was a crappy new year still better than last year , last year i ended up in the drunk tank. And right now im enjoying some sour diesel from a local dispensary here in canada. anyways happy new years


Freedom Fighter
My wife had to work til midnight, so I went to a club with a bunch of friends...drunk when I got there, obliterated when I left!!
My wife picked me up on the way home from work (No recollection of that)...and I woke up still slightly drunk, but no hangover--:friends:


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Totally wasted..

Puked twice..burnt my hand..not sure how probably in the sauna. Terrible terrible hangover...i remember nothing..can't even type normally my hand hurts like shit.


The adventure of Lola & Evil Dave.... here's what happened.

I was drinking a few beers, out with Evil Dave. I asked Dave for an aspirin, trying to ward off a potential hangover.

Dave handed me an aspirin, and I swallowed it down, not even looking.

About 20 minutes later, the room started spinnin' & I knew that wasn't an aspirin... turns out Evil Dave had given me 80 mg xoy.

Gee thanks Evil Dave.

I made him take me home, and puked on his shoes when we we at the front door. 24 hours later, and finally feeling better. Turns out it was time released.

Don't go out with Evil Dave girls.

Sounds like evil Dave needs a :bashhead: 80mg and you were drinking! that's tough stuff Lola, very dangerous.

I had some edibles and lots of smoke just woke up feeling fine, I gave up drinking a couple years ago when I got my mmj recommendation.

Happy New Year


Paced myself pretty well last night, no hard alcohol. Only a little dry mouth and headache when I woke up this morning.


Active member
i drank almost everyday of 2009, so i told myself to start 2010 without alcohol.

i had a shot of hennessey because i was with 15 people and they had 4 5ths of heem. i love heem so i had to take a swig for the crew. last night was cool, we had lots of friends, girls, a nice view on Bernal Heights in SF for the fireworks and a posh ass place for the afterparty.

Other than the shot of Henn i smoked 3 blunts of platinum OG, and 2 blunts of brainwreck. Then drove home back at 530 in the AM. No pussy but i got a nice kiss from the girlie.